Department and Fee Existing Fee Proposed Fee
Plot Staking                           -   $25.00
Monument Staking                           -   $15.00
Regular Plot Fee for Residents $500.00 $750.00
Regular Plot Fee for Non-Residents $1,000.00 $1,500.00
Cremation Plot Fee for Residents $250.00 $350.00
Cremation Plot Fee for Non-Residents $500.00 $700.00
Lane Closure Permit Issuance Fee                           -   $100.00
Lane Closure Inspection Fee per Working Day                           -   $50.00
Street Closure Permit Issuance Fee                           -   $150.00
Street Closure Inspection Fee per Working Day                           -   $50.00
Traffic Impact Analysis Exemption    
Residential with less than 10 lots                           -   $100.00
Residential with more than 10 lots                           -   $200.00
Commercial and Other Types                           -   $350.00
Driveway Permits Re-inspection Fees                           -   $50.00
GIS Products    
Street Maps $10.00 $20.00
Zoning Maps $10.00 $20.00
Specialty Maps $35.00 $50.00
Aerial Photos $10.00 $25.00
GIS CD Data $10.00 $20.00
Address Change Request                           -   $50.00
Monthly Parking Space Rental $80.00 $85.00
Special Event Parking                           -   $30.00 per hour
    3 hour minimum
    for each monitor
Dumpster Storage Administrative Fee                           -   $10.00
Lost Ticket Administrative Fee                           -   $20.00
Building Permit Fees  
Cost of Construction  
$100 - $1,000 $25.00 $28.00
$1,001 - $5,000 $40.00 $45.00
$5,001 - $10,000 $55.00 $61.00
$10,001 - $20,000 $75.00 $84.00
$20,001 - $50,000 $6.00/$1,000 $7.00/$1,000
$50,001 - $500,000 $300 plus $2.50 per $1,000 over $50,001 $350 plus $2.53 per $1,000 over $50,001
$500,001 and up $1,425 plus $1.25 per $1,000 over $500,001 $1,489 plus $1.35 per $1,000 over $500,001
Miscellaneous Permit Fees    
Swimming Pools - Inside Town Limits $40.00 $45.00
Swimming Pools - Outside Town Limits $60.00 $67.00
First Sign $25.00 $28.00
Each Additional Sign $10.00 $11.00
Mobile Home - Inside Town Limits $40.00 $45.00
Mobile Home - Outside Town Limits $60.00 $67.00
Construction Trailers - Inside Town Limits $40.00 $45.00
Construction Trailers - Outside Town Limits $60.00 $67.00
Insulation - Inside Town Limits $40.00 $45.00
Insulation  - Outside Town Limits $50.00 $56.00
Change of Contractor                           -   $90.00
Change of Occupancy                           -   $150.00
Temporary Certificate of Occupancy                           -   $65.00
Occupancy Reposting (new placard)                           -   $65.00
Day Care Facilities Inspection                           -   $240.00
Demolition Permit                           -   $65.00
Stocking Permit                           -   $40.00
Plan Review  
4,000 - 15,000 square feet                           -   $150.00
15,001 - 40,000 square feet                           -   $500.00
40,001 square feet and greater                           -   $1,200.00
Electrical Permit Fees    
Single Meter 100 amp - Inside Town Limits $50.00 $56.00
Single Meter 100 amp - Outside Town Limits $80.00 $86.00
Single Meter 125 amp - Inside Town Limits $55.00 $61.00
Single Meter 125 amp - Outside Town Limits $85.00 $91.00
Single Meter 150 amp - Inside Town Limits $60.00 $67.00
Single Meter 150 amp - Outside Town Limits $90.00 $97.00
Single Meter 200 amp - Inside Town Limits $65.00 $72.00
Single Meter 200 amp - Outside Town Limits $95.00 $102.00
Single Meter 400 amp - Inside Town Limits $70.00 $78.00
Single Meter 400 amp - Outside Town Limits $100.00 $108.00
Single Meter 600 amp - Inside Town Limits $80.00 $89.00
Single Meter 600 amp - Outside Town Limits $110.00 $119.00
Single Meter 800 amp - Inside Town Limits $90.00 $100.00
Single Meter 800 amp - Outside Town Limits $120.00 $130.00
Single Meter 1,000 amp - Inside Town Limits $100.00 $112.00
Single Meter 1,000 amp - Outside Town Limits $130.00 $142.00
Change Service - Inside Town Limits $25.00 $28.00
Change Service - Outside Town Limits $40.00 $45.00
Mobile Homes - Inside Town Limits $25.00 $28.00
Mobile Homes - Outside Town Limits $40.00 $45.00
Construction Trailers - Inside Town Limits $25.00 $28.00
Construction Trailers - Outside Town Limits $40.00 $45.00
Additions and Alterations  
First Ten Fixtures $30.00 $34.00
Each Additional Fixture $3.00 $3.50
Mechanical  Permit Fees (per unit)    
Electric Furnace - Inside Town Limits $25.00 $28.00
Electric Furnace - Outside Town Limits $50.00 $56.00
Gas Furnace - Inside Town Limits $25.00 $28.00
Gas Furnace - Outside Town Limits $50.00 $56.00
Heat Pump - Inside Town Limits $25.00 $56.00
Heat Pump - Outside Town Limits $50.00 $112.00
Gas Pack - Inside Town Limits $25.00 $56.00
Gas Pack - Outside Town Limits $50.00 $112.00
Chiller - Inside Town Limits $25.00 $28.00
Chiller - Outside Town Limits $50.00 $56.00
Air Conditioning - Inside Town Limits $25.00 $28.00
Air Conditioning - Outside Town Limits $50.00 $56.00
Plumbing Permit Fees    
Per Fixture - Inside Town Limits $6.00 $7.00
Per Fixture - Outside Town Limits $7.00 $8.00
Minimum Charge - Inside Town Limits $30.00 $35.00
Minimum Charge - Outside Town Limits $35.00 $40.00
Sewer Connection - Inside Town Limits $30.00 $34.00
Sewer Connection - Outside Town Limits $30.00 $39.00
Non-Resident Fees (per year) $50.00 $60.00
Parks and Recreation    
Gymnasium - Single Admission Fee  
Age 18 years and younger - Non-Resident $1.00 $2.00
Age 19 and older - Resident $1.00 $2.00
Age 19 and older - Non-Resident $2.00 $3.00
Skate Park    
Per Visit - Resident N/A $4.00
Per Visit - Non-Resident N/A $5.00
6 Month Pass  
Preschooler - Resident $15.00 $16.00
Preschooler - Non-Resident $53.00 $50.00
Youth - Resident $62.00 $68.00
Youth - Non-Resident $110.00 $105.00
Adult  - Resident $102.00 $110.00
Adult  - Non-Resident $143.00 $135.00
Family - Resident $130.00 $210.00
Family - Non-Resident $328.00 $310.00
3 Month Pass  
Preschooler - Resident $7.00 $10.00
Youth - Resident $48.00 $45.00
Youth - Non-Resident $62.00 $65.00
Adult  - Resident $90.00 $70.00
Adult  - Non-Resident $107.00 $85.00
Family - Resident $180.00 $130.00
Family - Non-Resident $257.00 $250.00
Additional Family Member - Resident $30.00 $25.00
Athletic Playing Fields    
Daytime Reservations $15.00/hour $20.00/hour
Evening Reservations $30.00/hour $40.00/hour
Gymnasium Rental $30.00/hour $50.00/hour
Type of Application/Permit  
Board of Adjustment  
Variance $330.00 $500.00
Appeal $220.00 $300.00
Special Use Permit    
Extraction of Earth Products, Landfill $5,000  + $20/acre $6,500  + $25/acre
Cemetery $5,000  + $20/acre $6,500  + $25/acre
Park/Ride Terminal $5,000  + $20/acre $6,500  + $25/acre
Radio/TV Transmitting/Receiving Facility $5,000.00 $6,500.00
All Other $5,000 + $20 per 100 sq.ft $6,500 + $25 per 100 sq.ft
Special Use Modifications    
Extension or Renewal $675.00 $1,000.00
All Other $5,000 + $20 per 100 sq.ft $6,500 + $25 per 100 sq.ft
All Master Land Use Plans $5,000 + $20 per 100 sq.ft $6,500 + $25 per 100 sq.ft
Zoning Map and Text Amendments $800  + $40/acre $1,000  + $50/acre
Preliminary Plat $5,000 + $200/lot $6,500 + $250/lot
Minor Subdivision $630 + $40/lot $800 + $50/lot
Final Plat $270 + $40/lot $500 + $50/lot
Re-approval $550.00 $750.00
Recombination Plat or Exempt Plat $100.00 $200.00
Office Institutional - 4  
Development Plan $1,150 + $60/acre $5,000 + $100/acre
Site Development Permit $3,600.00 $4,000.00
Historic District Commission  
Certificate of Appropriateness                           -   $300.00
Community Design Commission  
Building Elevators $100.00 $300.00
Lighting Plan $50.00 $300.00
Alternative Buffer $50.00 $300.00
Site Plan Review $1,700 + $17 per100 sq.ft $2,500 + $25 per100 sq.ft
Zoning Compliance Permit    
Staff Review/ Administrative Approval $125.00 $200.00
"Express" Staff Review/ Approval $50.00 $100.00
Home Occupation $50.00 $100.00
Sign Plan Review    
Individual Sign $50.00 $150.00     
Unified Sign Plan $125.00 $250.00
Individual Sign compliant with Unified Plan $25.00 $100.00
Exceptions to Front Yard Parking                           -   $100.00
Letter Concerning Compliance with Zoning                           -   $50.00
Maximum Application Fee $60,000.00 $75,000.00
Public Works    
Compactor Service  
High Volume $1,200.00 $1,500.00
Medium Volume $600.00 $750.00
Low Volume $225.00 $280.00
Portable Container Rental    
Weekday $15.00 $20.00
Weekend $15.00 $25.00
Garbage - Basic Service    
One Time per Week  
2 yard $320.00 $352.00
4 yard $480.00 $528.00
6 yard $641.00 $705.00
8 yard $801.00 $881.00
Two Times per Week  
2 yard $642.00 $706.00
4 yard $801.00 $881.00
6 yard $961.00 $1,057.00
8 yard $1,121.00 $1,233.00
Three Times per Week  
2 yard $960.00 $1,056.00
4 yard $1,105.00 $1,215.00
6 yard $1,266.00 $1,393.00
8 yard $1,426.00 $1,569.00
Four Times per Week  
2 yard $1,602.00 $1,762.00
4 yard $1,762.00 $1,938.00
6 yard $1,923.00 $2,115.00
8 yard $2,083.00 $2,291.00
Five Times per Week  
2 yard $2,003.00 $2,203.00
4 yard $2,163.00 $2,379.00
6 yard $2,323.00 $2,555.00
8 yard $2,483.00 $2,731.00
Extra Lift    
2 yard $20.00 $22.00
4 yard $25.00 $27.00
6 yard $30.00 $33.00
8 yard $35.00 $38.00
Residential Commercial Service    
Up to 7 Containers One Time per Week                           -   $250.00
Each Additional Container                           -   $36.00
No exempt properties for garbage services; all fees are standard basic service charges.
No charge for basic service of apartments or multi-family.
Bus Card Advertising Rates - Monthly Rate  
Full Showing (83 Buses)  
1 - 5 Months $91.00 $136.00
6 - 12 Months $86.50 $129.00
12 Months + $82.00 $123.00
Bulkhead Cards 1 - 2 Months $140.00 $210.00
Half Showing (40 Buses)  
1 - 5 Months $61.00 $91.00
6 - 12 Months $58.00 $86.00
12 Months + $55.00 $82.00