TO:                  Mayor and Town Council


FROM:            W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager


SUBJECT:       Consideration of 2005-2020 Capital Improvements Program


DATE:             June 27, 2005



Attached is a resolution that would adopt the 2005-2020 Capital Improvements Program as a component of the 2005-06 Town Budget, including a capital allocation of $1,176,000 for fiscal year 2005-06, as previously discussed by the Council.  This allocation is included in the Budget Ordinance recommended in Agenda Item #6b.




The 2005-2020 Capital Improvements Program is a plan for addressing the Town’s capital facilities needs over the next 15 years based on priorities and anticipated availability of funding. The program also lists needs for which funding has not been identified.


The development of the Capital Improvements Program was based on information from a variety of sources, including the August 2000 Facilities Condition Assessment, special studies, and the Comprehensive Plan, as well as feedback from the Council, citizens, department heads and staff.


Over the 15-year scope, the Program emphasizes maintenance projects at Town facilities, with the goal of addressing problems as they arise in order to avoid more costly repairs in the future. The 2000 Facility Condition Assessment served as the basis for scheduling many of the maintenance-related projects, including anticipated needs, throughout the 15-year period covered by the Capital Improvements Program.


The Capital Improvements Program is based on expected transfers from the General Fund, proceeds from the 2003 bond issues, Stormwater Utility Funds and other funding sources, such as the Community Development Block Grant program, Capital Fund Program (Housing), the Library Gift Fund, the Parking Fund, Surface Transportation Program-Direct Allocation funds, and the Transportation Capital Reserve Fund.




The development of the 2005-2020 Capital Improvements Program proposal began in December 2004, with submissions of funding requests from various Town departments.  Key dates in the process include:


§                  On January 26, 2004, the Council held its first public hearing on the budget and capital program needs, receiving comments from the public and representatives from Town advisory boards.

§                  On March 23, 2005, the Council received the Manager’s Preliminary Report on the 2005-2020 Capital Improvements Program. The capital budget included $290,000 in contractual obligations and $1.455 million for additional capital needs.  The $1.745 million budget was based on the capital program budget projection in the adopted 2004-05 Budget. Council members requested a follow-up report prioritizing the projects in the preliminary 2005-06 Capital Improvements Fund budget.

§                  On April 27, 2005, the Council received a budget working paper prioritizing the capital projects included in the $1.745 million capital program budget. The rankings emphasized repairs to Town facilities, including buildings, greenways and parking lots.

§                  On May 9, 2005, the Council received the Recommended Capital Improvements Program as part of the Manager’s Recommended Budget. The recommended capital program eliminated a $65,000 building condition assessment that was included in the Preliminary Capital Improvements Program, reducing the total additions to $1.39 million.

§                  On May 12, 2005, the Council decided to reduce the Capital Improvements Program additions by $504,000 from $1,390,000 to $886,000, by eliminating funds for the air conditioning system in the Town Hall ($280,000) and for the first payment on renovation work at the Estes Community Center ($224,000).

§                  On May 18, 2005, the Council held a public hearing to receive citizen comments on the Recommended Capital Improvements Program and received written advisory board comments.




The 2005-2020 Capital Improvements Program includes:


§                  A Capital Improvements budget for fiscal year 2005-2006 as outlined in the attached resolution, and projected expenditures for future years through 2019-20 (please see Table 1, attached).

§                  Schedules for projects to be funded with sources other than the capital fund, including State Transportation-Direct Allocation funding, Federal Community Development Block Grant funding, the 2003 Bonds and Stormwater Management Funds (see Manager’s Recommended Budget 2005-2006, May 9, 2005, Tables 2 to 4, pp. 246-251).




§                  For fiscal year 2005-2006, the capital improvements fund budget totals $1,176,000, including annual installment debt payments for five completed capital renovation projects. The total includes $60,000 from cell tower lease revenues.

§                  Funding proposed for capital improvements fund projects over the 15-year period amounts to more than $25 million.

§                  Reappropriation of unspent funds to 2005-06 is anticipated to total approximately $213,000.

§                  Financing is in place for several major ongoing capital projects including the new Town Operations Center, the Aquatics Center and Southern Community Park.

§                  Funding is provided for emergency generators to be installed at Town Hall and the Police Department, providing power to the facilities during power outage emergencies.

§                  The capital budget will continue to provide funding for emergency repairs to Town facilities, repairs to Town parks, and modifications to sidewalks to achieve compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.

§                  Other capital projects include replacement of the Town Hall telephone system, repairs to greenway trails and parking lots, and capital maintenance projects at several Town buildings including the Library; $90,000 is provided for the local match required for the upgrade to the Town’s traffic signal system.




We recommend that the Council approve the recommended 15-year Capital Improvements Program, as shown in the Manager’s Recommended 2005-06 Budget submitted to the Council on May 9, 2005, and as revised in the attached Table 1, and adopt the attached resolution approving the 2005-2006 capital improvements fund amounts for new appropriations.




  1. Table 1: Recommended 2005-06 Capital Improvements Fund Projects (Revised) (p. 5).

A Resolution Approving The 2005-2020 Capital Improvements Program (2005-06-27/R-17)


BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill that the Council hereby approves the 2005-2020 Capital Improvements Program as described in the Manager’s Recommended Budget submitted to the Council on May 9, 2005 and revised for 2005-06 as described in the Manager’s June 27, 2005 memorandum to the Council, with the following projects to be funded by the $1,176,000 allocated for the capital improvements fund in the Operating Budget ordinance for 2005-2006:


Project                                                                                                            Appropriation:


Roof Replacements Town Hall, Fire Stations #2 and #3                                                37,000

Police Department Generator                                                                                       225,000

Town Hall Generator                                                                                                    70,000

Extraordinary Maintenance, Emergency Repairs                                                            76,000

Fire Station # 2 Capital Maintenance                                                                              75,000

Parks and Recreation Administration Capital Maintenance                                             30,000

IFC Shelter – Exterior Capital Repairs: Installment Debt Payments                                57,000

Museum Roof: Capital Repairs – Installment Debt Payments                                             8,000

Curb Cut Improvements - ADA Compliance                                                                  25,000

Capital Repairs - Parking Lots/Bike and Pedestrian Paths/Greenway Trails                     40,000

Small Park Improvements                                                                                             50,000

Traffic Signal System Upgrade (Town share)                                                                  90,000

Replacement of Town Hall Telephone System                                                             100,000

Hargraves Center/A.D. Clark Pool  Capital Repairs                                                    157,000

Tennis & Basketball Court Capital Repair Installment Payments                                     31,000

Cemetery Beautification                                                                                                20,000

Greenways                                                                                                                   35,000

Library Capital Maintenance                                                                                         50,000

TOTAL                                                                                                                 $1,176,000


 This the 27th day of June, 2005.