TO: W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager
FROM: Stormwater Master Plan Consultant Selection Panel
Phil Berke, Stormwater Advisory Board
Pat Hughes, Stormwater Advisory Board
Gordon Sutherland, Planning Department
George Small, Engineering Director
Fred Royal, Engineering Department (Stormwater)
Trish D’Arconte, Engineering Department (Stormwater)
Sue Burke, Engineering Department (Stormwater)
SUBJECT: Stormwater Management Master Plan Consultant Recommendation
DATE: September 7, 2005
A selection panel comprised of two members of the Stormwater Management Advisory Board and five Town staff members representing the Engineering and Planning Departments interviewed the following firms that submitted qualification statements for providing consulting services to the Town associated with the development of a Stormwater Management Master Plan:
1. AMEC Earth and Environmental, Inc. teamed with HDR Engineering, Inc.
2. Carter Burgess teamed with Carolina Ecosystems, Inc.; Limno-Tech, Inc.; and PROS Consulting, LLC
3. W. K. Dickson & Co., Inc.
4. The Rose Group, Inc. teamed with Tetra Tech, Inc.; Clarion Associates LLC; and USInfrastructure of Carolina, Inc.
5. Jewell Engineering Consultants, PC
Following thorough review of submittals, evaluation of interviews and completion of reference checks, the selection panel recommends the following consulting firms, in order of preference, for consideration to assist the Town in developing a Stormwater Management Master Plan: 1) Jewell Engineering Consultants; 2) The Rose Group; and 3) AMEC Earth and Environmental.
cc: Stormwater Management Utility Advisory Board