Memorandum of Understanding


                           Triangle Seamless Public Transportation Service




Consistent with the Memorandum of Understanding for Triangle Seamless Public Transportation Service agreed to by the cities of Durham and Raleigh and the Triangle Transit Authority, the towns of Cary and Chapel Hill hereby express their intent to being a part of this regional public transportation effort.          


On behalf of the towns of Cary and Chapel Hill and in accordance with the policy direction provided by these governing bodies, we the undersigned support the development of a seamless transit service in the Triangle region and hereby direct staff to cooperate and coordinate their efforts and resources according to the Work Plan.  Governing body action will be required to provide any additional financial resources and other area public transportation systems will be encouraged to become part of the Triangle Seamless Public Transportation Service.   



Town of Cary                                                Town of Chapel Hill



Mayor                                                            Mayor



Town Manager                                              Town Manager























Work Plan


Triangle Seamless Public Transportation Service


Activity 1: Undertake Regional Marketing Activities


Participating systems and staff:

City of Durham: to be determined

City of Raleigh: Erin Ganley

Triangle Transit Authority: Garold Smith *

Triangle J Council of Governments: Sanford Cross

Others to be determined

(* denotes lead agency/staff person)

Note: Need to identify specific roles and responsibilities for each participating system/staff person.



   ♦ develop and undertake internal and external communication activities

   ♦ develop unified system of graphics color schemes that would retain an identification

      of the local systems

   ♦ develop regional identify or “brand” for seamless service, image and route numbering

       schemes (in conjunction with planning staff)

   ♦ develop logo for regional seamless service that either incorporates or is compatible

       with local systems’ logos 

   ♦ develop marketing strategy and plan for seamless service brand, regional pass,

      seamless bus and paratransit services, etc.

   ♦ develop and oversee production and printing of seamless service map, schedules

      and other print materials

   ♦ update systems’ websites for consistency  

   ♦ plan and negotiate service promotions and advertising


Outcome: identity for seamless service, regional marketing strategy, plan, system map,

                 schedules and other printed materials


Timetable/completion date: August 2005 – May 2006/June 1, 2006


Activity 2: Prepare Triangle Seamless Service Bus Plan


Participating systems and staff:

City of Durham: Pierre Owusu

City of Raleigh: to be determined

Triangle Transit Authority: Patrick McDonough and John Tallmadge

Triangle J Council of Governments: Sanford Cross*

Others to be determined

(* denotes lead agency/staff person)

Note: Need to identify specific roles and responsibilities for each participating system/staff person.





  ♦ assess systems’ existing services

  ♦ identify service changes/improvements through better coordination of route coverage

     and trip timing

  ♦ define interagency process for reviewing service changes

  ♦ develop uniform route numbering system (in conjunction with marketing staff)

  ♦ develop and implement regional pass, joint transfer and fare policies


Outcome: seamless service plan that includes specific service improvements,

                uniform route number system, joint transfer and fare policies and regional pass 


Timetable/completion date: August 2005 – May 2006/June 1, 2006


Activity 3: Develop Regional Customer Service Program


Participating systems and staff:

City of Durham: Jan Jenkins

City of Raleigh: Scott McClellan

Triangle Transit Authority: Brian Fahey *

Triangle J Council of Governments: Sanford Cross

Others to be determined

(* denotes lead agency/staff person)

Note: Need to identify specific roles and responsibilities for each participating system/staff person.



   ♦ develop comprehensive region- wide customer service manual

   ♦ develop uniform customer service training

   ♦ provide staff with region- wide knowledge of services

   ♦ centralize telephone information center

   ♦ upgrade telephone system 

   ♦ coordinate storefront or other sales operations


Outcome: region- wide customer service manual, uniform training, centralized

                 information center with upgraded phone system 


Timetable/completion date: August 2005– February 2006/March 1, 2006


Activity 4: Develop Triangle Seamless Service Paratransit Program


Participating systems and staff:

City of Durham: Steve Mancuso *

City of Raleigh: Richard Vinson

Triangle Transit Authority: Tonya Dupree

Triangle J Council of Governments: Sanford Cross

Others to be determined

(* denotes lead agency/staff person)

Note: Need to identify specific roles and responsibilities for each participating system/staff person.


  ♦ identify staff person to become familiar with the various eligibility policies

  ♦ develop interagency usage policies including no-show, cancellation, reservation and

     pick- up window 

  ♦ develop uniform client eligibility standards

  ♦ enter into inter-local agreements for centralizing client eligibility determination  

  ♦ centralize trip requests and trip segment responsibility

  ♦ develop procedure for scheduling and providing local and regional trips

  ♦ enter into inter- local agreements for providing regional trips  


Outcome: seamless paratransit service that includes single point of contact for

                determining eligibility and making trip reservations, uniform standards and 

                 inter – local agreements for regional trips


Timetable/completion date: August 2005 – February 2006/March 1, 2006


Activity 5: Centralize Capital Procurements (buses, signs, shelters, etc.)


Participating systems and staff:

City of Durham: Harriet Lyons

City of Raleigh: Mike Kennon

Triangle Transit Authority: Todd Horsley * and Laurie Barrett

Triangle J Council of Governments: Sanford Cross

Others to be determined

(* denotes lead agency/staff person)

Note: Need to identify specific roles and responsibilities for each participating system/staff person.



  ♦ review 5 year plans and identify capital items to be procured  

  ♦ prepare specifications and issue bid

  ♦ selected vendor and enter into contract 

Note: Participating systems and staff will review 5 year plans and identify capital items to be procured.  Additional staff will be identified, as needed, to complete other tasks. 


Outcome: more cost effective procurements and consistency with capital items


Timetable/completion date: to be determined for each procurement


Activity 6: Regionalize Installation and Maintenance of Bus Stops, Signs

                  and Shelters


Participating systems and staff:

City of Durham: Cha’ssem Anderson

City of Raleigh: Scott McClellan *

Triangle Transit Authority: Ramond Robinson

Triangle J Council of Governments: Sanford Cross

Others to be determined

(* denotes lead agency/staff person)

Note: Need to identify specific roles and responsibilities for each participating system/staff person.



  ♦ identify number, locations and condition of bus stop, signs and shelters

  ♦ develop uniform polices and procedures for bus stops, signs and shelters

  ♦ enter into inter – local agreement for installation and maintenance of bus stop, signs

     and shelters

  ♦ prepare and issue bid for maintenance services

  ♦ select contractor and enter into agreement for installation and maintenance services    

  ♦ determine interest in converting or replacing stops and signs with unified system of



Outcome:  uniform polices and procedures, inter- local agreements for maintaining stops,

                 signs and shelters, executed contract for services   


Timetable/completion date: August 2005 – May 2006/June 1, 2006


Activity 7: Centralize Specialized Maintenance Services (fare box,

                  electronic sign, paint and body shop, major engine and

                  transmission rebuilds, etc.)


Participating systems and staff:

City of Durham: Steve Mancuso *

City of Raleigh: Greg Barowski

Triangle Transit Authority: Laurie Barrett and Ed Evans

Triangle J Council of Governments: Sanford Cross

Others to be determined

(* denotes lead agency/staff person)

Note: Need to identify specific roles and responsibilities for each participating system/staff person.



  ♦ determine specialized maintenance services to be regionalized and location 

  ♦ enter into inter – local agreement for specialized maintenance service

Note: Participating systems and staff will determine specialized maintenance services to be regionalized and location.  Additional staff will be identified, as needed, to complete other tasks. 


Outcome: more cost effective specialized maintenance service 


Timetable/completion date: to be determined for each maintenance service


Activity 8: Implement Regional Information Technology Plan


Participating systems and staff:

City of Durham: Pierre Owusu

City of Raleigh: Mike Kennon

Triangle Transit Authority: Brian Blater

Triangle J Council of Governments: Sanford Cross

NCSU- Institute for Transportation Research and Education: Debbie Collins * 

Others to be determined

(* denotes lead agency/staff person)

Note: Need to identify specific roles and responsibilities for each participating system/staff person.



  ♦ identify application of current technologies

  ♦ determine need for additional technologies

  ♦ develop plan for procuring and installing additional technologies


Outcome: to be determined for each technology  


Timetable/completion date: to be determined for each technology 




Information included in the Triangle Region Transit Consolidation/Implementation Plan completed by AECOM CONSULT on August 1, 2003, was used to prepare this list of activities and tasks. 


Participating systems and staff identified for each activity will review and revise tasks and adjust timetables/completion dates as necessary.