TO:                  Mayor and Town Council


FROM:            W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager


SUBJECT:      Residential Appointment to the Streetscape Master Plan Review Committee


DATE:            September 26, 2005





Adoption of the attached Resolution would authorize the Town Manager to advertise for a volunteer to represent residents of the downtown area on the Streetscape Master Plan Review Committee.




On June 27, 2005, the Council authorized establishment of a Streetscape Master Plan Review Committee to examine the 1993 Downtown Streetscape Master plan and make recommendations for revisions or additions that reflect changed downtown conditions since the Master Plan was originally adopted. The review committee was also specifically asked to recommend implementation strategies for Rosemary Street.


The Council directed that the review process include at least one public forum and that the review committee include members from each of the following Town advisory groups: Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board, Community Design Commission, Planning Board, Public Arts Commission, and the Transportation Board. The Manager was also directed to involve the Downtown Economic Development Corporation (Chapel Hill Downtown Partnership) and the Downtown Business Alliance in the review process. In July, the groups to be represented were asked to appoint members to serve on the Streetscape Master Plan Review Committee.


On September 12, the Town Council received a petition from the Planning Board recommending that downtown residential representation be included on the Streetscape Master Plan Review Committee. The petition was referred to the Town Manager.




Opportunities for citizens to sit on Town advisory boards are advertised by the Town Clerk in the newspaper, on the Town’s website, and on the government access cable television channel. The Clerk also distributes an e-mail to interested citizens with updates including open positions on advisory boards.  At this time, most of the members of the Streetscape Master Plan Review Committee have been selected by their respective boards.  Public Works staff are in the process of soliciting these members to select semimonthly meeting dates beginning in October. We recommend that the work of the Committee commence while the Town recruits a residential member.




We recommend that the Council adopt the attached Resolution authorizing the Town Manager to advertise for a volunteer to represent residents of the downtown area on the Streetscape Master Plan Review Committee.




  1. August 2, 2005 Planning Board Petition (p. 4).


A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MANAGER TO ADVERTISE FOR A volunteer to represent residents of the downtown area on the Streetscape Master Plan Review Committee (2005-09-26/R-13)


WHEREAS, the Town Council has authorized establishment of a Streetscape Master Plan Review Committee; and


WHEREAS, the Planning Board submitted a petition to the Town Council to recommend including downtown residential representation on the Streetscape Master Plan Review Committee; and


WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Town Council to include input from all interested citizens, including those who reside downtown;


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill that the Council authorizes the Town Manager to advertise for a volunteer to represent residents of the downtown area on the Streetscape Master Plan Review Committee.


This the 26th day of September, 2005.