AGENDA #3 a(4)

From: David Hill [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Monday, September 05,2005 4:37 PM

To: Town Council

Cc: Kumar Neppalli

Subject: Petition for Additional Stop Signs and Pavement Marking

The Honorable Mayor Foy and Members of the Chapel Hill Town Council:

First, let me thank you for your assistance in providing Town resources to conduct a traffic safety study in Meadowmont. Mr. Neppalli of the Traffic Engineering Department has been most helpful in preparing for the study, and we hope to have it in place in the near future.

The Meadowmont Community Association Board of Directors, in cooperation with a resident Health and Safety Committee, has also been working on a Comprehensive Traffic Safety Plan which will address a number of safety issues in the Meadowmont Community. The first draft of this plan is attached for your perusal. It is important to note that there is an internal community-wide effort to deal with traffic safety issues, as well as our appeals to the Town Council for assistance in keeping our children, residents, and visitors save.

This request seeks your assistance with two particularly hazardous intersections in Meadowmont.

1.. Faison and Pinehurst Roads -This intersection is on a major route to Rashkis Elementary School and to Meadowmont Village used by residents passing through The Oaks. Also, many Meadowmont children on Faison and Pinehurst cross this intersection as they walk to school. The problem is compounded by the fact that visibility from the intersection north on Pinehurst is extremely poor because of the curve in the road. In addition, parking near this intersection makes it virtually impossible to see cars coming from the Oaks. This combination of heavy traffic, numerous young children, and poor visibility lends itself to a potentially serious accident. We respectfully request that you consider the following corrective actions:

1.. Installation of a 25 mile speed limit sign close to the entrance to Meadowmont from the oaks.

2.. Making the intersection of Faison and Pinehurst a 4-way stop instead of the current 2-way stop, with appropriate "Prepare to Stop" signs placed on Pinehurst at a logical distance from the new 4-way stop.

3.. Street markings at the intersection indicating that no parking is permitted close to the intersection.

2.. Old Barn and Sprunt Street -This area is often congested because it is the only entrance to the Meadowmont Swim Club and there is a playground near-by. There are currently two stop signs here -one installed by the Town on Sprunt Street and the second installed by the Swim Club at the exit to the club. There is no stop sign on Old Barn where pedestrians often cross to get to the playground and the pool. Please consider the following:

1.. Installation of a third stop sign on Old Barn Lane.