This update is provided as a clarification for circumstances and/or recommendations that have since the Original Staff Report (Attachment 2) was composed and reviewed by Advisory Boards, with detailed discussion below. Changes are also noted in the respective sections of the original Staff Report to correspond to discussions in this update. We believe that the applicant is in agreement with each of the recommended changes, except where noted.
Ordinance Requirements
Housing Floor Area Restrictions: The developer initially offered to provide a payment-in-lieu of affordable housing instead of complying with the floor area restrictions. We understand the applicant is now proposing to meet the Town’s housing floor area restrictions by providing two lots with units contains no more than 1,350 square feet of floor area each. Please refer to the Key Issues section of the cover memorandum for additional information.
Transportation Issues
Access and Circulation: In light of the fact that a portion of the Amesbury Drive right-of-way is currently obstructed by an existing fence across the roadway, a stipulation has been added to Resolution A stating that the proposed subdivision road shall connect to the existing Amesbury Drive.
The applicant is proposing a sidewalk on the east side of the Amesbury Drive extension We believe that a redesign of the roadway may provide adequate space within the existing right-of-way for the sidewalk to be located on the west side of Amesbury Drive. We recommend that the applicant install a handicap ramp at the north end of the existing Amesbury Drive sidewalk and at the south end of the proposed sidewalk.
We believe that the proposed road stub-out for Bradley Green is in general alignment with the stub-out road shown on the Sunrise Road Habitat for Humanity Concept Plan and recommend that the location for this road stub-out along the north property line be adjusted during final plan review for Bradley Green, if the Town Manager determines an adjustment would provide better access to the adjoining property.
A citizen expressed a concern that the plans submitted by the applicant appear to locate a portion of the applicant’s internal roadway on adjacent property that is not owned by the applicant. In light of the expressed concern, Resolution A includes a stipulation requiring any necessary off-site easement or right-of-way dedications.
Neither Ginger Road nor the proposed internal subdivision roads are located within Town Limits. We recommend that Ginger Road and the proposed extension of Amesbury Drive be maintained by either the Bradley Green Homeowners Association or the North Carolina Department of Transportation.
Traffic Impacts: During the Planning Board review, a citizen expressed a concern with the current traffic conditions in the Chandler’s Green subdivision. The applicant has committed to installing a traffic calming device at the intersection of Amesbury Drive and Ginger Road.
Please refer to the Recommendation section of the cover memorandum for additional information on the above transportation issues.
Recreation Issues
Recreation Requirements: The applicant has modified the original proposal to remove approximately 22,477 square feet of open space initially proposed adjacent to lot 8.