Work Sheet for Review of Concept Plans


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Area for Review


Comments on Proposed Concept



Comprehensive Plan:  Review how this property is designated on Chapel Hill’s Land Use Plan.  Note designations of surrounding areas.




Review Current Zoning:  Check zoning designation for subject property;  note what uses are permitted, at what intensities.




Existing Conditions: Review the following:


Topography of site

Steep slopes

Drainage patterns

Stream corridors and RCD

Patterns of Vegetation

Significant stands of trees

Existing structures or improvements




Transportation Systems:  Review existing and proposed systems:


Surrounding street network

Key nearby intersections

Possible points of access to site

Bicycle and pedestrian systems in the area

Access to existing transit routes


Review possibilities for connections to all these systems




Work Sheet for Review of Concept Plans


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Area for Review



Comments on Proposed Concept



Utilities:  Review locations of existing water, sewer, natural gas and electric lines that will need to be extended to serve the site, and the routes for such extension;  consider how extensions to subject site might help bring service to nearby areas.




Constraints Particular to Subject Property:  Review constraints presented by existing easements, utility lines, natural features.





Development Program:  Consider the applicant’s proposed development program:


Uses proposed

Intensity and density proposed

Identification of development areas Identification of preservation areas

Points of access for vehicular movements

Review bicycle, pedestrian movements

Access to public transportation

General stormwater management strategies





General:  Overall comments about Concept Plan:  Key positive areas, key areas needing further attention.