From:                           Monica Evans [[email protected]]

Sent:                            Wednesday, October 05, 2005 10:26 AM

To:                               [email protected]; [email protected];[email protected]; [email protected]; Amy Harvey; Sabrina Oliver

Cc:                               Donna Baker

Subject:                       Transfer of Development Rights Taskforce


The Board of County Commissioners has created a new taskforce called the Transfer of Development Rights Taskforce.  This taskforce will evaluate the feasibility of establishing a TDR program in all or portions of the county.  The taskforce will address:  Sustainably balancing rural and urban areas, directing growth and development away from important natural and cultural resources and toward areas with municipal service potential and able to support urban densities, providing working farms with an alternative income potential, and developing policies to accommodate the sending and receiving areas of housing density and economic development to be added to the Comprehensive Plan.  The County has hired a consultant to help in this endeavor.


The BOCC is requesting that your municipality appoint a member of your elected board to serve on this taskforce.  Please submit all information to Monica Evans, Assistant to the Clerk.  I can be reached at 245-2125 and [email protected]


Thank you,




Monica C. Evans

Assistant to the Clerk

Board of County Commissioners

P.O. Box 8181

Hillsborough, NC 27278

919-245-2125 (phone)

919-644-0246 (fax)

[email protected]