TO:                  Mayor and Town Council

FROM :           W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager

SUBJECT:      Response to a Petition Requesting a Mid-Block Crosswalk on East Franklin Street between Estes Drive and Elliott Road


DATE:                        November 9, 2005



The following report responds to a petition submitted by Ms. Valerie Bateman requesting installation of a mid-block crosswalk on East Franklin Street between Estes Drive and Elliott Road.  Please see the area map provided in Attachment 1.


The State approved installation of a high visibility mid-block crosswalk on this section of East Franklin Street, but noted that the Town would be responsible for funding the design and construction of the crosswalk.  We will report back to the Council for authorization to proceed once the project design is approved by the State and a cost estimate is prepared including recommended funding source(s) for the Council’s consideration.  No action by the Council is required at this time.



At its September 12, 2005 meeting, the Town Council received an oral petition from Ms. Valerie Bateman, 209 Ridgecrest Drive, requesting a mid-block crosswalk on East Franklin Street between Estes Drive and Elliott Road. Ms. Bateman stated the following reasons to justify the requested mid-block crosswalk:

The Council referred Ms. Bateman’s petition to the Manager for a response and asked that we include the possibility of a pedestrian refuge island in the investigation.

East Franklin Street between Estes Drive and Elliott Road is approximately one-half mile in length and maintained by the State. It is a five-lane cross section with curb and gutter and sidewalks on both sides.  The posted speed limit is 35 mph.  Several apartment complexes and office buildings are located on both sides of East Franklin Street in this area.  Several Chapel Hill Transit routes use this section of East Franklin Street, and bus stops exist on both sides.

Town and State staff met onsite and observed field conditions.  A significant number of pedestrians were observed crossing East Franklin Street in both directions going to and from bus stops, apartments and offices.  Pedestrian traffic was particularly heavy in the vicinity of Couch Road.

As a result of the field observations, the State asked that we consider changing the bus routes to reduce the number of pedestrians needing to cross East Franklin Street between Estes Drive and Elliott Road.  We consulted with the Transportation Department staff, and determined that it is not feasible to change the bus routes now using this section of East Franklin Street and still provide adequate transit service to the area.

With this information, the State agreed that a high visibility mid-block crosswalk with a refuge island could provide a reasonable alternative to facilitate pedestrian crossings on East Franklin Street in the vicinity of Couch Road.   We were also advised that no State funding is available for this project now or in the foreseeable future.  A copy of an e-mail response from the State is provided in Attachment 2.

NEXT STEPS: Staff from the Engineering and Planning Departments will work with State staff to develop an acceptable design for a mid-block crosswalk with pedestrian refuge island for installation on East Franklin Street.  In designing the crosswalk, we will consider information included in the NC 86/Airport Road Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety and Mobility Study. We will provide the design details to the appropriate Town advisory boards for their review and comments.

We think that 2003 Sidewalk and Street Bond funds allocated for pedestrian and bicycle safety improvements could be used for construction of this mid-block crosswalk.



Unless otherwise directed by the Council, Town staff will proceed with project design and preparation of a project cost estimate.  We will report back to the Council this winter with estimated project costs and funding recommendations.  Subject to the Council’s authorization, we would proceed with construction in the spring of 2006.



  1. Area Map (p. 3) and Photo (p. 4).
  2. E-mail Letter from the State (p. 5).