Additional Questions


Additional questions raised at the September 19 Public Hearing in regard to emissions:


1.     What is the current annual weight of coal burned at the UNC Cogeneration Facility? Please give the amount per year over the past 5 years.


Applicant Response:  The coal consumption for the past five full years and the current year to date is shown below. These weights fluctuate with weather and increase with campus growth.” Please refer to the attached letter from a University representative.


Cogeneration Plant Coal Consumption per Year


Tons of Coal












(as of 9/05)  88,901

Average/Yr. (2000-2004)



Comment: According to the applicant, from the year 2000 through 2004 the Cogeneration Facility consumed an average of 111,632 tons of coal per year. The annual variation in consumption during this period ranges from to 89% to 112% of the average.


2.      What is the projected incremental change in annual weight of coal burned, from the proposed plant upgrade?


Applicant Response:  “We are proposing no changes to the Cogen facility that increase the coal burning capacity of the plant. Any increase in coal consumption beyond the amounts shown in answer 1 is due to fluctuations in the weather (hot or cold) or campus growth.”


3.     Please provide a copy of the air emissions inventory required by the NC Division of Air Quality for the most recent year it is available.


Applicant Response:  “See the attached Cogeneration Facility 2004 Air Emissions Inventory.” Please refer to the attached letter from a University representative.


Comment: The Cogeneration Facility 2004 Air Emissions Inventory is provided as Attachment 3.


4.    What is the projected incremental change in emissions (for each constituent pollutant), with the proposed plant upgrade?


Applicant Response:  “The proposed equipment changes have no effect on the coal burning capacity of the plant. Any increase in coal consumption beyond the amounts shown in answer 1 is due to fluctuations in the weather (hot or cold) or campus growth.” Please refer to the attached letter from a University representative.


Comment: The Cogeneration Facility 2004 Air Emissions Inventory is provided as Attachment 3.


5.  Please provide an inventory of “greenhouse gases” (such as CO2, Methane, N2O, Tetraflouromethane, Sulfur Hexaflouride, etc.) for the most recent year it is available.


Applicant Response:  “There is no inventory of these greenhouse gases currently available; these greenhouse gasses are not currently regulated under the Clean Air Act. CO2, Methane and N2O can be estimated based on the volume of coal consumed. By producing combined heat and power, the Cogeneration facility produces approximately half the greenhouse gasses that would be emitted if the same energy were obtained from a coal fired electric generating utility. Tetraflouromethane and Sulfur Hexaflouride are not known to be associated with coal burning facilities; they are typically associated with industrial processes.” Please refer to the attached letter from a University representative.


Comment: Please refer to the attached Cogeneration Facility 2004 Air Emission Inventory (Attachment 3).


6.     How would approval of the proposed UNC Cogeneration Facility Special Use Permit Modification effect the Town’s Carbon Reduction Goals as regards its participation in the Community Carbon Reduction Project with the Carolina Environmental Program of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill?


Comment: We believe that it may be premature to assess how a particular emission source may effect the Town’s carbon reduction goals as the goals have yet to be developed. The Town Council adopted a Resolution on September 12 to participate in the Carbon Reduction Program with the Carolina Environmental Program and to draft a joint Memorandum of Agreement with the Town of Carrboro and Orange County to proceed with a Countywide Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Plan. A follow-up report by the Town Manager is expected in the spring of 2006 that will include a recommendation for coordinating the Carbon Reduction Project. The Cogeneration Facility is subject to State and Federal Air Quality Standards.


7.   Can the University publish the annual Cogeneration Facility Air Emissions Inventory in local newspapers?


Comment: We believe that it may not be reasonable for the University to publish the annual Cogeneration Facility Air Emissions Inventory in local newspapers because of the large size of the document (Attachment 3). The University has volunteered to post the annual Cogeneration Facility Air Emissions Inventory on the University of North Carolina Energy Services website, noted on its main page (currently at, retain inventories of prior years on the website, and provide each years annual inventory to the Town on electronic media, such as a CD. We believe that posting the document on the University’s website and providing a copy for Town files would be appropriate. A stipulation to this effect is included in the Manager’s Revised Recommendation, Resolution A.