TO: Chapel Hill Town Council
FROM: Kevin Foy, Mayor
SUBJECT: US 15-501 Transit Alignment
DATE: November 21, 2005
At the October 12, 2005 Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Transportation Advisory Committee meeting, the Committee endorsed the request from the City of Durham and Durham County to revise the adopted US 15-501 Fixed Guideway Transit alignment in southwest Durham County.
On September 12, 2005, the Council adopted a resolution providing the Transportation Advisory Committee with recommendations on the proposed realignment. That resolution included a request that the Triangle Transit Authority complete an evaluation of the proposed realignment to review the engineering, cost and ridership impacts.
It is my understanding that this evaluation has not been completed. I expect that the Town will be asked to approve a Memorandum of Agreement, which includes an endorsement of the revised transit corridor in southwest Durham County. I request that the Council approve the attached resolution requesting the Triangle Transit Authority to prepare an assessment of the proposed realignment. I believe this information will be useful in the Council’s consideration of the proposed Memorandum of Agreement.