BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill that the Council hereby adopts the following minutes, resolutions and ordinances as submitted by the Town Manager in regard to the following:
a. |
Minutes of November 8, 15, 22, and 23, and December 6, 1999. |
b. |
Resolution setting schedule for appointments to Town advisory boards and commissions (R-2). |
c. |
Ordinance amending Chapel Hill Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control regulations (O-1). |
d. |
Resolutions of intent to consider annexing two areas and calling two public hearings (R-3) and (R-4). |
e. |
Budget amendment concerning payment-in-lieu for sidewalk improvements at Columbia Place (O-2). |
f. |
Resolution amending Council’s meeting calendar (R-5). |
g. |
Response to petition regarding the F bus route (R-6). |
h. |
Calling a public hearing on the preliminary assessment roll for street improvements on Sugarberry Road (R-7). |
i. |
Response to petition regarding maps prepared for Triangle Land Conservancy (R-8). |
j. |
Response to petition regarding expedited review of Delta Kappa Epsilon House Special Use Permit (R-9). |
k. |
Disposition of surplus property (R-10). |
l. |
Proposed revision to policy for the disposition of surplus property valued at less than $500 (R-11). |
m. |
Temporary closing of Gimghoul Road and Glandon Drive for the Chapel Hill Garden Club Spring Tour on April 8-9, 2000 (R-12). |
n. |
Bid for installation of compressed natural gas refueling equipment (R-13). |
o. |
Renewal of lease for the Old Municipal Building (R-14). |
p. |
Authorization for Historic District Preservation Grant application (R-15). |
q. |
Authorization to use Town funds for appraisal of Hazel Craige property (R-16). |
r. |
Interim report from ad hoc Committee on Merritt Pasture (Council Member Bateman) (R-17). |
s. |
Request for appointment of Mayor as liaison to the Triangle Transit Authority (R-18). |
This the 10th day of January, 2000.