Calvin Horton, Town Manager
86 Landscape Improvements
DATE: January
24, 2000
Adoption of the attached resolution would authorize the Town Manager to utilize $50,000 in the Town’s available fund balance for landscape improvements to the recently completed NC Highway 86 road widening project and instruct the Town Manager to propose a maintenance plan for these improvements during upcoming budget deliberations.
The $50,000 requested from the Town’s fund balance is to match an equal amount contributed by the North Carolina Department of Transportation from their discretionary district enhancement fund. This total of $100,000 would be combined with $50,000 from the NCDOT construction project budget for a total of $150,000 to be used for landscaping the section of Highway 86 from Homestead Road to Eubanks Road. NCDOT’s contribution of $50,000 in enhancement funds is contingent upon the Town’s equal participation. This report proposes that the Council authorize the Town Manager to utilize $50,000 in the Town’s available fund balance so that landscape design work can be started now, in preparation for a Fall 2000 landscape installation. This report also proposes that the Town Manager provide a maintenance plan for these improvements during upcoming budget deliberations.
The section of Highway 86 proposed for landscaping is approximately 1.5 miles in length, extending from Eubanks Road to Homestead Road. The I-40 interchange was landscaped in the early 1990’s. Public Works Staff has initiated discussions with NCDOT regarding a future cooperative effort to replace and supplement interchange landscaping affected by the recent widening project.
The North Carolina Department of Transportation budget for landscaping new road construction in an urban area typically is three-fourths of one percent of the original total estimated construction cost. According to the NCDOT formula, $50,000 is the amount allocated for landscaping the improved portion of NC 86. Last year, an additional $50,000 of NCDOT enhancement funds was earmarked for the NC 86 widening (Attachment 1). This allocation by NCDOT is contingent upon the Town’s commitment to contribute $50,000 to match the enhancement fund money. The resulting total available for landscaping would be $150,000. In December, Public Works staff had an initial meeting with NCDOT staff and discussed a preliminary design using a $150,000 budget. Attachment #2 is a synopsis of that meeting.
The $50,000 in funding requested for supplemental landscaping had been proposed for Capital Improvement Project funding during previous budget deliberations but specific funding allocations were not made. The operating costs associated with maintenance of landscape improvements to NC 86 have also been discussed in these budget deliberations.
The cost of the project includes the purchase and installation of plant materials by a private contractor and a plant replacement warranty for a one-year establishment period following installation. As was the case when supplemental landscaping was installed along Fordham Boulevard in 1995, NCDOT will require that the Town take over maintenance of the newly landscaped areas. As discussed with the Council on previous occasions, our experience is that Town maintenance is the only way to provide a level of service and frequency of mowing the community expects along primary entranceways. Accordingly, the Town Public Works Staff has begun the right-of-way mowing along the recently completed section and will take over maintenance of the new plantings following the one-year establishment period.
Maintenance Costs:
As part of the upcoming budget review process, Town staff would request additional resources specifically for long-term maintenance of the proposed landscape improvements to NC 86. We believe that approximately 2000 man-hours will be needed per year for litter collection, mowing, pruning, and general upkeep of 1.5-mile section of NC 86. This estimate is based on our experience maintaining a 4.5-mile section of similar improvements along Fordham Boulevard. When the Town took over maintenance of Fordham Boulevard in the mid 1990’s, we estimated that approximately 6000 man-hours, or the equivalent of three full-time positions, would be needed to provide an acceptable level of maintenance service. The methodology used in this estimate was based on a Maryland Department of Transportation Study of roadside maintenance needs for varying levels of landscape improvements. We believe that this methodology provided reasonable estimates of labor resource needs, and note that the 6000 man-hours anticipated for Fordham Boulevard is close to, but somewhat less, than the actual resources we are currently providing.
During upcoming budget deliberations we anticipate requesting one-full time groundskeeper position, at a cost of approximately $27,500, to provide the labor resources described above. Some additional resources for equipment and supplies would also be detailed at that time.
Preliminary Design:
The preliminary landscape design is intended to
balance perimeter and median plantings. From south of Eubanks Road to the
intersection of Homestead Road, perimeter plantings are proposed in the
right-of-way, where utilities and sight distances will allow. This portion of the roadside landscape
would be characterized by a combination of medium to large evergreen shrubs and
deciduous shade trees. Bus stops would be enhanced with shrubs, flowering
trees, and shade trees. Most intersections would be accented with flowering
trees and evergreen shrubs.
The median would contain mostly small flowering
trees accented with some evergreens. At one location, the median is wide enough
that NCDOT planting regulations permit the installation of large shade trees.
Between Weaver Dairy Road and Westminster Drive, approximately 15 large shade
trees are proposed in the median. In limited locations, daylily beds are
proposed to enhance the ends of medians at intersections and in areas across
from bus stops.
NCDOT is scheduling the project for planting this fall. The landscape design is expected to be finalized in the spring pending approval of Town funds as proposed in this report. The contract and bid documents could then be prepared in July and bids could be solicited in August. Following this schedule, the contract could be awarded by early September and the plantings installed soon thereafter.
We recommend that the Council adopt the attached resolution authorizing the Town Manager to utilize $50,000 in the Town’s available fund balance for landscape improvements to a 1.5-mile section of NC Highway 86, and instructing the Town Manager to propose a plan to maintain those improvements for these improvements during upcoming budget deliberations.
1. Letter dated June 8, 1999 from J. Douglas Gaylon to Mayor Rosemary Waldorf (p. 5)
2. Letter dated December 16, 1999 from J.M. Mills to Emily Cameron (p. 6)
BALANCE for landscape improvements to the recently completed NC Highway 86 road
widening project between Homestead Road and Eubanks Road AND INSTRUCTING THE
WHEREAS, NC Highway 86 serves as the “northern gateway,” the main route into Chapel Hill from the north; and
WHEREAS, it is reasonable and appropriate to address aesthetic as well as functional aspects of the roadside landscape; and
WHEREAS, in 1988 the Town Council adopted a master landscape plan for its entranceway corridors that encourages funding of landscape improvements along major entranceways; and
WHEREAS, $50,000 is available in the Town’s fund balance; and
WHEREAS, a commitment by the Town to supplement the NCDOT landscape budget by $50,000 is needed to assure a matching NCDOT contribution of $50,000;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Town
of Chapel Hill that the Council authorizes the Town Manager to utilize $50,000
in the Town’s available fund balance for landscape improvements to the recently
completed NC Highway 86 road widening project and instructs the Town Manager to
propose a maintenance plan for these improvements during upcoming budget
This the 24th day of January, 2000.