TO:                  Mayor and Town Council


FROM:            W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager


SUBJECT:       Interim Report on Pedestrian Crossing Improvements on Willow Drive


DATE:             February 14, 2000



The following is a report regarding a petition for pedestrian crossing improvements on Willow Drive near the Willow Terrace Condominiums’ office. (Please refer to the attached Vicinity Map.)




During the January 19, 2000 public hearing on the proposed University Mall expansion plans, the Council received a verbal petition from residents of Willow Terrace Condominiums to address concerns regarding the pedestrian crossing near the Condominiums’ office.  Residents believe that improvements should be made at the existing crossing to address pedestrian safety concerns.


There is a marked mid-block pedestrian crossing located near the office for the Willow Terrace Condominiums, which has standard crosswalk pavement markings and advance warning signs to advise drivers of the crossing.  There are adequate lines of sight for drivers and pedestrians.  Vehicle traffic flow on Willow Drive is such that there are sufficient gaps that permit pedestrians to periodically cross Willow Drive.


The existing crosswalk is in accordance with current traffic engineering standards.  However, at specific places, the standards do provide alternatives, which can be applied at this location.  To increase driver awareness of this crossing, we suggest changing the background color of the advance warning signs from yellow to a high-intensity yellow-green color.  We estimate that the new signs would cost approximately $350.  We also suggest adding 12” wide longitudinal pavement markings to the crosswalk for added visibility.  The pavement markings and sign installations can be completed with Town resources, when weather permits.  We will schedule a pedestrian study of the Willow Drive area in this Spring, when there is more pedestrian activity.  This study would include determining whether or not a signalized pedestrian crossing is warranted at the existing mid-block pedestrian crossing.







Unless otherwise directed by Council, we will proceed with making the suggested improvements at the existing pedestrian crosswalk on Willow Drive, and we will report back to the Council with the results of our further study.




1.         Willow Drive Map 1 (p. 3)