AGENDA #16.a(4)




TO:                  Mayor and Town Council


FROM:            Council Members Flicka Bateman and Bill Strom


SUBJECT:       Petition on Leash-Free Dog Areas


DATE:             February 28, 2000





Over the past several months, there has been interest in our community about establishing a leash-free dog park.  We are petitioning tonight to clarify where this issue stands.


We believe the Town and our citizens would benefit in many ways from the creation of both a dog park (leash-free exercise area) as well as leash-free walk areas in existing parks. Additionally, we believe there are several potential locations for safe and regulated leash-free zones to serve Chapel Hill.


We ask the Council to affirm its interest in proceeding in the pursuit of these goals by referring the topic to appropriate staff for a review and response.  We hope that several suitable options can be brought back to the Council for evaluation and action.  It is our hope that these options will include a discussion of specific locations, budget implications, and a time table for implementation.


Both of us would be pleased to work directly with staff on behalf of this project.




For the Council to consider this petition and refer issue to Town Manager for investigation.