TO: Mayor and Town Council
FROM: W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager
SUBJECT: Franklin Street Mile Road Race on October 7, 2000
DATE: March 27, 2000
The attached resolution would authorize the closing of a portion of East Franklin Street and adjacent streets from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, October 7, 2000. East Franklin Street would be closed between Columbia and Boundary Streets. The intersections of East Franklin at Columbia and East Franklin at Boundary would both remain open. The attached ordinance would authorize removing parking from the race area. The Manager recommends adoption of the resolution and ordinance.
The purpose of this memorandum is to present information and a recommendation regarding the Fourth Annual Franklin Street Mile Road Race proposed to be held on Saturday, October 7, 2000, by the Cardinal Track Club to benefit the North Carolina Special Olympics.
The Cardinal Track Club, represented by Ms. Julie Sergeant, is proposing a road race called the Fourth Annual Franklin Street Mile to be held on East Franklin Street on Saturday, October 7, 2000.
The previous Franklin Street Mile Road Races were held at the same location and proceeded without any problems. This year’s race would be very similar to the previous events, except that the streets would be closed for a shorter period of time and open no later than 10:00 am instead of 10:30 am.
Race Route and Vehicle Access
The race course would be an out-and-back from East Franklin Street, east of Columbia Street almost to the Chapel Hill Museum and back to the starting point east of Columbia Street. This route would necessitate the following streets being closed:
· East Franklin Street, east of Columbia Street to west of Boundary Street
· Henderson Street, East Franklin Street to East Rosemary Street
· Hillsborough Street, East Franklin Street to East Rosemary Street
· Raleigh Street, East Franklin Street to Cameron Avenue
Access to Pickard Lane would be limited by allowing only vehicles which would not be going through to Franklin Street. A civilian security monitor, with barricades, would be posted at Pickard and East Rosemary to regulate vehicle access.
Six Chapel Hill Police officers and one civilian security monitor would be hired by the Cardinal Track Club to direct traffic away from the race course. Also, one UNC Policeofficer would be hired by the Club to direct traffic at Raleigh Street and Cameron Avenue. Barricades would be placed and removed from the needed locations by the Chapel Hill Public Works Department, the cost of which would be paid by the Club.
Parking would have to be removed from East Franklin Street. Meters would be covered with “No Parking” bags at 5:00 am and vehicles would be towed at 7:30 am.
Race Organization
There would be seven heats based on age, sex, and skill level, including a wheelchair heat. The organizers expect five hundred (500) participants and one thousand (1000) spectators.
Refreshments, displays, and organizational activities would be held at McCorkle Place on the UNC campus. We understand that necessary arrangements have been made with the University.
The Cardinal Track Club has obtained the needed insurance coverage through the St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company.
Funds raised by entrance fees and corporate sponsors would be donated to the North Carolina Special Olympics. High school and university student volunteers would be assisting in the event.
Other Events
There is no football game or other large UNC event scheduled for that date. No events are scheduled for the Planetarium or any of the churches during race times. The Public School Foundation’s Walk for Education is scheduled for the afternoon, as it was last year. There were no problems caused by both events occurring on the same day. The Walk for Education will not require the removal of parking or the closing of streets. Intersections would be blocked and traffic diverted as the walkers advance on their route, which we expect to be approximately thirty minutes.
Any vehicles needing to get in or out of the Planetarium or church parking lots would be allowed to do so between heats. We understand that the organizers have the support of the Downtown Commission. Any business needing access to an off-street parking lot during the event would be allowed to do so between races.
That the Council adopt the attached resolution closing portions of East Franklin Street and portions of adjacent streets between 8:00 and 10:00 a.m., and that the Council adopt the attached ordinance which would authorize removing parking from the closed portion of East Franklin Street for the Fourth Annual Franklin Street Mile Road Race.
1. Letter from Julie Sergeant, Cardinal Track Club (p. 6).
2. Map of the race route (p.9)
BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill that the Council hereby authorizes the closing of East Franklin Street between Columbia Street and Boundary Street; Henderson Street between Franklin Street and Rosemary Street; Hillsborough Street between Franklin Street and Rosemary Street; and Raleigh Street between Franklin Street and Cameron Avenue on Saturday, October 7, 2000, from 8:00 am to 10:00 am, to allow the holding of the Franklin Street Mile Road Race.
This the 27th day of March, 2000.
BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill:
That on the 7th day of October, 2000 between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. there shall be no parking on either side of Franklin Street between Columbia Street and Boundary Street.
The Police Department of the Town of Chapel Hill is hereby authorized to cover the parking meters on said street during such hours on said date. The Police Department is further authorized to remove, tow, and impound vehicles of any kind which are parked on said street during such hours in contravention of the Ordinance. In light of the event and the large number of pedestrians expected in the street area, the Council hereby determines that vehicles in the restricted areas would constitute a special hazard requiring prompt removal. The owner shall be responsible for and pay storage and moving costs of any vehicle removed pursuant to the provisions of the Ordinance, and the Police Department shall use reasonable diligence to notify the owner of the removal and storage of such vehicle.
This the 27th day of March, 2000.