TO: Mayor and Town Council
FROM: W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager
SUBJECT: Council Goals and Objectives for 2000
DATE: March 27, 2000
At its planning session on January 14, the Council considered goals and objectives for 2000. The attached resolution lists the goals and objectives established by the Council and a proposed scheduling for addressing them.
We recommend that the Council adopt the proposed resolution.
The Council met on January 14, 2000, to develop goals for 1999-2000. Council members initially suggested 20 items for consideration.
In a process designed to set priorities among the 20 items, Council members merged related issues into goal groupings by consensus. Groupings adopted by the Council are shown below:
(1) Re-write Development Ordinance
· Range of housing prices and incentives
· Sustainability considered in plans
· Flexibility in the Ordinance
· Impact and effects of development proposals
· Traffic studies
· Less adversarial process
(2) Adopt Downtown Small Area Plan
· Employer/employee housing study
· Streetscape/downtown development – fast track
(Monrovia Plan)
· Old Post Office Study
(3) 15-Year Capital Improvements Plan
· Parks & Recreation Bond - support for proposals
· Open space and land acquisition
(4) Study of Structure of Town Staff
The attached resolution presents the Council’s goals and objectives in conjunction with statements of work that would be done to pursue attainment of the Council’s directives. We would welcome further direction or clarification from the Council.
We recommend that the Council adopt the attached resolution listing goals and objectives established by the Council and a proposed schedule to address them.
1. Resolution Listing Goals and Objectives established by the Council at the January 14, 2000, Planning Session with a proposed schedule to address the goals and objectives.
2. Minutes of January 14, 2000 Council planning session, with corrections noted by the Town Clerk.
BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill that the Council hereby adopts the following goals and objectives for 2000 and the proposed schedule for addressing them:
Development Regulations:
Goal: Re-write the development ordinance in a manner that:
Action: The Council has agreed in discussion to allocate funds to pay for the cost of a consultant to re-write the development ordinance. The Manager will bring a proposal for employment of a consultant at the Council’s April 24, 2000 meeting.
Goal: Enhance the objectivity and usefulness of traffic impact analyses required for development applications.
Action: The Manager will report to the Council in the first quarter of 2000-2001 on options for obtaining independent traffic impact analyses with development applications.
Goal: Modify the development application review process to make it less adversarial while encouraging earlier and more effective citizen involvement.
Action: The Manager will report to the Council in the second quarter of 2000-2001 on options for improving the process.
Downtown Initiatives:
Goal: Adopt the Downtown Small Area Plan.
Action: The Council is scheduled to consider adoption of the Downtown Small Area Plan at its March 27, 2000 meeting.
Goal: Determine the feasibility of constructing employer-employee housing and associated services, including parking and retail development, on Town and University land in the Rosemary Street downtown area.
Action: The Manager will negotiate a contract with the consultant selected by the Council, UniDev, and will submit the contract for Council consideration at its meeting on April 10, 2000. The Manager also will obtain a letter of commitment that will pledge the financial participation of the University and UNC Hospitals in supporting the study, as previously agreed informally, and present such letter to the Council at the same meeting.
Goal: Develop a plan for the preservation, enhancement and future use of the Old Post Office Building.
Action: The Council has appointed a special Committee on the Old Post Office to develop proposals for the preservation, enhancement and future use of the building. The Committee has begun work and will report to the Council as progress is made.
Goal: Increase the pace of downtown streetscape reconstruction.
Action: The Manager will report to the Council in the fourth quarter of fiscal 1999-2000 on downtown streetscape reconstruction options, including consideration of how to increase the pace of reconstruction.
Goal: Provide a report on the City of Monrovia downtown redevelopment program for the Council’s information.
Action: The Manager will provide a report on the City of Monrovia downtown redevelopment program in the first quarter of fiscal 2000-2001
Capital Improvements Program:
Goal: Develop a 15-year capital improvements program.
Action: The Council received a report from the Manager on February 28, 2000 that outlined a preliminary approach to development of a 15-year capital improvement program that would identify all Town capital needs and result in a funding schedule determined by the Council. The Council agreed to further discuss the report at the April 5, 2000 budget work session.
Goal: Consider the County’s proposed recreation and parks master plan and the proposal to schedule a County recreation and parks bond referendum; develop a statement of the Council’s interest in the master plan and the bond referendum with a view toward assuring that the Town’s interests are fairly addressed.
Action: The Council will receive a presentation by County Commissioner Margaret Brown and a report from the Manager about the County’s proposed recreation and parks master plan at the Council’s March 27, 2000 meeting. The Manager’s report on the proposed recreation and parks master plan will offer resolutions for the Council’s consideration.
We recommend that the Council discuss the proposed bond issue and instruct the Manager to prepare a resolution for the Council’s consideration that would state the Town’s interests.
Goal: Make more effective use of Town funds allocated for purchase of open space.
Action: The Council has adopted a schedule of general priorities for purchase of open space using bond funds. The Manager will prepare a proposal for the Council’s consideration in the fourth quarter of 1999-2000 that would further clarify the Council’s priorities for open space acquisition and propose engagement of a real estate professional to assist the Town in carrying out an acquisition program.
Town Staffing and Organization Structure:
Goal: Ensure that the Town staffing and organization structure is appropriate to meet the challenges and take advantage of the opportunities of digital-age technology and changing expectations of citizens about communications and services.
Action: The Council-appointed Technology Committee has been working for more than a year to conduct a review of Town operations. We expect that the Committee will report its findings and recommendations to the Council in the early fall of 2000. We believe that the Committee’s report will be a good beginning point for further discussion of the Council’s goal and development of a follow-up work plan by the Manager.
This the 27th day of March, 2000.