AGENDA # 2b(1)




TO:                  W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager


FROM:            Patricia W. Thomas, Personnel Director


SUBJECT: Possible Cuts in the Personnel Department FY 2000-2001 Budget


DATE:             May 4, 2000



The recommended expenditure in FY 2000-2001 for the Operating portion of the Personnel Department budget is 12.4% less than in 1999-2000.  However,  if two one-time expenditures are eliminated, the Operating budgets for the 2 years are the same:



Operating Budget


Operating Budget 1999-2000 minus 2 consulting contracts *

2000-2001 Recommended Operating Base Budget





* $65,000 one-time expenditures in 1999-2000: $50,000 contract for Classification and Pay study, and $15,000 for consultant assistance in review of performance standards




Options for a 2% reduction to Operating portion of the budget:


To reduce the FY 1999-2000 Operating budget by 2% would require a cut of $1,934.  My recommendations for trimming the Personnel Department budget by this amount would be:



Consequence of the cut on the Personnel

Department budget:


1.    Reduce Professional Services account  by $1,934

(from $4000 to $2066)


Less money available for contracting with a trainer or speaker for supervisory or other training sessions


2.   Reduce Employee Activities account by $7200

(from $18,105 to $10,905)

No service awards would be given to the 69 employees whose Town service crosses the 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 year milestones during the year


3.  Reduce Employee Activities account by a further $7,100

(from $10,905 to $3,805)

No Employee Appreciation Day lunch would be held in the spring of 2001