AGENDA #2e(1)
TO: W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager
FROM: Roger S. Waldon, Planning Director
SUBJECT: Possible Cuts in the Planning Department FY 2000-2001 Budget
DATE: May 9, 2000
The recommended expenditure in FY 2000-2001 for the Operating and Capital portions of the Planning Department budget is $83,451, 37% less than in 1999-2000. One-time expenditures to consultant Wallace, Roberts, and Todd accounted for a large portion of the 1999-2000 operating budget. The adopted components for Operating and Capital portions of the Planning Department's budget in 1999-00 totaled $132,900. Of that, $57,500 was for the Wallace, Roberts, and Todd contract, leaving a base of $75,400.
The budgeted funds in the Operating portion of the Planning Department budget have remained the same over the past few years, except for the expenditures to Wallace, Roberts and Todd for contract work on the Comprehensive Plan. Core, basic support to our function includes accounts for postage, printing, advertising, copying, equipment maintenance, and supplies.
Options for a reduction to
Operating and Capital Equipment portion of the budget to the 1999-00 base:
To reduce the FY 2000-01 proposed Operating and Capital Equipment budget for Planning to a level that is identical to the 1999-00 adopted budget, would require a reduction of $8,051 from what has been proposed.
Three possible options for reducing the proposed Planning Department budget by this amount appear below. If a cut is necessary, I recommend Option 1.
Consequence of the cut on the Planning Department:
1. Reduce Capital Equipment from Scale back planned purchases of GIS-related
$10,000 to $1,949. equipment and printers.
2. Eliminate Professional Services ($1,000); Reduced flexibility to respond to Council
reduce Business Meetings and Training requests with outside help; reduced staff
by $559; reduce Capital Equipment training opportunity; scale back planned
from $10,000 to $3,508. purchase of GIS-related equipment;
eliminate planned purchase of printers.
3. Reduce Capital Equipment from Scale back planned purchases of GIS-related
$10,000 to $3,549, and reduce equipment; eliminate planned purchase of
Dues and Subscriptions from printers; change department policy to pay
$3,600 to $2,000. only a portion of professional certification.
Options for a reduction to Operating and Capital
Equipment portion of the budget to 2% below the 1999-00 base:
To reduce the FY 2000-01 proposed Operating and Capital Equipment budget for Planning to a level that is 2% below the 1999-00 adopted budget, would require a reduction of $9,559 from what has been proposed.
Three possible options for reducing the proposed Planning Department budget by this amount appear below. If a cut is necessary, I recommend Option 1.
Consequence of the cut on the Planning Department:
1. Reduce Capital Equipment from Eliminate planned purchases of GIS-related
$10,000 to $441. equipment and printers.
2. Eliminate Professional Services ($1,000); Reduced flexibility to respond to Council
reduce Business Meetings and Training requests with outside help; reduced staff
by $559; reduce Capital Equipment training opportunity; scale back planned
from $10,000 to $2,000. purchase of GIS-related equipment;
eliminate planned purchase of printers.
3. Reduce Capital Equipment from Scale back planned purchases of GIS-related
$10,000 to $2,041, and reduce equipment; eliminate planned purchase of
Dues and Subscriptions from printers; change department policy to pay
$3,600 to $2,000. only a portion of professional certification.