AGENDA #2m(1)
TO: W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager
FROM: R. Scott McClellan, Interim Transportation Director
SUBJECT: Transportation Budget – Operational Cost Reduction Options
DATE: May 17, 2000
At their May 3, 2000 Budget Work Session, Town Council asked for options to reduce Fiscal Year 2000-01 budgeted operational cost for each town department by two percent. The following describes options developed to accomplish this within the transportation department.
The Manager’s Recommended FY 2000-01 Budget includes operational expenses in the Transportation Fund of $1,714,289. This is approximately $222,000 higher than the FY 1999-01 budget. Nearly sixty-five percent ($144,000) of this increase is due to higher fuel cost. Another twenty-seven percent ($60,000) is generated by Charges by the General fund. The balance of the operational cost increases are associated with opening the new Carrboro Plaza Park and Ride lot, increases in telephone cost and increases in janitorial service fees.
Using the operational cost of $1,492,104 included in Fiscal Year 1999-00 original budget as the base, I have calculated a two percent target cost reduction of about $29,000. Using this target, I have listed several options for reducing costs and included a description of the possible impact of each. The options are listed in order of Least to Most favorable. It should be noted that the cost sharing agreement we have with Carrboro and the University of North Carolina assigns 44.5% of cost to Chapel Hill. Therefore any reduction in transit system budget would be shared among the three partners, with Chapel Hill’s share being $0.445 per dollar of reduced cost.
Capital Reserve = -$15,000
Diesel fuel = -$10,000
M & R Grounds = -$ 4,000 *
Total = -$29,000
*Maintenance & Repair of Grounds is budgeted at $25,000 and covers the cost of repairs and landscape maintenance; primarily in our park & ride lots
This option would spread the risk/impact to several different divisions and expense categories and should not drastically affect any one component of our operation.
I hope you find this information useful. Please let me know if you have any questions.