AGENDA #1BUDGET WORKING PAPERTO: Mayor and Town Council FROM: W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager SUBJECT: Spreadsheet Showing Potential Budget Adjustments DATE: June 5, 2000 INTRODUCTIONConsistent with discussions at the last budget work session, Mayor Waldorf asked that I prepare a revised spreadsheet showing additional potential budget adjustments that would take into account key issues under discussion and reduce the proposed tax rate increase to about 1.5 cents. She also suggested that I include revised funding for School Resource Officers and the Land Trust. DISCUSSIONPotential adjustments shown in the attached spreadsheet would result in a total tax rate increase of 1.5 cents (1.1 cents in the General Fund and .4 cents in the Transportation Fund), The spreadsheet reflects: · Pay plan cost reductions previously agreed upon by the Council. · Departmental cost reductions previously agreed upon by the Council. · Funding of four School Resource Officers, with 50% of costs paid by the Town and 50% paid by the Schools. · One-time use of capital reserve funds for capital improvement projects. · Reduction of proposed development fees charged to non-profit organizations. · Additional funding for the Land Trust. · Additional costs for landfill tipping fees, based on the County Manager’s recently proposed budget. · Reduction of Pubic Works Department costs. We are unable to propose recently discussed service increases in the Transportation Fund without an additional tax rate increase. An option for the Council’s consideration would be to await action by the General Assembly on the proposed state budget. If the Governor’s proposal for additional transit funding survives, and if the additional funds were distributed in the manner which we believe would be normal, then we should receive sufficient additional grant funding to pay for substantial bus service improvements. Such service improvements could be implemented mid-year by amendment of the budget and agreement of the transit partners. CONCLUSIONWe will be pleased to evaluate any budget options desired by the Council and to prepare any other working papers that Council Members may find helpful. 2000-2001 Budget Revenues and Expenditures Summary General Fund 5-30-00
Transportation Fund