TO: Mayor and Town Council
FROM: W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager
SUBJECT: Report of Advisory Board Recommendations to Reduce Impervious Surfaces
DATE: June 26, 2000
This report provides the recommendations of five advisory boards on proposals to reduce impervious surfaces. In addition, Professor Phil Berke has been invited to tonight’s meeting to discuss the topic of impervious surface reduction.
Adoption of the attached resolution would direct that the concept of impervious surface limitations be incorporated in the upcoming revisions to the Development Ordinance.
January 6, 1999 The Town Council held a workshop on soil erosion and sedimentation.
February 15, 1999 The Council referred to advisory boards a request asking for ways to reduce impervious surface in the Town after opening a public hearing to consider a text amendment proposal which would limit initial paving of required parking areas.
June 14, 1999 The Council received the report relaying advisory board recommendations for ways to reduce impervious surface in the Town. Consideration of the item was delayed.
September 13, 1999 The June 14 report was resubmitted to the Council. This item is included as Attachment 2. At the meeting, the Council voted to ask the Manager to prepare an impervious surface reduction package which would focus on six specific points to be forwarded to Town advisory boards.
November 22, 1999 The Town Council received a report on Soil Erosion and Sedimentation which discussed issues raised by the Town Council after the January 6 workshop on Soil Erosion and Sedimentation.
Consideration of the item was delayed.
January 10, 2000 The Town Council received and discussed the November 22 item on soil erosion.
February 14, 2000 The Town Council received the requested impervious surface reduction package which focused on six specific points.
March 6, 2000 The Council considered the six objectives previously identified by the Council:
1. Reduce permitted uses in the Resource Conservation District;
2. Establish maximum parking space requirements;
3. Reduce street widths in residential areas under certain circumstances;
4. Require plantings between sidewalks and roadways;
5. Set limits on parking lot paving; and
6. Take measures to encourage/require shared parking.
Please refer to the attached memorandum from March which provides a discussion of each of the six options.
The Town Council adopted a resolution referring information about ways to reduce impervious surface to five advisory boards. The Council requested that Professor Phil Berke be invited to speak to the Council.
May 8, 2000 The Comprehensive Plan was adopted and the Council began consideration of ways to implement the Plan including revision to the Development Ordinance.
Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board Recommendation: On May 9, 2000, the Board offered comments regarding the six proposals provided by the Council. Please refer to the attached Summary of Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board Action.
Community Design Commission Recommendation: On May 17, 2000, the Commission voted 9-0 to recommend that the Council view the issue of reduction of impervious surface in Chapel Hill as an integral part of a comprehensive approach of Low-Impact Design Development, rather than just the six specific objectives identified in the March 6 report. Please refer to the attached Summary of Community Design Commission Action.
Parks and Recreation Commission Recommendation: On April 20, 2000, the Commission voted 6-0 to recommend that the Council accept the Manager’s recommendations regarding options and language for reducing impervious surfaces. Please refer to the attached Memorandum from the Commission.
Planning Board Recommendation: On May 2, 2000, the Planning Board agreed by consensus to forward a series of comments including:
· The new Comprehensive Plan calls for conservation development provisions and the process initiating the rewrite of the Development Ordinance is underway. The concept of reduced impervious surface could be incorporated in the Development Ordinance rewrite.
· A simpler way (than the six ideas forwarded by the Council) may be restrict the percentage of impervious surface for a development as we do now for half of the town with the Watershed Protection District restrictions.
Please refer to the attached Summary of Planning Board Action.
Transportation Board Recommendation: The Board voted 6-0 to recommend that the Council adopt the following options: Option 2; Establish maximum parking requirements; Option 3 (removing the elimination of bike lanes on collector streets and center turn lanes as possible options; and Option 6 take measures to encourage/require shared parting. Please refer to the attached Summary of Transportation Board Action.
Manager’s Recommendation: Given the recent adoption of the Comprehensive Plan and the initiation of the process to rewrite the Development Ordinance, we recommend that the concept of impervious surface limitations be incorporated in the revisions to the Development Ordinance. We believe that the issues raised by the advisory boards would best be addressed with the r visions to the Development Ordinance and its associated follow-up (eg. Design Manual revisions).
Adoption of the attached resolution would direct that the concept of reduced impervious surfaces be incorporated in the revisions to the Ordinance.
1. Summary of Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board Action (p. 5)
2. Summary of Community Design Commission Action (p. 7)
3. Memorandum from Parks and Recreation Commission (p. 9)
4. Summary of Planning Board Action (p. 10)
5. Summary of Transportation Board Action (p. 11)
6. March 6, 2000 Memorandum to Mayor and Town Council and its related attachments (begin new page 1)
A RESOLUTION DIRECTING THAT THE concept of impervious surface LIMITATIONS be incorporated in the revisions to the Development Ordinance (2000-06-26/R-11)
WHEREAS, the Chapel Hill Town Council has expressed concern about increases in impervious surface in the Town; and
WHEREAS, the Town Council has indicated a desire to consider changes that would reduce impervious surfaces as development occurs in the Town; and
WHEREAS, the Town Council recently adopted a new Comprehensive Plan that encourages conservation development provisions including provisions that would limit impervious surfaces; and
WHEREAS, the Town Council has initiated a process to revise the Development Ordinance as a recommended implementation step from the Comprehensive Plan;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill that the Council hereby directs that the concept of impervious surface limitations be incorporated in the revisions to the Development Ordinance.
This the 26th day of June, 2000.