TO:                  Mayor and Town Council

FROM:            W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager

SUBJECT:            Report on Comprehensive Plan Implementation Schedule

DATE:             July 5, 2000

This report responds to the Council’s request for information on Comprehensive Plan implementation.  We review implementation measures that are proposed for immediate action, suggest an annual system for reporting on progress on the Comprehensive Plan, and suggest integrating preparation of the Town’s Data Book with the concept of a growth management protocol.  Measures proposed immediately include:

·        Initiating zoning changes to conform to the Town’s 2000 Land Use Plan;

·        Requesting that Orange County schedule joint planning hearings for October 2, 2000, on incorporating the Town’s 2000 Land Use Plan into the Joint Planning Land Use Plan, and on related zoning to carry out the Plan;

·        Making revisions to the Town’s Development Ordinance; and

·        Developing a file of comments received for the Town’s next revision of the Comprehensive Plan.


On May 8, 2000, the Town Council adopted the 2000 Comprehensive Plan, including a new Land Use Plan for the Town of Chapel Hill.  At that time, we proposed to develop a report for the Council’s consideration on how the Comprehensive Plan’s implementation strategies would be executed, the resources needed, and options for consideration of zoning changes.  The “Action Plan” contains the major implementation strategies in the Comprehensive Plan (please see attachment 1).


In this memorandum, we propose three major categories of work on implementing the Plan:

·        Early Implementation Measures

·        An Annual System of Reporting on the Action Plan

·        Linking the Data Book with the Growth Management Protocol

Each category will be discussed below.

Early Implementation Measures

1.      Comprehensive Zoning. 

After adoption of the 1986 Land Use Plan, the Town undertook a comprehensive rezoning of property to have zoning classifications be consistent with the Land Use Plan.  A similar effort is now proposed.  An action strategy of the 2000 Comprehensive Plan is to modify zoning to be consistent with the Land Use Plan, and the proposed “measure of progress” is to adopt comprehensive zoning consistent with the Land Use Plan no later than 12/31/2001 (see p. 77, March 27, 2000 draft as adopted by the Town Council).  As noted in the 2000 Comprehensive Plan, “the Land Use Plan is intended as a guide for future land use decision-making, including changes to zoning.  As a priority implementation action, the Town should adopt a comprehensive rezoning of areas of Chapel Hill whose present zoning is not in conformance with the Land Use Plan.”

Action Proposed:  We propose to prepare a report for areas to be considered for rezoning by August 28, 2000, and ask the Council to call a public hearing for this fall.  We anticipate that the number of areas for consideration will not be extensive.  In 1987, the Town undertook a major rezoning effort based on the 1986 Land Use Plan.  Because the new Plan is based on the 1986 Plan, we do not anticipate the proposed number of changes will be great.

2.      Joint Planning Measures.

Portions of the area covered by the Comprehensive Plan are jointly planned with Orange County through the Joint Planning Agreement.  Changes in the Town’s Land Use Plan for the areas in the Joint Planning Transition Areas north and south of Town will need to be considered by Orange County, Carrboro, and Chapel Hill for inclusion in the Joint Planning Land Use Plan.  In addition, changes in zoning will need to be considered by Orange County and Chapel Hill.

Action Proposed:  We propose to prepare a report on areas in the Joint Planning Transition Areas to be considered for rezoning in the August 28, 2000 report noted above.  At that time, we would propose that the Council adopt a resolution asking Orange County to schedule consideration of the 2000 Land Use Plan and associated zoning proposals for the October 2, 2000 joint planning public hearing.

3.      Revision of the Town’s Development Ordinance.

A key early implementation measure in the Action Plan is revision of the Town’s Development Ordinance.  The Action Plan particularly notes revisions that would include front-yard parking, noise, Historic District regulations, nonresidential development design standards, affordable housing incentives, rental licensing and inspection, mixed use development, conservation development, the development review process, sidewalk and bike lane construction, and traffic impact analysis guidelines. 

Action Proposed:  See related agenda item on tonight’s agenda concerning awarding of a contract for consultant services to undertake revision of the Development Ordinance.

4.      File of Comments and Proposals.

On May 8, 2000, the Town Council discussed the desirability of maintaining a file of comments and suggestions for revising the Town’s next Comprehensive Plan, currently scheduled to occur in about five years.  We recommend that the next revision of the Plan begin in January, 2004, with completion by May, 2005.

Action Proposed:  We have begun an official file of comments received beginning with the May 8, 2000 Council meeting for consideration in the future revisions of the Plan.

Annual System of Reporting

We propose that the Council receive annual reports on the status of implementing the Action Plan in the 2000 Comprehensive Plan.  An initial report could be prepared this fall, which would develop a reporting format, to include scheduling, progress, resources needed, and anticipated completion dates.  This report could then be updated annually after the completion of the fiscal year, and be available to the Council before it begins its annual retreat and budgetary planning.

Action Proposed:  We propose to develop the first report for the Council in early September 2000 on the full list of implementation strategies in the Action Plan listed as short-term actions (0-2 years).

Data Book/Growth Management Protocol

The Town has published two annual Data Books.  We propose to continue the annual issuance of the Data Book each February.  As we continue to improve the Book, we anticipate we would continue our work to incorporate growth management indicators into the Book, thus helping to implement the growth management protocol strategy of the Action Plan.

An objective of the Comprehensive Plan is to “develop a growth management protocol to address the provision of public facilities and services to support development.”  The Town would monitor the capacity of public facilities and services so that capital improvements could be implemented before shortfalls are reached.  An annual Growth Management Report would coordinate and share information on development activities and trends in Chapel Hill and existing and projected public facility capacities.  We propose to integrate this Growth Management Report into the production of the annual Data Book.

Action Proposed:  We propose to link issuance of the Data Book with steps to implement a Growth Management Report for Chapel Hill, beginning with the February, 2001 issue of the Data Book.


It is our intent to proceed with implementation of the Comprehensive Plan as outlined in this report.  We would welcome any further guidance that the Council chooses to offer.


1.  Action Plan, May 8, 2000 Comprehensive Plan (p. 4).