TO:                  Mayor and Town Council

FROM:            W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager

SUBJECT:       I-40 High Occupancy Vehicle/Congestion Management Management Study

DATE:             July 5, 2000

The North Carolina Department of Transportation has begun work on developing a scope of work for Phase II of the I-40 High Occupancy Vehicle/Congestion Management Study The attached resolution would provide the North Carolina Department of Transportation and Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Transportation Advisory Committee with comments and recommendations for Phase II of the I-40 High Occupancy Vehicle/Congestion Management Study.


In May, 2000 Phase I of the I-40 High Occupancy Vehicle/Congestion Management Study was completed. On May 30, 2000 Mayor Waldorf distributed copies of the Phase I Executive Summary (Attachment 1) to the Town Council.  The North Carolina Department of Transportation has made limited copies of the full report available. A copy of the Phase I Report has been placed in the Town Council reading area for review.

The Phase I I-40 High Occupancy Vehicle/Congestion Management Study was intended to identify and provide preliminary analysis of transportation strategies designed to relieve congestion in the Research Triangle region.  The Phase I Study was initiated and funded by the North Carolina Department of Transportation. The Department of Transportation invited a representative from the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Transportation Advisory Committee to serve on the Policy Committee and the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Technical Coordinating Committee to participate on the Technical Committee.

The I-40 High Occupancy Vehicle/Congestion Management Phase I Study reviewed several strategies and recommended the following strategies be included for more detailed analysis in the Phase II Study:

·        Traditional Capacity Improvements.

·        High Occupancy Vehicle Lanes

·        High Occupancy Toll Lanes

·        Public Transit

·        Intelligent Transportation Systems

·        Freeway Management

·        Transportation Systems Management

·        Transportation Demand Management

The Phase I Study recommended that the following strategies not be included in the Phase II analysis:

·        Toll Road

·        Truck Lanes

·        Express Lanes

·        Ramp Restrictions/Closures

·        Congestion Pricing

The final recommendations of the I-40 High Occupancy Vehicle/Congestion Management Phase I Study include:

·        Implement all planned roadway improvements included in the adopted 2025 plans for the Triangle Region.

·        Move forward with congestion management strategies that can improve mobility on the Triangle’s freeway system, such as managed lanes (particularly high occupancy vehicle lanes), transit systems improvement, intelligent transportation system options and travel demand management initiatives

·        Strongly support recent public and private intelligent transportation system and transportation demand management initiatives. These provide a solid foundation for congestion management strategies and build support for shared strategies with mutual support.

·        Consider several short-term geometic improvements for enhancing the efficiency of I-40, including addressing the bottlenecks between I-540 and NC147 and Wade Avenue and US 1.

·        Establish a plan to ensure better coordination of ongoing transportation studies and projects in the region, including strong coordinated public involvement efforts.

·        Study, promote and implement smart growth policies

·        Review the current mechanisms and policies governing funding for transportation and identify new funding sources.

·        Establish an appropriate institutional framework for implementing an ongoing congestion management program, complete with sort term transportation demand management initiatives.

·        Engage the public in developing future transportation strategies.


We believe that several issues should be raised as the North Carolina Department of Transportation develops a scope of work for the I-40 High Occupancy Vehicle/Congestion Management Phase II Study.

1.  Issue: Representation on Policy and Technical Committee

The I-40 High Occupancy Vehicle/Congestion Management Study has been guided through a Policy Committee, composed of elected officials; and a member of theTechnical Committee, composed of selected staff. Representation on these Committees has been limited to the chair of Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Transportation Committee and chair of the Technical Coordinating Committee. At the initiation of the I-40 High Occupancy Vehicle/Congestion Management Study, the Durham-Chapel Hill Carrboro Transportation Advisory Committee requested that the additional members be added to the Policy and Technical Committees to better represent local governments affected by the project, particularly Chapel Hill, Durham, Durham County and Orange County. At that time the Department of Transportation rejected the request but suggested that an expansion of membership on these Committees might be expanded as part of the Phase II Study.

Recommendation: We recommend that the Policy and Technical Committees be expanded to include representatives from Chapel Hill, Durham, Durham County and Orange County ensure that all issues are addressed and that a consensus can be developed on the final strategies. 


2.  Issue: Planned improvements along I-40 between I-85 and US 15-501 in Orange County.

The State Transportation Improvement Program identifies the section of I-40 between I-85 and US 15-501 in Orange County for widening for general purpose traffic. The Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Transportation Advisory Committee, Orange County and Chapel Hill have raised concerns about proceeding with plans for this widening without incorporating high occupancy vehicle lanes.

Recommendation: That the Phase II Study evaluate the feasibility of providing high occupancy vehicle lanes as part of the widening of this section of I-40.

3.  Issue: Coordination of general purpose widening and implementation of high occupancy vehicle lanes.

The recommendations of the Phase I Study include expanding I-40 for general purpose traffic and implementing high occupancy vehicle lanes. There are currently plans underway to widen the section of I-40 from U.S. 15-501 to NC147 from four lanes to six lanes for general purpose traffic. In addition, the Department of Transportation has suggested that the section of I-40 between NC147 and I-540 be widened from six to eight lanes for general purpose traffic. We are concerned that the inclusion of high occupancy vehicle lanes has not been included in either of these proposed widening projects. We are also concerned that the proposed improvements between U.S. 15-501 and I-540 could preclude the short term implementation of high occupancy vehicle lanes because of increased costs due to the need for bridge replacement.

Recommendation: We recommend that the Phase II analysis should thoroughly evaluate the possibility of incorporating high occupancy vehicle lane improvements as part of the planned expansion of I-40 between US15-501 and I-540. In addition, we recommend that the Phase II Study evaluate the impact of implementing high occupancy vehicle lanes if the currently proposed roadway widenings are implemented.

4.  Inclusion of busways in the Phase II analysis

Although the I-40 High Occupancy Vehicle/Congestion Management Study has focused primarily on the impact of providing high occupancy vehicle lanes for private vehicles, the impact of expanded public transit services using high occupancy vehicle lanes be explored more fully in the Phase II Study. We believe that expanded regional transit service between Chapel Hill and the Research Triangle Park could be enhanced through utilizing high occupancy vehicle lanes and reducing travel times. In May, 2000 the Triangle Transit Authority also suggested that development of a busway along I-40 between Chapel Hill and the Research Triangle Park could be feasible.

Recommendation: We recommend that the Phase II Study evaluate the impact of expanded regional transit services utilizing a high occupancy vehicle lane along I-40, and that the Phase II  Study should evaluate the impact of providing a formal busway along I-40 between Chapel Hill and the Research Triangle Park.


The North Carolina Board of Transportation is anticipated to approve the initiation of the Phase II Study at its July meeting. The total cost of the Phase II Study is estimated to be $1.8 million and will provided entirely by the North Carolina Department of Transportation. The specific scope of work for the Phase II Study will be developed over the next several months.


Manager’s Recommendation: That the Council adopt the attached resolution providing the North Carolina Department of Transportation and Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Transportation Advisory Committee with recommendations on the scope of work for Phase II of the I-40 High Occupancy Vehicle/Congestion Management Study.



WHEREAS, the North Carolina Department of Transportation has completed the Phase I I-40 High Occupancy Vehicle/Congestion Management Study;  and

WHEREAS, the Phase I Study included several recommendations for further evaluation in the Phase II Study; and

WHEREAS, the North Carolina Department of Transportation is proceeding with developing a scope of work for the Phase II Study;

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Council of Chapel Hill that the following recommendations be incorporated into the Phase II scope of work:

·        The membership of the I-40 High Occupancy Vehicle/Congestion Management Study Policy Oversight Committee and Technical Committee be expanded to include a representatives from Chapel Hill, Durham, Durham County and Orange County.

·        The Phase II Study evaluate the possibility of implementing high occupancy vehicle lanes as part of the planned improvements to I-40 between US 15-501 and I-540.

·        The Phase II Study evaluate the impact of implementing high occupancy vehicle lanes for the section of I-40 between I-85 and US 15-501.

·        The Phase II Study assess the financial impacts of making the planned improvement to I-40 between US 15-501 and I-540 on the long term implementation of high occupancy vehicle lanes.

·        The  Phase II Study evaluate the impact of expanded regional transit services utilizing a high occupancy vehicle lane along I-40 and evaluate the impact of providing a formal busway along I-40 between Chapel Hill and the Research Triangle Park.

This the 5th day of July, 2000.