TO: Mayor and Town Council
FROM: W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager
SUBJECT: Proposed Improvements at the US 15-501/Erwin Road/Europa Drive Intersection
DATE: October 23, 2000
Adoption of the attached resolution would affirm the Council’s interest in improving the intersection of US 15-501/Erwin Road/Europa Drive.
For several years, Town staff has been working with the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) to reduce congestion and improve traffic safety at the US 15-501/Erwin Road/Europa Drive intersection.
The initial improvements involved reconfiguration of the turning lanes at the intersection, and upgrading of the signs and traffic signals. These improvements now exist at this location.
In early 1999, preliminary plans were developed for further improvements including additional turn lanes and relocation of the US 15-501 frontage road (Dobbins Drive) at Erwin Road. Please see Map #2 (Attachment #3) showing these proposed improvements.
Earlier this year, at the Council’s request, we asked the State to investigate the feasibility of installing a roundabout (traffic circle) at this intersection. It was determined that a typical roundabout would not be feasible because it would create severe traffic congestion resulting in gridlock conditions during peak hours. Please see Attachment #4 (Agenda Item #5a-1/24/00) which discusses the roundabout study.
The Council requested that Town and State staff continue studying the US 15-501/Erwin Road/Europa Drive intersection and try to identify innovative ideas which could improve traffic management at this difficult intersection.
Following several months of study and discussion with Town staff, the Traffic Engineering Branch Division of the NCDOT developed a proposal that we believe could provide a practical and effective means for improving traffic safety and congestion problems at the US 15-501/Erwin Road/Europa Drive intersection.
The concept is a corridor improvement referred to as a “Superstreet”, which is a variation of the median u-turn concept used in Michigan and other states. The Superstreet design functions in many ways like an elongated roundabout. (Please refer to Map #1). The key is that the design eliminates left-turn movements at the primary intersection. The removal of left turns would allow use of simplified two-phase signal operation at the intersection, eliminating the current multiphase signal timing which contributes to the delays and congestion that occurs with the existing intersection layout.
The superstreet design would allow traffic signals in both directions on US 15-501 to operate independently, thereby allowing improved opportunities to establish traffic progression and reduce delays.
This is a novel proposal for use in our area of North Carolina and drivers would need to make adjustments. For instance, eastbound traffic on US 15-501 wanting to travel northbound on Erwin Road would need to go past the US 15-501/Erwin Road intersection, make a u-turn at the median crossover, and come back to make a right turn onto northbound Erwin Road. Please refer to the Map #1 (Attachment #1).
Our computer models suggest that, if the Superstreet were implemented, average vehicle travel time through the intersection area would be reduced with resultant reductions in fuel consumption and emissions. The lifetime benefit/cost ratio for the Superstreet and details of the benefit/cost analysis are shown on the attached table (Attachment #2).
The State Transportation Improvement Program has presently allocated $700,000 for improvements at this intersection. This funding is based on the earlier proposal for adding turn lanes and relocating Dobbins Drive.
We estimate that the Superstreet proposal would cost approximately $1.5 million to implement. The State is very interested in building and evaluating a Superstreet project, particularly on the US 15-501 corridor. If the Council wishes to pursue the Superstreet proposal, the necessary additional funding would need to be identified by our area Technical Advisory Committee as part of the State Transportation Improvement Program process.
Adoption of the attached resolution would state that the Council is interested in pursuing the Superstreet proposal for the intersection of US 15-501/Erwin Road/Europa Drive. If the resolution is adopted, the State would proceed to develop preliminary plans for a joint Town/State public hearing this winter. Based on the public hearing comments, final revisions would be made and an environmental assessment would be prepared.
The Town Council would then be asked to formally endorse the Superstreet project, after which construction would be scheduled based on the funding availability.
That the Council adopt the attached resolution stating its interest in exploring improvements to the US 15-501/Erwin Road/Europa Drive intersection.
1. Superstreet Map #1 (p. 5).
2. Superstreet benefit/cost analysis (p. 6)
3. Interim Improvements Map #2 (p. 7).
4. Agenda Item 5A, January 24, 2000 (begin new page 1).
WHEREAS, the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill wishes to improve traffic conditions at and around the US 15-501/Erwin Road/Europa Drive intersection; and
WHEREAS, the Council has directed Town staff to work with the North Carolina Department of Transportation staff to identify potential intersection improvement opportunities; and
WHEREAS, Town and State staff have identified one improvement project of limited scope involving additional turn lanes at the intersection, and a second more comprehensive project involving a corridor improvement concept know as a Superstreet; and
WHEREAS, the Council desires to explore comprehensive improvements at this intersection;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill that the Council herewith affirms its interest in exploring comprehensive improvement opportunities, including Superstreet corridor improvements, at the US-501/Erwin Road/Europa Drive intersection.
This is the 23rd day of October, 2000.