TO: Mayor and Town Council
FROM: W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager
SUBJECT: Follow-up Report on Petition Regarding Improvements at the Fordham Boulevard/Willow Drive Intersection
DATE: November 13, 2000
The following report responds to a petition requesting improvements at the intersection of Fordham Boulevard and Willow Drive.
At its April 24, 2000 regular meeting, the Council received and referred the attached petition from Ms. Eva Metzger. The petition requested the following:
turning cars from cutting across the sidewalk and the curb from Willow Drive should be extended to the end of the sidewalk.
Please see the attached map.
At its May 24, 2000 meeting, we responded to the petition and advised the Council that all of the requested improvements would require approval of the State since they would fall within the right-of-way of Fordham Boulevard. The Council directed that we contact State staff and request their consideration of the requested improvements.
We received the attached written response from the State on September 15, 2000.
The State provided the following responses to the requested improvements at the intersection of Fordham Boulevard and Willow Drive:
1. The request for installation of a raised barrier on the south side of the sidewalk was denied because it would constitute a driving hazard to motorists. We agree with the State on this issue. We will, however, discuss with the State the possibility of extending the curb in the vicinity of the sidewalk. Although the curb would not constitute a significant barrier to vehicles, it could help guide motorists around the turn, thereby providing some protection to pedestrians waiting to cross at the intersection.
2. The State did not agree to a median extension which could serve as a pedestrian refuge on Fordham Boulevard. State staff advised us that the traffic signal provides adequate time for pedestrians to safely cross Fordham Boulevard. We disagree with the State on this issue, and will continue discussions to try to get approval for a median extension at this location.
3. State staff found the existing crosswalk markings to be sufficient, and do not recommend supplemental striping. We will discuss with State staff whether they would allow the Town to supplement the crosswalk striping at no cost to the State. If they are agreeable, we will install the extra striping with Town resources.
4. State staff evaluated the possibility of an all stop phase at the Fordham/Willow intersection and determined that such a change would cause unacceptable delays and congestion at the intersection. We agree with the State on this issue.
5. The State agreed to consider installing a striped crosswalk on the west side of the intersection at such time that sidewalks are installed on Willow Drive and Fordham Boulevard to and from the requested crosswalk. Until sidewalks are constructed, the State will not allow a crosswalk to be installed as requested. We think that the State’s position on this is reasonable.
We are presently evaluating possible sidewalk options along Fordham Boulevard from Willow Drive north, at the request of the Chamber of Commerce. There are presently no plans for installing additional sidewalk on Willow Drive.
As part of their analysis, State staff reviewed the intersection accident records for the past three years and found no recorded pedestrian accidents and one bicycle accident.
We think that this intersection adequately serves pedestrians and motorists based on existing conditions, and we generally concur with the State’s findings regarding the requested improvements at the intersection of Willow Drive and Fordham Boulevard.
However, we will attempt to get State approval for the Town to extend the curb at the southeast corner of the intersection in the vicinity of the new sidewalk, and we will also add supplemental striping to the existing Fordham Boulevard crosswalk if the State agrees to allow the Town to do so at no cost to the State. We will continue discussions with the State regarding the median extension.
If and when sidewalk improvements are constructed along Fordham Boulevard and Willow Drive, we will work with the State to have a striped crosswalk installed on Willow Drive to accommodate pedestrians using those sidewalks.
1. Map (p. 4).
2. Metzger Petition dated April 17, 2000 (p. 5).
3. NCDOT letter dated 9/11/00 (p. 7).