TO:                  Mayor and Town Council

FROM:            W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager

SUBJECT:       Sidewalk and Bicycle Facilities Construction Plan for 2000-2001

DATE:             November 13, 2000

The attached resolution would authorize a sidewalk and bicycle facilities construction plan for fiscal year 2000-2001.


This memorandum proposes an annual sidewalk and bicycle facilities construction plan for 2000-2001.  Funding sources include the 2000-2001 Capital Improvements Program and 1996 Bond funding.  As of July 1, $200,000 is available for new projects in fiscal year 2000-2001.  (Please see Funding Summary in Attachment 1.) 

We recommend one sidewalk construction project for the Town’s construction crew, and two sidewalk construction projects to be done by contract.  The attached resolution would approve funding to construct the following projects:

·        Rosemary Street (220 ft), on the north side from 124 W. Rosemary St to the Inter Faith Council Shelter (by Town construction crew);

·        Ransom Street (800 ft), on the east side from Cameron Avenue to McCauley St. (by contract); and

·        Fordham Blvd. (800 ft.), on the west side between Willow Drive and Elliott Rd. (by contract).

These project locations are shown on a map included as Attachment 2.


The Council held a public forum on October 23, 2000.  The Council referred the October 23rd item to all town advisory boards for comments by November 13.  The Council also referred the criteria ranking system to the Transportation Advisory Board and the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board to return by June 2001 with a recommendation for a single ranking system. 

The Council referred all comments received at the forum to the Manager to come back on November 13 with a recommendation for construction of sidewalk and bicycle facilities, including cost estimates. 


Several comments were made to which we offer responses:

1.      A variety of comments were received on the ranking system options:

Comment:  The Council referred the criteria ranking system to the Transportation Advisory Board and the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board to return by June 2001 with a recommendation for a single ranking system. 

2.      If Ransom Street #1 project is funded, place sidewalk on the east side, not the west side.

Comment:  This project is being recommended for construction on the east side between Cameron Avenue and McCauley Street.

3.      Two comments were received on ways to allow citizen contributions to sidewalk projects:

Comment:  Under North Carolina General Statutes Chapter 160A, Article 10, property owners may file a petition seeking the installation of a sidewalk and the assessment of a portion of the costs of the sidewalk to the abutting properties.  If such a petition is signed by the requisite number of owners representing the requisite front footage, the Town can elect to construct the sidewalk and charge the stated portion of the costs to the benefited properties.  Provisions can be included for the payment of the assessments over a number of years.

In addition, the Town has a Charter section (Sec. 6.11) that provides a procedure under which the Town can, under certain circumstances, install a sidewalk without a petition and assess the cost thereof against abutting properties.  This process has not been used in at least the past 20 years. 

Copies of N.C. General Statute 160A-217 and Sec. 6.11 of the Town Charter are included as Attachment 3.

We will return in January 2001 with a proposal to develop a contribution system for sidewalk projects.

4.      Additional sources of funding should be pursued.  Should focus on spreading limited funds around town.

Comment:  We will continue to pursue funding from potential transportation grant sources, such as Enhancement Funds and the Surface Transportation Program-Direct Allocation program.  These funds have a 20% local match requirement. 


There is $200,000 available in funds for new sidewalk and bikeway projects for the 2000-2001 fiscal year. (Please see Funding Summary in Attachment 1, page 7.) 

Capital Improvements Program:  The Town Council has allocated funds each year in the Capital Improvements Program for installing new, or improving existing, sidewalks and for bicycle improvements.  The 2000-2001 Capital Improvements Program allocates $100,000 for new sidewalk and bicycle projects. 

1996 Streets and Sidewalks Bond:  $100,000 is available from the second allocation of this bond fund during this fiscal year. 


We focused on projects that consistently appeared as higher priorities in the various options for ranking priorities presented to the Council on October 23.  We also took into account Council and citizen comments.  The list of sidewalk projects evaluated for construction are listed below. 

·        Rosemary Street:

  1. Infill in the 100 block of W. Rosemary: Church St. to La Residence.
  2. Infill in the 100 block of W. Rosemary:  124 W. Rosemary St. to IFC Shelter.
  3. Infill project in the 100 block of E. Rosemary:  Chapel Hill Realty to Henderson St.

·        Ransom Street, east side, from Cameron Ave to McCauley St. 

·        Fordham Blvd, west side, from Willow Dr to Elliott Rd. 

·        Culbreth Road, south side, from city limits to Culbreth Park Dr. 

·        Airport Road, east side, from Timber Hollow Court to Homestead Rd. 


The recommendations for sidewalks to be constructed take into account existing work assigned to the Town’s construction crew for this fiscal year (Attachment 4).  With work underway on a number of sidewalk and streetscape projects, we anticipate that the construction crew’s workload is nearly full.  The following table summarizes the sidewalk/bikeway projects that we recommend for the 2000-2001 fiscal year:












Rosemary Street

North side from 124 W. Rosemary St to the IFC Shelter

220 feet


$  7,000

Ransom Street

East side from Cameron Avenue to McCauley St.

800 feet


$ 93,000

Fordham Blvd.

West side between Willow Drive and Elliott Rd.

800 feet





1820 feet



The estimated costs for the proposed sidewalk projects are based on preliminary estimates by the Town's Engineering and Public Works Departments and preliminary consultations with the NCDOT.  Design and survey work and consultation with neighbors will allow more accurate estimates. 

This item was sent, as the Council requested, to all advisory boards and commissions.  The following groups will have recommendations for distribution on Friday or Monday evening.

Planning Board RecommendationThe Board commented on the October 23, 2000 memorandum at their meeting on October 24, 2000. (Please see Attachment 7.)

Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board’s RecommendationThe Board commented on the October 23, 2000 memorandum at their meeting on October 24, 2000. (Please see Attachment 7.)

Greenways Commission RecommendationThe Commission commented on the October 23, 2000 memorandum at their meeting on October 24, 2000. (Please see Attachment 7.)

Historic District Commission RecommendationThe Commission commented on the October 23, 2000 memorandum at their meeting on October 24, 2000. (Please see Attachment 7.)

Community Design Commission RecommendationThe Commission commented on the October 23, 2000 memorandum at their meeting on October 24, 2000. (Please see Attachment 7.)

Manager’s RecommendationThat the Council adopt the attached resolution authorizing construction of sidewalk along West Rosemary Street, Ransom Street and Fordham Boulevard.


Currently, the Town does not have a ranking system for prioritizing bicycle projects.  In its report to the Council on September 11th, the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board recommended one bicycle facility project:

·        Install bicycle racks on all Chapel Hill Transit buses, on all routes. 

This would cost approximately $30,000.  We recommend that the Town Council consider funding this project from Transportation Funds.  We will bring a separate report to the Council on November 27 regarding options for implementing and funding this project. 


1.     October 23 Agenda Item, with attachments (begin new p. 10).

2.     Map of Proposed Sidewalk Construction Projects.  Rosemary Street sidewalk project (p. 54).

3.     NC Statute 160A-217, and Town Charter Sec. 6.11 (p. 55).

4.     Construction Crew Assignments (p. 57).

5.     October 23 Comments from Eva Metzger (p. 58).

6.     October 23 Comments from Loren Hintz (p. 59).

7.     Advisory Board Comments on October 23, 2000 Memorandum (p. 60).


WHEREAS, the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill has placed $100,000 in the Capital Improvements Program for sidewalk and bicycle facility projects in the 2000-2001 fiscal year; and,

WHEREAS, the Council will have $100,000 available from the second half of the second allocation of 1996 Bond funds to be used for sidewalk and bicycle projects during the next fiscal year; and,

WHEREAS, the Council has reviewed projects for possible use of these funds.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill that

2000-2001 Capital Improvements Program funds and the funds from the second half of the second allocation of the 1996 Bond funds be used to construct the following sidewalk projects:

·        Rosemary Street (220 ft), on the north side from 124 W. Rosemary St to the Inter Faith Council Shelter (by Town construction crew);

·        Ransom Street (800 ft), on the east side from Cameron Avenue to McCauley St. (by contract); and

·        Fordham Blvd. (800 ft.), on the west side between Willow Drive and Elliott Rd. (by contract).

This the 13th day of November, 2000.