AGENDA # 15c
TO: Mayor and Town Council
FROM: Joyce A. Smith, Town Clerk
SUBJECT: Appointments to the Board of Adjustment
DATE: December 11, 2000
Tonight, the Council may appoint Mr. George M. “Chip” Chescheir to fill a post on the Board of Adjustment with an expiration date of June 30, 2003.
The Board of Adjustment recommends that George M. “Chip” Chescheir be appointed to this Committee (Attachment 1).
Copies of the applications (Attachment 2) and ballots are attached.
Mr. Lee Culpepper earlier agreed to serve until such time as a regular appointment would be made by the Council. Mr. Culpepper now has volunteered to serve until all alternate positions have been filled. We continue to have 2 alternate vacancies on the board, and it would be helpful to have Mr. Culpepper continue in service.
TO: Mayor and Town Council
FROM: Greg Heafner, Chair, Board of Adjustment
SUBJECT: Recommendation for Appointment
DATE: December 8, 2000
The Board of Adjustment recommends George M. “Chip” Chescheir for appointment to fill a Town Alternate vacancy.