TO: Mayor and Town Council
FROM: W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager
SUBJECT: Public Forum: Draft 2002-2008 Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program
DATE: December 11, 2000
The purpose of this public forum is to receive public comment on the draft 2002-2008 State and Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program. A copy of the draft Metropolitan Program is attached. (Attachment 1)
After public comments tonight, we will prepare a final recommendation for the Council’s consideration on January 8, 2001.
We recommend that the Council request that the Durham-Chapel Hill Carrboro Transportation Advisory Committee make the following changes to the draft 2002-2008 Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program. Please note that we have divided our recommendations between those that related to specific projects and those that are more policy oriented.
Project Recommendations
1. The Public Transit Unfunded Capital program be revised to reflect the current anticipated needs of Chapel Hill Transit
2. The South Columbia project (U-624) description be revised to read, “Purefoy Road to Manning Drive. Provide sidewalk and bikelanes and minor intersection improvements.”
3. The State provide full funding for the construction of sidewalks as part of the South Columbia project. The sidewalks should not be funded using the State pedestrian policy which requires local financial participation.
4. Construction funds for the Estes Drive project (U-2909) be included in 2008.
5. If the Town Council approves the proposed “super street” design for improvements to the Erwin Road/U.S. 15-501 intersection (U-4008), adequate funding be allocated.
6. Funding for a Major Investment Study along NC 54 from Fordham Boulevard to the Durham/Wake County line be included.
7. Funding for the design of the Morgan Creek Greenway be provide through the Surface Transportation Program Direct Allocation program.
On August 2, 2000, the North Carolina Board of Transportation released the draft 2002-2008 State Transportation Improvement Program. The draft State Program proposes a schedule for funding transportation projects throughout North Carolina.
Federal regulations require that the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Transportation Advisory Committee approve a Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program for the Urban Area, which includes Durham County and portions of Orange and Chatham County. The regulations require that the final State and Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Programs are identical to the projects included and the proposed budgets and schedules for project completion.
The Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Transportation Advisory Committee has released the draft State Transportation Improvement Program as the draft Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program for public comment.
Also included in the draft Metropolitan Program is the proposal for allocating the Surface Transportation Program Direct Allocation funds. These federal funds are provided directly to the Transportation Advisory Committee and can be used for eligible roadway, transit, bicycle and pedestrian projects. The Direct Allocation Program funds require a 20% local match.
Prior to the release of the State Transportation Improvement Program the Transportation Advisory Committee prepared a Regional Project Priority List, which included transportation projects drawn from the Chapel Hill Priority List adopted by the Council in November, 1999. The Regional Priority List is included in Attachment 1. The Town’s Priority List is provided as Attachment 2.
The Transportation Advisory Committee has opened a public comment period on the draft State and Metropolitan Programs ending January 16, 2001.
Attachment 3 compares the projects included in the Chapel Hill Transportation Project Priority List with the draft 2002-2008 Transportation Improvement Program.
Table 1 below compares Chapel Hill projects as adopted in the previous 2000-2006 State/Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program with the draft 2002-2008 State/Metropolitan Programs. Also included in the Table are the Town’s priority ranking and the ranking the project was given in the Regional Priority List.
Projects that have been included in previous Transportation Improvement Programs for construction have not been included in either the local or regional priority lists. These projects are noted as ongoing projects.
Summary of Chapel Hill Projects
Project |
Chapel Hill Priority Rank |
Regional Priority Rank |
Draft 2002-2008 TIP |
Change from 2000-2006 TIP |
(R-942) US 15-501 South: Fordham Boulevard to Pittsboro Bypass |
Ongoing project |
Ongoing Project |
Construction to begin in 2000 |
Project cost increased from $50.8 million to $60.6 million |
(U-2803) Homestead Road Improvements: High School Road to NC86 |
Ongoing project |
Ongoing project |
Construction to begin in 2005. $5.05 million |
Project delay one year, budget increase from $4.25 million. |
(U-3306) Weaver Dairy Road Improvements: NC 86 to Sage Road |
Ongoing project |
Ongoing project |
Construction to begin in 2004 and extend to 2006, $11.05 million |
Project construction extended one year. Budget decreased from $13.34 million |
(U-624) South Columbia Street: Manning Drive Road to Purefoy Road |
Ongoing project |
Ongoing project |
Construction to begin in 2005. $3.05 million |
Project construction extended one year. Budget decreased from $3.43 million. |
(U-2909) Estes Drive, NC86 to N. Greensboro Street |
#3 |
#9 |
Right of way purchase in 2006, construction post year. $8.50 million |
Project cost increased from $6.50 million. |
(U-4008) Erwin Road/US 15-501 Intersection Improvements |
Not identified |
Not identified as separate project, included with U-2807, US 15-501 corridor improvements |
Construction in 2002. $600,000 |
Identified as a separate project. |
The draft Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program also includes the programming of projects for funding using Surface Transportation Program Direct Allocation funds. These are funds annually allocated directly to the Transportation Advisory Committee. The Transportation Advisory Committee is responsible for programming these funds.
The complete proposed Direct Allocation program is included in Attachment 1. The proposed Direct Allocation Program continues to include funding for the following Chapel Hill projects:
Project Project Cost Local Share Source of Local Share
Homestead Road
Bike and Pedestrian $304,440 $60,888 To be determined
Weaver Dairy Road
Bike and Pedestrian $907,500 $181,500 To be determined
The proposed Direct Allocation Program also includes the allocation of funds for several new projects in FY 2001. These include:
Project Project Cost Local Share Source of Local Share
Improvements $170,000 $34,000 Town Capital Improvement
Transit Support
Vehicles $224,000 $44,800 Transportation Fund
Transit Buses
(10 Expansion) $2,800,000 $560,000 Transportation Fund
Transit Buses
(Replacement) $1,932,025 $386,405 Transportation Fund
The Town will continue to pursue federal transit capital funds for the purchase of transit buses. If these funds become available the Direct Allocation funds could be reallocated to other projects.
Direct Allocation funding, totaling $1.5 million, is also proposed to construct a bikelane along Old Durham-Chapel Hill Road between Chapel Hill and Durham. Funding for this project has been requested by both Chapel Hill and Durham. The Direct Allocation program proposes that the State of North Carolina provide the $300,000 local share through the Bicycle and Pedestrian Program.
Please note that some projects listed for funding in 2001 represent new projects but are not part of the 2002-2008 program. If approved these projects would require an amendment to the existing 2000-2006 TIP.
We have provided below a more detailed review of those issues identified in the Manager’s Preliminary Recommendation.
Project Recommendations
Public Transit Capital
Chapel Hill Transit has identified capital needs through FY2005. These capital items include replacement and expansion transit buses, transit support vehicles, park and ride facilities and operations and maintenance facilities.
Manager’s Preliminary Recommendation: We recommend that the Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program include the most recent projection of Chapel Hill Transit Capital needs.
South Columbia Street Improvements
The projects limits for the South Columbia Street improvements project in the current 2000-2006 State/Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program do not reflect the description approved by the Town and the Metropolitan Planning Organization. The project limits should extend the South Columbia Street project to Manning Drive from Mason Farm Road. We believe that improvements consistent with the original project description, Manning Drive to Purefoy Road, are important to ensure pedestrian and bicycle safety through this corridor.
We are also concerned that the State has indicated that they will not provide funding for the pedestrian element of the South Columbia project as they do for other projects included in the Transportation Improvement Program. The North Carolina Department of Transportation has adopted a Pedestrian Policy, which is oriented towards sidewalk projects that are part of larger roadway projects. This Policy requires local governments to provide funding, ranging from 20% to 50% depending on the size of the municipality. We believe that the South Columbia project is primarily a pedestrian and bicycle improvement project and the provisions of the Pedestrian Policy should not be applied.
Manager’s Preliminary Recommendation: We recommend that the 2002-2008 Transportation Improvement Program state the project limits as being from Manning Drive to Purefoy Road. We also recommend that the Metropolitan Planning Organization request that this project be funded similarly to other transportation improvements in the Transportation Improvement Program, with the State providing 100% of the funding.
Estes Drive Extension Improvements
The Estes Drive Extension widening project, NC86 to North Greensboro Street, was included in the 2000-2006 State/Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program with funding for right of way purchase in 2006. Funding for construction of the project was identified for a future year.
The draft 2002-2006 Program continues to provide right of way funds in 2006 but does not provide any construction funding.
Manager’s Preliminary Recommendation: We believe this is an important project to promote safe bicycle use between Carrboro and Chapel Hill and recommend that it be funded in 2008.
Erwin Road/US 15-501 Intersection Improvements
The sum of $650,000 has been allocated in the 2000-2006 Transportation Improvement Program to provide improvements at the Erwin Road/US 15-501 intersection. The North Carolina Department of Transportation has recently proposed a more extensive set of improvements in this area. The Town Council will be reviewing the Department of Transportation’s proposal to create a “super street” along US 15-501 at the Erwin Road intersection. If the Council decides to pursue this alternative design additional funding would be required through the Transportation Improvement Program implement the project.
Manager’s Preliminary Recommendation: We recommend that the Council identify this project as a candidate for additional funding.
NC54 Major Investment Study
We believe a major investment study is necessary for the NC54 corridor, between Fordham Boulevard and the Durham/Wake County line. NC54 is an important travel corridor between Chapel Hill, Durham and the Research Triangle Park. Improvements to maintain mobility will be necessary in the next couple of years and a major investment study would evaluate the type of improvements that should be pursued by the region. A major investment study along NC54 would also complement the ongoing US15-501 Major Investment Study.
Manager’s Preliminary Recommendation: We recommend that the NC54 Major Investment Study be included for funding in the Transportation Improvement Program.
Morgan Creek Greenway
The Morgan Creek Greenway, between Southern Village and Frank Porter Graham School, is an important link in the Town’s greenway system. The construction of the Morgan Creek Greenway would provide a continuous pedestrian and bicycle connection between Frank Porter Graham School, Scroggs Elementary School and the Southern Community Park site. The Morgan Creek Greenway would also provide peripheral access to Culbreth Road Middle School
Manager’s Preliminary Recommendation: We recommend that funds be allocated from the Direct Allocation program to fund the design of the Morgan Creek Greenway.
Policy Recommendations
Orange County Funding
For transportation funding purposes Orange County is part of Highway Division 7, along with Guilford, Alamance, Caswell and Rockingham County. A comparison of the amount of transportation funding in the draft State 2002-2008 Transportation Improvement Program indicates that Orange County is not receiving a share of the funds consistent with it proportion of population. The table below illustrates the funding allocation:
Division 7 Funding Allocation
Table 2
County |
Proposed 2002-2008 Funding |
% of Division 7 Funding |
% Division 7 Population |
Alamance |
$89,475,000 |
15% |
17% |
Caswell |
$15,928,000 |
3% |
3% |
Guilford |
$364,671,000 |
61% |
53% |
Orange |
$50,593 |
8% |
15% |
Rockingham |
$80,375 |
13% |
12% |
All the Counties have been provided funding either approximately proportionate or in excess of their population with the exception of Orange County.
Manager’s Preliminary Recommendation: We believe that additional funding should be provided to Orange County in the Transportation Improvement Program.
Surface Transportation Program Direct Allocation Funds
The Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Transportation Advisory Committee has traditionally reserved the use of Direct Allocation funds for transportation projects that promote alternatives modes of travel or for elements of roadway projects, such as landscaping, that the North Carolina Department of Transportation has not fully funded. In the 2002-2008 Direct Allocation Program the City of Durham is proposing to use approximately $4.6 million of Direct Allocation funds to accelerate several roadway projects. We note that the Urban Area is currently developing a long range transportation plan that is anticipated to include various elements designed to promote alternative modes of transportation such as public transit, bicycle and pedestrian activity. In addition , the Direct Allocation program could provide Chapel Hill with additional funds for sidewalk and bicycle projects. We believe that the principle focus of the Direct Allocation program should be on providing funding for these types of projects rather than roadway expansions.
Manger’s Preliminary Recommendation: That the Council request the Direct Allocation funds be principally allocated to projects designed to promote alternative modes of transportation rather than roadway construction.
State Bicycle and Pedestrian Program
The draft 2002-2008 State Transportation Improvement Program includes a section on Pedestrian and Bicycle improvements. Although some specific projects have been identified for funding, a substantial amount of funding, over $31 million, has been identified for “Statewide” allocation. We believe that these bicycle and pedestrian funds should be specifically allocated to individual projects in the Transportation Improvement Program.
Manager’s Preliminary Recommendation: That the Transportation Advisory Committee request the specific identification of State bicycle and pedestrian funds in the Urban Area.
We will bring this item back to the Council for action on January 8, 2001.
The Transportation Advisory Committee has adopted the following schedule for developing the Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program. Once approved by the Committee, the Metropolitan Program will be submitted to the State of North Carolina for their review and approval. If there are differences between the Metropolitan and State Transportation Improvement Programs, these differences must be resolved and the final Metropolitan Program would be incorporated into the State Program. A preliminary meeting between representatives of the Transportation Advisory Committee and the Department of Transportation has been scheduled for January 22, 2001.
December 14, 2000 Transportation Advisory Committee Public Hearing
January 8, 2001 Chapel Hill Town Council action
January 16, 2001 Public comment period closes
End of January, 2001 Transportation Advisory Committee representatives hold meetings with Board of Transportation member and Department of Transportation staff.
February 14, 2001 Transportation Advisory Committee receives revised draft Metropolitan Program
March 14, 2001 Transportation Advisory Committee approves FY2002-2008 Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program.
June, 2001 Board of Transportation approves FY2002-2008 State Transportation Improvement Program.
Manager’s Preliminary Recommendation: That the Council adopt the attached resolution providing the Transportation Advisory Committee with comments on the draft 2002-2008 Transportation Improvement Program.
Parks and Recreation Commission: The Commission recommends that the Council request Direct Allocation funds for the design of the Morgan Creek Trail. The Commission also requests funding for the construction of the Morgan Creek Trail and a pedestrian/bicycle path along NC54.
Greenways Commission: The Commission recommends that the Council request Direct Allocation funds for the design of the Morgan Creek Trail. The Commission also requests funding for the construction of the Morgan Creek Trail.
Transportation Board: To be distributed on December 8, 2000.
Planning Board: To be distributed on December 8, 2000.
Pedestrian and Bicycle Advisory Board: The Pedestrian and Bicycle Advisory Board will review the draft Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program on December 12, 2000. Their recommendation will be provided to the Council on January 8, 2001.
7. Transportation Advisory Board Recommendation (to be distributed).
8. Planning Board Recommendation (to be distributed).
9. Pedestrian and Bicycle Advisory Board Recommendation (to be prepared).
WHEREAS, the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Transportation Advisory Committee has released a draft 2002-2008 Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program; and
WHEREAS, the Transportation Advisory Committee has requested public comment on the draft Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program; and
WHEREAS, the Town Council has reviewed the draft Program and received public comment;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hilll that the Council recommends that the draft 2002-2008 Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program be revised to include the following:
This the ________day of _________, 2001