TO: Mayor and Town Council
FROM: W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager
SUBJECT: Consultant Contract for Development Ordinance Revision
DATE: January 8, 2001
Adoption of the attached resolution would approve a Scope of Services and Budget for a contract with a consulting firm, for revision of Chapel Hill’s Development Ordinance.
On May 8, 2000, the Town Council adopted a new
Comprehensive Plan and implementation of the new Plan is now underway. One important implementation step involves
the Development Ordinance. The
Development Ordinance needs to be brought into conformance with the newly
adopted Comprehensive Plan.
On July 5, 2000, the Town Council selected a
consulting firm to provide assistance with the revision of the Development
Ordinance. A scope of services was
prepared and approved by the Council in August. A contract was signed in September.
Work proceeded under the terms of the contract through the fall of 2000. On December 11, 2000, the Town Council directed to Manager to conclude work on the existing consultant contract, and negotiate a Scope of Services and Budget with the Kansas City firm of Freilich, Leitner, & Carlisle. A copy of the Council’s December 11 resolution is attached.
At the Council’s direction, we have discussed this project with Mr. Mark White, of Freilich, Leitner, & Carlisle. Copies of materials describing the experience of Mr. White and the firm are attached.
As a result of these conversations, Freilich, Leitner & Carlisle has prepared a proposed Scope of Services and Proposed Timeline (attached). Key points of this proposal are as follows:
We believe that a key to making this process cost-effective (and being able to stay within this proposed budget) will be minimizing the number of consultant visits, and completing the products within the projected time frame.
We believe that the schedule can be accomplished, but believe that it is aggressive. We intend to work with the consultants to hit the targets of having drafts ready for public hearings in June and September, allowing the Council opportunity to adopt a new Development Ordinance by October.
We recommend that the Council adopt the attached resolution, directing the Town Manager to execute a contract for the attached Scope of Services, with a budget of $76,000.
We note that the Council has scheduled a Work Session for 5:30 pm on January 22, 2001, for purposes of discussion of the Development Ordinance revision. If the Council approves this contract, Mr. Mark White of Freilick, Leitner, & Carlisle will attend the Work Session.
1. December 11, 2000 Council Resolution (p. 5).
2. Proposed Scope of Services and Proposed Timeline from Freilich, Leitner, & Carlisle (p. 7).
3. Background materials describing experience of Mr. Mark White and the firm Freilich, Leitner, & Carlisle (p. 13).
WHEREAS, the Chapel Hill Town Council adopted a new Comprehensive Plan on May 8, 2000; and
WHEREAS, a key step in implementing that Comprehensive Plan is revision of Chapel Hill’s Development Ordinance; and
WHEREAS, the Council has discussed its objectives for a revised Development Ordinance and seeks the assistance of a consultant to prepare a revised Ordinance; and
WHEREAS, the Council concludes that a proposal offered by Freilich, Leitner, & Carlisle, described in a memorandum dated January 8, 2001, would address the Council’s objectives in revising the Development Ordinance;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council directs the Town Manager to execute a contract with Freilich, Leitner, & Carlisle reflecting the specific Scope of Services and Timeline described in a January 8, 2001 memorandum to the Council, with a stated budget of $76,000.
This the 8th day of January, 2001.