TO: Mayor and Council
FROM: W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager
SUBJECT: Position Title Change in the Engineering Department
Date: February 26, 2001
The attached ordinance would change the classification title of an existing position in the Engineering Department from Engineering Drafting Specialist to Engineering Technician. Both classes are in pay grade range 29-31 under the present pay plan.
The existing Engineering Department organization includes one Engineering Technician position and one Engineering Drafting Specialist position, both in pay grade range 29-31. The Engineering Drafting Specialist position was recently vacated as a result of the retirement of the incumbent in that position.
The responsibilities of the Engineering Drafting Specialist performed by the previous incumbent changed over time from a primary focus on drafting duties to more varied responsibilities that were similar to the work of the Engineering Technician. These non-drafting duties included assisting other Engineering Department staff with technical research, project design and inspection, responding to citizen requests for assistance, stream water quality sampling, and collecting/analyzing traffic and drainage field data. This position is also responsible for administration of the Town cemeteries.
With the current vacancy in the Engineering Drafting Specialist position, we recommend changing the position title; this would allow us to recruit for the broader range of duties performed by an Engineering Technician position instead of the more specialized Engineering Drafting Specialist. We anticipate that this technician position would be supervised by the Town Traffic Engineer, while the other staff Engineering Technician is supervised by the Town Surveyor/Project Coordinator.
Because this proposal is a title change and the position would be within the same range of salary grades, we do not anticipate fiscal impact on the Engineering Department budget or Town personnel costs.
That the Council adopt the attached ordinance changing a position title in the Engineering Department from Engineering Drafting Specialist to Engineering Technician.
BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill that the Ordinance Establishing a Position Classification and Pay Plan (2000-6-26/O-10) is amended as follows:
In Section III:
In grade 29 delete the line Engineering Drafting Specialist
In grade 31 delete the line Senior Engineering Drafting Specialist
In Section IV, part C, in the Engineering Department, DELETE the lines
Full-time Part-time
Position: No. Hrs. No. Hrs. Grade
Engineering Drafting Specialist 1 37.5 - - 29-31
Engineering Technician 1 37.5 - - 29-31
and ADD the lines
Engineering Technician 2 37.5 - - 29-31
This the 26th day of February, 2001.