Wednesday, February 28, 2001
Town Attorney’s Office
Initial Budget Presentation to the Mayor and Council
The Town Attorney’s Office is responsible for protecting the legal interests of the Town of Chapel Hill, providing legal advice to the Mayor and Town Council and, directly or indirectly, to members of the Town staff and Town advisory boards and commissions on matters related to Town business. This office is responsible for representing Town interests or arranging for that representation in judicial and administrative proceedings.
The key services provided by this office are:
-advice to the Mayor and Town Council;
-advice to Town Manager and departments of Town government; and,
-day-to-day legal services to all departments of Town government.
This department does not generate any revenues but may on occasion collect, through judicial proceedings, moneys owed the Town.
Departmental Base Budget Cost Estimates
Personnel: $179,587
Operations: $ 29,100
Capital: 0
Total: $208,687
Conversion to use of some computer based research tools has reduced our costs for library materials and has allowed the establishment of an additional meeting room space in the law library for use by Town staff.
We have modified our process for tracking and review of contracts and other documents, with additional responsibilities being assigned to the Executive Assistant. As a result, fewer documents are being returned to departments for correction and revision.
Earlier involvement of this department in development of agenda memoranda and other policy recommendations would facilitate operations and policy recommendations to the Council.