AGENDA #11a(2)




TO:                  Mayor and Town Council


FROM:            Mayor pro tem Pavão

Council Member Brown


SUBJECT:            Energy and the Comprehensive Plan


DATE:             March 5, 2001


The Goals, Objectives, and Policies adopted June 12, 1989, had the following energy policy: The Town shall encourage site planning, landscaping, and structure design which shall maximize the potential for energy conservation by reducing the demand for artificial heating, cooling, ventilation, and lighting, and facilitating the use of solar and other energy resources.


Since the 1989 Comprehensive Plan adoption, the Town has done a great deal of work related to energy.  The recommendations of the Chapel Hill Energy Task Force resulted in retrofitting most Town buildings with energy-efficient lighting and developing a Town ordinance regarding energy that has become a model in the country.  The Town has also joined the Million Solar Roofs program, as well as the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives.  Yet the Comprehensive Plan adopted May 8, 2000, omits the energy policy from the 1989 Comprehensive Plan.


This is a petition to the Council to request that the staff determine how best to include such an energy policy in the current Comprehensive plan and inform the Council as soon as possible.  The request is then that the Council go forward with that process quickly when such determination has been made.