TO: Mayor and Town Council
FROM: W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager
SUBJECT: Response from the North Carolina Department of Transportation Regarding Proposed Improvements to Weaver Dairy Road Between NC 86 and Erwin Road
DATE: March 5, 2001
The attached February 15, 2001 letter from the North Carolina Department of Transportation, regarding proposed improvements to Weaver Dairy Road between NC 86 and Erwin Road, was recently received by the Mayor (see Attachment #1). The letter responds to the Council’s January 22, 2001 endorsement of a proposed Weaver Dairy Road improvement project consisting of a three-lane cross section with associated amenities, as outlined in the Council resolution sent to the State in late January (see Attachment #2).
According to the attached letter, the North Carolina Department of Transportation has considered the three-lane project endorsed by the Council, and believes it would not adequately meet the service and safety needs of expected vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian traffic on Weaver Dairy Road.
The State recommends construction of a four-lane, median-divided cross section on Weaver Dairy Road, with associated bicycle and pedestrian features. This cross section was recommended by the Town Manager at the Council’s January 22, 2001 regular meeting (see Attachment #3).
The letter indicates that the State intends to continue work on an environmental assessment in preparation for a public hearing this summer.
We recommend that the Council consider the State’s response and determine how it wishes to reply.
1. NCDOT letter dated February 15, 2001 (p. 2).
2. Council endorsement resolution R-10b (p. 6).
3. Agenda Item #8, January 22, 2001 (begin new page 1).