The Chapel Hill Public Arts Commission
306 North Columbia Street
Chapel Hill, NC 27516
968-2888 ext. 377
March 22, 2001
Madame Mayor and Council Members:
As the Chairperson of the Chapel Hill Public Arts Commission (CHPAC) I would like to give a brief report on the Commission’s activities, offer a recommendation to strengthen public art efforts in our community and propose a budget that will put these programs on a solid footing.
· Art exhibits – twelve a year (six at town hall and six at the library).
· Solicit artists for the exhibits with a “Call for Artists” brochure and press releases
· Set-up a committee to review the artists’ slides and select the artists
· Coordinate the exhibit schedule
· Hang the shows and provide identifying labels, biographical information and artist’s statements
· Send out press releases
· Help the artists develop invitations to the reception/exhibit
· Sponsor an opening reception
· Process all purchases
· “Sculpture on the Green” - a two day sculpture exhibit held on the UNC-CH campus.
· Sculptors from across the state are invited to display their works. Last year thirty-two artists exhibited sixty-one original sculptures.
· An independent judge selects four artworks for merit recognition. The artists receive a $500 merit award. A grant has been received to help us pay for the awards.
· The Town purchased a work titled “Tadasana” by Julia Stout. It has recently been installed at the Community Center.
· Summer Select Exhibit
· At this year’s “Sculpture on the Green” exhibit, CHPAC will invite and pay an honorarium to approximately four to six sculptors to exhibit artworks at public sites in Town from April 23 to August 31, 2001.
· Performing Arts Program
· CHPAC has begun developing a performing arts series to complement the “Sculpture on the Green” exhibit and the other exhibits at Town Hall and the Library. Local high school and other musicians are being solicited for this program. A grant has been received to help fund this initiative.
· Adopt A Planter
· CHPAC joined in the Downtown Commission’s program to beautify Franklin Street by adopting a large planter in front of Vespa Restaurant.
· Write grants and solicit private funds to help cover expenses.
· In the past two years (1999-00), four grants have been written and awarded for a total of $3150. A fundraising letter sent out during this period brought in $4500.
· Advise the Town Council on art related matters.
· Advised and provided administrative support for the Town’s commissioned artwork, “Crossroads” by Anita Wolfenden.
· Drafted a percent for art ordinance and guidelines in order to begin a dialogue on how best to implement a one percent program in Chapel Hill.
· Presently providing administrative support for the Town’s first percent for art project, Chapel Hill Fire Station # 5.
· Provide venues for local artists.
· Promote public appreciation, education, participation and support of the arts.
· Produce program notes for all exhibits, hold open receptions and inform the media of our activities.
· Provide general information and referral services to artists and the general public on art related matters.
· Maintain a donor mailing list.
· Currently setting up a 501(c) 3 fundraising group.
The Commission presently has sixteen dedicated members who are very interested in seeing our community become a dynamic leader and supporter of the arts.
This past July we were encouraged to hear that the Comprehensive Planning group recommended that the town develop and adopt a percent for art ordinance by December 31, 2001 (please see pages 21 and 22 of the report).
The CHPAC also recommends that the Town develop and adopt a percent for art ordinance and guidelines governing the manner and method of how to implement the program. An ordinance and guidelines will ensure continuity, structure, public participation and funding for the program.
When the CHPAC first received funding from the town we were presenting six art exhibits per year at Town Hall. Since then our programs have expanded and they have been well received by the public. In order to continue to implement these growing programs and the percent for art initiative we are respectfully recommending the following budget for your consideration.
Joan Page, Chairperson
Chapel Hill Public Arts Commission
Artists Commission Fees $ 550.00
Grants 4,500.00
Individual Support 5,000.00
Town Support 30,000.00
TOTAL INCOME $40,050.00
Personnel – Administrative (1) $19,500.00
Office Supplies 3,500.00
Printing 2,500.00
Postage 3,400.00
Exhibits/Receptions (2) 1,000.00
Artists Awards-Sculpture on the Green (3) 2,000.00
Summer Select Exhibit Awards (4) 2,500.00
Maintenance for Artworks Fund (5) 1,000.00
Informational/Educational Brochures (6) 1,500.00
Performing Arts Program (7) 2,000.00
Catalogue/Document Artworks owned by the Town (8) 650.00
Miscellaneous 500.00
1) Personnel – Administrative:
25 hours per week at $15 per hour
Administrative staff is needed to coordinate and manage the exhibits, performing arts series, special events, attend meetings, write reports, research and write grants, manage the percent for art projects and help develop a five year public art program.
2) Exhibits/Receptions: The CHPAC is mounting twelve art exhibits and receptions per year at the Chapel Hill Town Hall and the Public Library. Expenses incurred with each exhibit include the production of programs, poster boards, labels and press releases, documentation for insurance purposes and invitations which announce the exhibits. Each exhibit has an opening reception and CHPAC provides the paper products. A “Call for Artists” mailing goes out each spring to solicit artists for the next year. Hundreds of slides are reviewed before the Selection Committee makes exhibit decisions. Approximately 25 to 40 artists’ works are displayed on an annual basis. CHPAC’s members and staff person hang the exhibits.
3) Sculpture on the Green: In 2002, CHPAC will be sponsoring the 3rd Annual “Sculpture on the Green” exhibit which is held in conjunction with Apple Chill. Regional and area artists are invited to display their indoor, outdoor, interactive and installation sculptures at this event. An independent judge selects four artworks for merit recognition. The artists receive a $500 merit award. The CHPAC has received and expects to continue receiving grant monies from the Orange County Arts Commission for these merit awards.
4) Summer Select Exhibit Awards: The CHPAC will invite and pay an honorarium to approximately four to six sculptors to exhibit artworks selected from Sculpture on the Green at public sites in town from the end of April to the end of August.
5) Maintenance of Artworks: The CHPAC would like to start a maintenance fund for the artworks which the town owns and will be acquiring through the percent for art program.
6) Informational/Educational Brochures: We would like to inform the public about the percent for art program by developing and producing informational/educational brochures.
7) Performing Arts Program: The CHPAC has begun developing a performing arts series to complement the Sculpture on the Green exhibit and other exhibits at Town Hall and the Library. Local musicians and other performing artists are being solicited for this project. A grant was received from the Orange County Arts Commission to help fund this initiative.
8) Catalogue/Document Artworks Owned by the Town: As the town embarks on a percent for art program, the artworks commissioned or purchased under this program need to be catalogued and documented. Photos of the works, care requirements, maintenance issues, locations, sizes, media, and other pertinent facts need to be documented.
List of Accomplishments
The Chapel Hill Public Arts Commission (CHPAC) was established on February 10, 1992 by a resolution of the Town Council. The Town Council charged the CHPAC with the task of enhancing and enlivening the Town’s public spaces through the display of art which serves as venues for local artists. The Council further charged the Commission with promoting public appreciation and support of the arts, and advising the Town Council on art-related issues.
Eighteen commission members are appointed by the Council for three-year terms, and may serve no more than two consecutive full terms. Meetings are open to the public and are held the third Wednesday in each month at Town Hall. The Commission has a part-time staff person housed at Town Hall and a public information number: 968-2888 extension 377.
· Raised funds to purchase display equipment to make it possible to present art shows at Town Hall.
· Raised funds through the Orange County Arts Commission and the North Carolina Arts Council to commission a display case for Town Hall.
· Grant funds were received again in 1998 to purchase two additional display cases for Town Hall.
· Developed guidelines and requirements for submitting artworks for exhibits at Town Hall and the library.
· Raised funds to install display equipment at the Chapel Hill Public Library to make it possible to present art shows at the library.
· Community Creators, the inaugural exhibit, opened October 22, 1998.
· Presently presenting six art exhibits per year at Town Hall and six per year at the Library.
· Sponsored a series of public lectures on “Art in Public Spaces.”
· Presented the local artists honored by the State of North Carolina as the 1996 NC Art Exhibit winners with a show of their work at Town Hall.
· Produced an educational video The Art of Community.
· Developed and produced a “Call for Artists” brochure.
· Developed a gifts review policy.
· Raise funds annually to help cover program costs and to match grant funds.
· Maintain a donor and mailing list.
· Held a two day sculpture exhibit, Sculpture on the Green, on the UNC-CH campus. Sixty-one sculptures were on exhibit. Received a grant from the Orange County Arts Commission to help fund four $500 merit awards.
· Received a grant from the Orange County Arts Commission to help with marketing and other expenses incurred presenting the twelve art exhibits.
· Received a grant from the Orange County Arts Commission to start a small performing arts program. Two high school ensemble groups will perform at the second annual Sculpture on the Green exhibit.
· Received a $1000 grant from the Orange County Arts Commission to help fund four $500 merit awards for the Second Annual Sculpture on the Green exhibit which will be held on April 21 and 22, 2001.
· Advised and provided administrative support for the Town’s commissioned artwork, “Crossroads” by Anita Wolfenden.
· Drafted a percent for art ordinance and guidelines in order to begin a dialogue on how best to implement a one percent for art program in Chapel Hill.
· Provide general information and referral services to artists and the general public on art related matters.
· Participated in the Downtown Commission’s Adopt A Planter program.
· Presently providing advise and administrative support for the Town’s first percent for art initiative, the new #5 Firehouse. The draft guidelines are being followed.
· As an extension of Sculpture on the Green, a “Summer Select” sculpture exhibit, which will be held from April 23 through August 31, 2001 at various public sites around Town.
Art Exhibits 1994-2001
The Chapel Hill Public Arts Commission (CHPAC) has been presenting art exhibits at the Chapel Hill Town Hall since 1994 and in 1998 it started presenting art exhibits at the Chapel Hill Public Library. Exposure in Town Hall is approximately 2,000 people per month and 26,000 people per month at the Library. School groups, tourists, and the general population come through the buildings on a regular basis in addition to members of various town boards and commissions and attendees of town meetings.
1. Sept. 94 - Dec. 95 First Art Show at Town Hall (18 artists)
2. Feb. 95 - April 95 Three Fiber Artists (3 artists)
3. May 95 - June 95 Arrested Images (5 artists)
4. July 95 - Sept. 95 From the Mountains to the Sea (6 artists)
5. Oct. 95 - Dec. 95 Fall Group Show (23 artists)
6. Mar. 96 - May 96 The Selective Eye (5 artists)
7. May 96 - June 96 Elemental Structures (10 artists)
Curated by Michele Natale
8. July 96 - Sept. 9 Postcards (7 artists)
9. Oct. 96 - Dec. 9 Curator’s Choice (8 artists) -Local NCAE winners
Curated by Michele Natale
10. Dec. 96 - Jan. 97 Exhibit of objects from the Chapel Hill and Durham Sister Cities Program
11. Feb 97 - April 97 The Meaning of Light - Collaboration with the Museum of the Jewish Family. Opening reception included performance by the Triangle Jewish Chorale.
12. May 97 - June 97 Possibilities - the Changing Face of Disabilities - (5 artists) A
collaboration with the Orange County Disability Awareness Council and the Ackland Museum. Opening included a dramatic performance about the life of an autistic poet and artist.
13. July 97 - Sept. 97 Betty Bell’s oil and watercolor paintings (1 artist)
14. Sept. 97 - Nov. 97 Grass Roots Art, Inc. - (15 artists) Featured a representative group of Orange County Artists.
15. Nov. 97 - Jan. 98 The Interpretationists - (7 artists)
16. Jan. 98 - Mar. 98 Hollis Chatelain, textile artist and Colleen Black-Semelka, ceramic artists (2 artists)
17. Mar. 98 - May 98 The Pastel Society of Orange County - (15 artists)
18. May 98 Congressional High School Art Contest and
Saratov (Sister City) Student Art
19. June 98 - Sept. 98 Susan Simone - photographic essay of the Northside
20. Sept. 98 - Oct. 98 The Museum of the Jewish Family exhibit - The Artists, The Bible and The Storyteller, by Paul-Henri Bourguignon
21. Oct. 98 - Nov. 98 Community Creators exhibit featuring the works of 40 artists at Town Hall and at the Library
22. Dec. 98 – Jan. 99 Town Employees Exhibit
23. Feb. 99 – Mar. 99 Betty Bell and Roni Peterson at the Library Eric Saunders, Rainey Rogers, Jennifer Miller, Herbert Slapo at Town Hall
24. Mar. 99 – Jun. 99 Josephine Humphries, Lucia Anderson, Helen Knapp, Eleanor Wiles, Mizuki Yoshioa, Elizabeth Bull, Ronald Franklin at Town Hall
Katherine Schlessinger, Liz Priestly, Alyssa Hinton at the Library
25. July 99 – Aug. 99 Diane Mannning, Nerys Levy, Vincent Daddiego, Anita Wolfenden at Town Hall and at the Library
26. Aug. 99 – Oct. 99 Susan Simone at Town Hall
27. Oct. 99 – Nov. 99 Nan Gressman, Debi Drew, Teddy De LaRuia-Aguero at Town Hall
Diane Amato, Dawn Stetzel at the Library
28. Nov. 99 – Jan. 00 Carmen Elliott, Barbara Higgins, Michele Natale, Natalie Boorman at Town Hall
29. Feb 00 – Mar. 00 Triangle Artists at Town Hall (11 artists)
Steve Hessler, Ed Hardy at the Library
30. Apr. 00 – May 00 Jan-ru Wan, Susan Levin at Town Hall
Kristin Dill at the Library
31. June 00 – July 00 Sculpture with recycled materials (6 artists), John Henry, Elizabeth Reeves Lyon
Sue Versenyi at the Library
32. Aug. 00 – Sept. 00 Maggie Wilson, Dawn Stetzel at Town Hall
Chris Graebener, Mary Kay Holterman at the Library
33. Oct. 00 – Nov. 00 Jayne Bomberg at Town Hall
Celebration 2000: Habitat for Humanity by Susan Simone at the Library
34. Dec. 00 – Jan. 01 Katherine Shelburne and Amy Gitelman at Town Hall
Lorin Fields at the Library
35. Jan. 01 – Mar. 01 Town Employees at Town Hall and Jane Hanck and Susan Roemer at the Library
36. Apr .01 – May 01 Marni Goldschlag and Dave Wofford at Town Hall and Caroline Kenning and Dave Wofford at the Library
37. June 01 – July 01 Shannon Bueker, Amy Levine, Clarence Meyer at Town Hall and Sharon Petraitis, Grace Li Wang at the Library
38. July 01 – Aug. 01 Karl Koga, Rachel Woodall Nicholson at Town Hall and Carol Weissberg Burgess, Breck Smith at the Library
39. Oct. 01 – Nov. 01 Melissa Reed, Edward Rokosz at Town Hall and Susan Simone at the Library
40. Dec 01 – Jan. 02 Nancy Marple, Susan Neulist at Town Hall and Sarah Mantel, Lucy Siekman at the Library
(as of March 2001)
Joan Page, Chair Non-profit Administrator
Lucia Anderson Retired Microbiologist
Barbara Barnes Retired Arts Administrator
Lee Butler Bidgood UNC-CH Student
Katrinka Borders Retired Town Employee, Artist
Betsy Bullen Retired Art Gallery Operator
Linda Cocchetto Special Events Coordinator
Romeo (Chip) Fontaine Businessman
Ellen Fussell, Vice-Chair Editor/Writer
Jimmie A. Haynes, Treasurer Dentist/Sculptor
Hunter Levinsohn Artist
Raleigh Mann Retired UNC-CH Professor
Linda Passman Artist, Retired Teacher
Renee Piechocki Public Art Project Manager, Artist
Herbert Slapo Artist
Karen Slotta Arts Administrator
*Susan Leeb, Co-Chair
*Hunter Levinsohn, Co-Chair
*Barbara Barnes
*Ellen Fussell
*Linda Cocchetto
*Raleigh Mann
Herb Slapo
Betty Cloutier
Nancy Preston
*Betsy Bullen, Chair
*Lucia Anderson
*Katrinka Borders
*Susan Leeb
*Linda Passman
Jim Baker
*Renee Piechocki, Chair
*Jimmie A. Haynes
*Joan Page
*Jimmie Haynes, Chair
*Herb Slapo
*Chip Fontaine
*Jimmie Haynes
*Barbara Barnes
*Ellen Fussell
*Raleigh Mann
*Lee Butler Bidgood
Joyce Brown
Linda Doughtery
Larry Johnson
Dan Jones
Sonna Loewenthal
Barbara Matilsky
*Linda Passman
*Renee Piechocki
Jim Spencer
*Member of CHPAC