- The letter
describes well the extensive internal review process for proposed
University facilities. These
reviews are related to funding, building location, building design,
immediate infrastructure needs, and relation to the University’s mission
and services. There is little
consideration of community impacts built into any of the review
processes that are listed. The
Town Council has previously discussed, for example, the limited extent of
environmental review that is built into the State Clearinghouse
- Regarding the request for relief from Floor Area Ratio
limits: The letter correctly
describes the limitations on University development that are imposed by
the Floor Area Ratios for the OI-3 zoning district. These existing ratios would limit
additional building on the main campus to approximately 300,000 net
additional square feet. The
University has plans to increase floor area over the next 7-10 years by
much more than that.
- Regarding the request
for relief from the ZCP process:
The letter states that planning for “campus-wide systems such as
storm water management and parking and transportation issues” is best done
on a campus-wide basis, rather than building-by-building. There is logic and merit in this
argument. However, there is
currently no process by which the Town can review and approve plans on a
campus-wide basis. If such a
process were in place, with a mechanism for periodic review and update, it
could obviate the need for building-by-building reviews. A good example of this is the storm
water management issue referred to on page 4 of the letter. It is stated that there is $10 million
earmarked for storm water management study and improvements, and this is
noteworthy. But until a plan is
prepared and facilities are put in place, attention to
building-by-building stormwater impacts is warranted.
- Regarding concern that the current administrative Zoning
Compliance Permit review process is “cumbersome and frustrating”: We note that this process carries with
it a statutory time limit for review of 15 working days from application
to action. Often the action will
be “approval with conditions,” which requires the applicant to furnish
additional information. Following
are 2 examples to illustrate typical time frames:
- Graham Memorial Addition: $125 fee.
Application submitted April 29, 1998. Application approved with conditions May 15, 1998. Information resubmitted by University
to address conditions June 12, 1998.
Zoning Compliance Permit issued June 19, 1998.
- Biomolecular Research Building: $125 fee. Application submitted March 26, 1999. Application approved with conditions
April 9, 1999. Information
resubmitted by University to address conditions May 24, 1999. Zoning Compliance Permit issued June 4,
- Regarding the request for relief from the Site Plan Review
(Planning Board) requirement: We
agree that the 15% rule is less than ideal, and can result in a situation
where a building of insignificant impact triggers Planning Board
review. However, there is logic in
the requirement in that it makes sense to periodically have a check-in
mechanism to monitor University growth and impacts, beyond simply staff
review. Perhaps another such
mechanism would be better than the simple 15% rule. Recent experience has been that there
is a long time period between the events that trigger this review by the
Planning Board. The most recent
review was triggered by the Bioinformatics building in December,
2000. The last review before that
was Lineberger Cancer Institute in 1990.
- Regarding the concerns about the Bioinformatics
Building: We note that, upon
request by the University, the Planning Board review of this application
was expedited due to action by the Town Council. The Site Plan Review application was accepted by the Town on
October 30, 2000. The Planning
Board approved the application on December 5, 2000. Final plans were submitted (to demonstrate
compliance with conditions of approval) on December 11. A Zoning Compliance Permit was issued
on December 21. Two Town issues
remain outstanding for this project.
Additional right-of-way is to be dedicated, which requires State
action. And an encroachment
agreement will be needed for work in Town right-of-way for construction of
a pedestrian bridge. That
encroachment agreement, when it is requested, will need to be approved by
the Town Council. The letter
states that the cost of Town review was $41,378. Our records confirm this.
All other University applications over that past ten years have
paid only an administrative application fee (currently set at $125).
- Regarding the proposed Courtesy Review Process: The letter proposes that
building-by-building review take the form of a courtesy review to be
performed by Town staff, to look at details of projects such as required
work in the right-of-way of Town streets and traffic control plans during
construction. This kind of detail
is appropriately proposed to be a staff-only function. We believe that there also needs to be
an accompanying proposed process for policy-level discussion about
community impacts that result from adding several million square feet of
- Regarding the Horace Williams tract: The letter proposes that this entire
tract, 900+ acres in Chapel Hill’s jurisdiction, much of which is
currently zoned Residential-1, be zoned to a new zoning district - - which
would have no floor area limits and no Town approvals required. We suggest first designing a new
zoning district for application to the main campus, and then examining
possibilities for application to the Horace Williams tract. Some issues are similar; some are quite
- Regarding other outlying properties: The letter requests that there be a
blanket “Expedited Processing” status granted for all UNC and UNC Health
Care System projects. The Town’s
current system involves specific requests being made to the Town Council,
with reasons provided about why special treatment is necessary. This same process applies to other
public bodies as well: Orange
County government and Chapel Hill Carrboro City Schools, for example. The Town Council has not previously
granted a blanket status to all applications from any of these
institutions. This proposal merits
further discussion.
- Regarding the Smith Center Special Use Permit: The letter states that housing needs to
be built on land encumbered by the Smith Center Special Use permit, partly
in order to “delay as long as possible the acquisition of private property
along Mason Farm Road.” The
connection between these two ideas is not explained. Note that the process for modifying the
Smith Center Special Use Permit is already established: The University would need to prepare
and submit an application showing what it wants to do, and the application
would be considered by advisory boards and at a Public Hearing. The letter states that building housing
on the Smith Center site would require removal of the fence that separates
the Smith Center from the adjacent residential neighborhood. This fence was a key point of the
agreement to build the Smith Center.
The letter does not explain why removal of the fence would be
- Regarding New Access to Fordham Boulevard: The letter describes a new access point
to the campus from Fordham Boulevard as “an obvious need.” The case for this new access has not
been persuasively made to the Town Council, and we believe that there is
lack of agreement that the need for this additional access is obvious. The letter notes that construction of
this road would require removal of the fence that separates the Smith
Center from the adjacent residential neighborhood, but does not explain
- The letter offers to provide the Town with annual updates
of project construction schedules.
Some of this information is currently provided on a quarterly basis
through the Coordination and Consultation Committee, and is very helpful.
Finally, we add a note about an
issue not mentioned in the Chancellor’s letter, but discussed at the February
22 meeting of the University Board of Trustees.
Dr. Jeffrey L. Houpt, Dean of the
Medical School, suggested that the configuration of South Columbia Street
between the Ambulatory Care Center and Fordham Boulevard should be
reconsidered. More specifically, he suggested
that it should be widened beyond the two-lane configuration now envisioned by
the Council. In following discussion,
it was suggested that the possible widening of South Columbia Street be
considered as a separate issue.
The Council reached agreement
with the University and the Department of Transportation about the improvement
of South Columbia Street between Manning Drive and Fordham Boulevard. That agreement calls for improvements that
we continue to believe are adequate.
Those improvements are programmed in the 2002-2008 Transportation
Improvement Program for completion in 2005.
If the University wishes to discuss the configuration of South Columbia
Street, we believe such a discussion must be in the context of all the issues
now under consideration between the Town and the University.