TO:                  Town Council Members


FROM:            Mayor Rosemary Waldorf


SUBJECT:              Resolution Endorsing the Regional Transportation Strategy


DATE:            May 7, 2001


The Regional Transportation Strategy was initiated in August 2000, followed by a series of monthly steering committee meetings and work sessions.  A November 2000 briefing identified the magnitude of the region’s unmet transportation needs and summarized costs and potential funding sources.  These needs and strategies are included in the attached report.


The mayors of Chapel Hill, Cary, Durham, and Raleigh are making presentations to elected bodies in the three counties, as Cary Mayor Glen Lang did for us at the Assembly of Governments meeting on April 19, and seeking the endorsement of these bodies.


At this time, the study has been endorsed by the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) and Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro MPO (DCHC), the Raleigh City Council, Wake County Board of Commissioners, and Cary Town Council. Presentations are being made to the Durham City Council on May 7 and to the Durham County Commissioners on May 17.


I am sending a letter and resolution to Mayors Nelson and Johnson and Chairman Halkiotis seeking their bodies' endorsements.


Our hope is to show solidarity within the region among local elected officials for the following goals:


  1. To encourage Triangle legislators in Raleigh to be more supportive in addressing our transportation needs.
  2. To encourage legislators to grant local governments the right to pursue a menu of revenue options to meet these needs long-term.


An additional benefit of this study, in my opinion, is that if we do fall under EPA air quality sanctions (which I believe will happen), we have a legitimate analysis of the problem that will allow us to prioritize projects. Under sanctions, non-roadway options would receive high priority. I believe this is consistent with Chapel Hill's past and present policies.


I request that the Council adopt the attached resolution, endorsing the Regional Transportation Strategy for the Research Triangle Region of North Carolina.




  1. Regional Transportation Strategy for the Research Triangle Region of North Carolina (p. 3).





WHEREAS, the Mayors of Chapel Hill, Cary, Durham, and Raleigh have met and developed a Regional Transportation Strategy for the Research Triangle Region of North Carolina; and,


WHEREAS, the Strategy outlines the challenges ahead for Triangle transportation systems along with possible long-term strategies and funding sources for these challenges; and


WHEREAS, we hope to show solidarity within the region among local elected officials for the following goals: (1) to encourage Triangle legislators in Raleigh to be more supportive in addressing our transportation needs; and (2) to encourage legislators to grant local governments the right to pursue a menu of revenue options to meet these needs long-term;


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill that the Council hereby endorses the Regional Transportation Strategy for the Research Triangle Region of North Carolina.


This the 7th day of May, 2001.