TO: Mayor and Town Council
FROM: W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager
SUBJECT: Request for Sewer Easement Along New Fire Station Site
DATE: May 21, 2001
The attached resolution would authorize the Town Manager to enter into a contract with Capkov Ventures, Inc. regarding the timing of sewer construction and the acceptance of a contribution to plant a buffer along the Us 15-501 side of the fire station lot. It would also authorize the Manager to dedicate to OWASA a utility easement along the side of the new southern fire station.
A copy of Capkov’s proposal is attached.
The construction of the new fire station at the corner of US 15-501 and Bennett Road includes the extension of sanitary sewer and water lines from the east side of US 15-501 to the existing mains on the west side of the highway in Southern Village. These extensions are almost complete.
The land to the south of this site is undeveloped now and has no access to sewer. The potential developers of this land, represented by Capkov Ventures, Inc., are interested in connecting the sewer they would build to the line already bored under US 15-501 at Bennett Road.
The attached letter proposes that Capkov run its sewer line along the edge of US 15-501 from its boundary south of the fire station property to the manhole on the north side of Bennett Road which provides access to the line recently bored under the highway. In order to do so, Capkov needs an easement from the Town over a wedge of land approximately 300’ in length by about 18’ at the wide end, plus a strip across the corner of the lot. (Please see the map attached to the letter.)
The easement would lie in an area already cleared by DOT as a part of its widening of US 15-501. DOT’s construction easement is temporary, but it is expected that a drainage easement and a swale perpendicular to the highway would somewhat limit replanting. The impact of the utility easement would be to prevent any trees being planted in it in the future.
The developers point out that, if they build the sewer line as and when they propose, the Town would have the opportunity to tap into the manhole they must build at the corner of the fire station site. Using this manhole would allow the Town to tie its private PVC lateral into an OWASA line sooner than if we were to cross Bennett Road with the lateral. This configuration would result in a shorter lateral as well as in a road crossing with a ductile iron pipe maintained by OWASA instead of a PVC pipe encased in steel and maintained by the Town. There would likely be a cost savings to the Town, although we cannot comment on Capkov’s estimate nor have we negotiated a negative change order with our plumbing contractor. Finally, the developers have offered $10,000, which would be enough to replant a buffer between the fire station and the highway.
Dedicating this utility easement would require the corner of the fire station lot and the wedge along US 15-501 to remain without trees. OWASA excludes from their easements vegetation with roots that might interfere with sewer lines; if any shrubs are planted that is at the risk of the property owner.
This proposal also would benefit the developers, because it would allow them to run their sewer line to the existing bore under the highway. Boring under the highway would cause disruption at both ends and would probably cost in the neighborhood of $25,000 to $35,000.
That the Council adopt the following resolution authorizing the Town Manager to execute an easement for the utility easement described above, on the condition that Capkov Ventures, Inc. install the crossing of Bennett Road and the related manhole by August 31, 2001; that the manhole be cast to include an invert at the correct elevation for the Town’s sewer line; and that Capkov Ventures pay $10,000 to the Town.
1. May 9, 2001 letter from Capkov Ventures, Inc., with attachments (p. 4).
2. Location Map (p. 7).
WHEREAS, the Town has received an offer from Capkov Ventures, Inc. to cooperate in the provision of sewer service to both the fire station and the 33 acres directly to the south of the station lot; and
WHEREAS, Capkov Ventures has offered to contribute $10,000 to the Town for the reforestation of a buffer between the fire station and the road;
BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill that the Town Manager is authorized to enter into a contract with Capkov Ventures, Inc., regarding the timing of their sewer construction and the configuration of the manhole, accepting $10,000 from Capkov Ventures, Inc., and Capkov’s platting a utility easement for OWASA across the US 15-501 frontage of the site of Fire Station #5.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Council authorizes the granting to OWASA, upon execution of the contract mentioned above and implementation of the work contemplated by the contract, of a utility easement across said frontage as requested by Capkov Ventures, Inc.
This the 21st day of May, 2001.