Recommended Budget 2001-2002
Summary of Changes Between Original 2000-2001 Base Budget and Recommended 2001-2002 Budget
    2000-01 Original Budget 2001-02 Recommended Budget % Change $ Amount of Change Major Components of Changes
Administration 347,735 353,549 1.7% 5,814 6,000 Full year cost of merits plus increases in Worker's Comp and
   Medical Insurance
Emergency 3,270,636 3,429,187 4.8% 158,551
   Operations 31,000 Full year cost of merits plus increases in Worker's Comp and
   Medical Insurance netted with shift of about $275,000 to annexation
89,000 Fleet Use Charages
45,000 Increase in Vehicle Replacement Charges
Life Safety 215,493 230,114 6.8% 14,621
9,000 Full year cost of merits plus increases in Worker's Comp and
   Medical Insurance
7,000 Miscellaneous supplies and equipment
Totals 3,833,864 4,012,850 4.7% 178,986