TO:                  W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager


FROM:            Bruce Heflin, Public Works Director

Kathryn Spatz, Parks & Recreation Director


SUBJECT:       Small Park Improvements Projects


DATE:            May 30, 2001


This memorandum is in response to a recent question concerning the possibility of funding construction of a new play structure at the Culbreth Park subdivision with funds from the Small Park Improvements portion of the 2001-02 Capital Improvements Program (CIP).


Proposed Culbreth Park Play Area: Since the completion of the Culbreth Park subdivision, residents have approached us on a number of occasions, to request the construction of a play area on the Town-owned recreation area. 


The neighbors have specified that their request is not for a large or elaborate structure.  We believe that this site could be suitable for a small play structure after completion of site work to compensate for the slopes on the recreation area, drainage issues, and proximity to the street. It appears that setback and fall zone requirements for any play structure would require clearing, grading, retaining walls, and fencing (or landscape barriers). The costs for this work and installation of play equipment is anticipated to be in the range of $25,000 – 35,000. We have included this project in the annual CIP process for the past 5 years, but it has not been funded because of other priorities.


Current Small Parks Improvement CIP Project Fund: For approximately 10 years, the CIP has annually included $50,000 in new funds for small park improvements.


On July 1, 2000 the Small Park Improvements fund contained approximately $117,000 ($67,000 balance from FY 1999-00 and $50,000 in new funds from FY 00-01 funding). Since the beginning of the fiscal year we have spent or committed $94,093 in funds for various projects leaving a balance of $22,907. This updated figure is less than the estimated $25,000 currently showing for reappropriation in the Manager’s Recommended CIP.


Since July 1, 2000, the following projects have been completed or started:


Installation of irrigation system at Cedar Falls Park $26,900

Repair of flood damage to Bolin Creek Trail 15,000

Installation of entrance signs & landscaping at Community Center    9,875

Repair of path at Homestead Park    6,700

Correct erosion and repair path at Community Center    6,250

Design work for interior and entranceway park signs    5,505

Repair of well at Ephesus Park    4,800

Goals and picnic tables at Community Center & Homestead Park   4,585

Removal of debris from open space    3,800

Installation of storage building at Homestead Park    3,600

Installation of retaining wall at Umstead Park    3,550

Plantings at Elliott Road Park and John Davis Garden   2,130

Installation of fountain at Elliott Road Park       898

Installation of bollards at Community Center       500


            TOTAL            $94,093



Manager’s Recommended Small Parks Improvement CIP Project Fund: No new funding was recommended for the Small Parks Improvement fund in the proposed CIP for FY 2001-02. However, we now propose to revise the CIP budget  as described in another memo that would provide $55,000 for Small Parks Improvements during FY 2001-02.


The following list identifies projects that are being considered for possible implementation during FY 2001-02, using a re-appropriation of approximately $23,000 from the current year’s unspent balance. All project costs are preliminary estimates and may change once the design and bidding processes are complete.


The following list has been prioritized to first favor those projects that deal with immediate safety concerns. The next level of projects would address problems that if left uncorrected would result in safety problems or greater maintenance costs at a later time. The third set of projects would address identified problems and new projects that would improve our parks and provide a higher level of service.


Possible New Projects (prioritized)


Safety Related Projects

Fall surfaces at Hargraves, Oakwood & Umstead Play Areas  $10,000

Bleacher replacement (Cedar Falls/Ephesus)10,000

Repair to erosion problem areas at Cedar Falls & Hargraves4,200


Projects in Need of Immediate Attention

Turf replacement at Homestead Park Athletic/Soccer Fieldsunknown 1

Fence replacement (various sites)20,000

Turf renovation/irrigation at Culbreth20,000

Repair paved paths/trails36,000

Repair paved parking lots109,000


Identified Problems/New Projects

Benches & tables at Community Center2,000

Move Umstead playground30,000

Light poles at Ephesus7,000

Light poles at Culbreth7,000

Cedar Falls playground (replacement)55,000

Replace and add new interior Signs 7,000

Replace bollards10,000

Oakwood shelter/restrooms50,000

Winterize restrooms (Umstead, Homestead, Ephesus, Cedar Falls)20,000         

Water fountain at Community Center1,500

Lighting of entrance sign at Community Center2,000

Internal signs at various locations5,000

Replace bollards10,000

Culbreth Park playground25,000


1.  We expect to complete an evaluation of the turf within the next couple of weeks that will outline options and cost estimates for restoring the turf.




We believe that the Culbreth Park subdivision play area is a worthwhile project that would serve the residents of the neighborhood.


However, unless some other source of funding can be found we recommend that the project be delayed until other more immediate needs have been addressed by our limited Small Parks Improvements funds. We have identified a number of safety and long-term maintenance related projects that we believe should be completed as soon as funds allow.