TO:                  W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager


FROM:            Mary Lou Kuschatka, Transportation Director


SUBJ:              Parking Services Options for 2001-02


DATE:            May 30, 2001



This memo discusses possible changes in the parking services fees.  We have researched several areas and will provide information on some of these.  We will provide additional recommendations on rates at the Parking Deck and Lot 2 as well as recommendations for Lots 3 and 5 within two weeks.




1. The Council asked for a comparison of Town and University parking fees.  The following chart shows the comparisons.


Enforcement Fines

Town of Chapel Hill


1. No Valid Permit



2. Damage; Tampering w/ Meter



3. Parking in Reserved Space



4. Loading/Unloading Zone



5. 24 Hour Parking Limit



6. Counterfeit/Altering Permit



7. Obtaining Permit through Unlawful Means



8 . Fire Lanes; Hydrants



9.  Failure to Display Permit Properly



10. Storage Fee for Towed Vehicles (per day)



11.Temporary Parking Restrictions



12. Handicap Parking Space Violation



13. Bus Stop Violation



14. Travel Lane Violation



15. Parking on Sidewalk/Shrubbery



16. Boot Fee



17. Parking Over Marked Lines




*Plus the actual cost of repairing damage done.


We could adjust our rates to be the same as the University’s if the Council wishes to do so.  The potential revenue generated by such an action likely would be no more than a few thousand dollars annually.  It is possible that higher fees could reduce violations, so that revenues would not increase significantly.


2. A permit could be issued for residential business use on a monthly or annual basis for a fee.


Each address in the residential permit area would be eligible for up to five parking permits per year.  The requirements would be as follows:



The permit would be available for $25.00 per month or $150.00 per year and would be good in the residential permit areas only.


3. A permit could be issued for qualifying service vehicles on a monthly or annual basis for a fee.


Qualifying service vehicles (plumber, electrician, utility, etc.) could apply for a service permit.

The requirements would be as follows:



The definition for essential vehicle is as follows:  The type of business described in the business license normally requires the vehicle to be on-site due to the bulk of items being used in the professional service and/or the need for repeated and frequent trips for tools or parts to and from the vehicle.


The permits would be available for $50.00 per month or $300.00 per year and would allow parking in the 2 hour metered areas.  This permit would not allow parking at the short-term (15 min) meters.


4. Increase the daily rate for “bagging” parking meters.


The parking services division would “bag” a parking meter when necessary for contractors performing renovation work in the downtown area.  The fee that is being charged currently is $10.00 per meter per day.  We are recommending the rate be increased to $15.00 per meter per day.



5. Begin charging a $10.00 replacement fee for lost, stolen, or destroyed residential permits.


The parking services division issues residential and temporary parking permits at no cost to the residents.  We are recommending continuation of this practice, but with a replacement fee of $10.00 for any lost, stolen, or destroyed permits.


6. Evaluating adding parking meters in the downtown area.


We have analyzed the downtown area to ensure that we have parking meters in all areas possible to maximize the parking meter revenues.  We have identified some additional areas for potential meter placement. Theses areas include:


·        North side of West Cameron between Pittsboro St. and Mallette St.

·        South side of West Cameron between Kenan St. and Merritt Mill Rd

·        Wilson St. (off of Cameron)

·        East side of Roberson St. between W. Franklin and W. Cameron


We have asked the traffic engineer to determine the exact number of meters that could be safely located in each area and will bring a proposal to the Council for consideration later this year.