Summary of positions added, by fund, 1981 - 2001


Fiscal year

Positions added

(FT is full-time; PT is part-time)

Positions Deleted

Changes in position status

(FT is full-time; PT is part-time)



General Fund: 4  Human Services workers and Secretary (Human Services Department) ; Police Administrative Assistant; Library Assistant I

General Fund: FT Library Assistant to PT


General Fund: Assistant Town Manager; Secretary II (Manager’s Office); Human Services Coordinator; Library Assistant I (part-time); Library Assistant II (full-time);


Transportation Fund: EZ Rider Driver

General Fund: Deputy Town Attorney; Secretary II (Engineering);  1 Human Services Worker and Human Services Director; 3 Sanitation Collectors; Police Major and Police Lieutenant

General Fund: PT Personnel Analyst to FT


General Fund: Engineering Technician; Groundskeeper (Public Works); 1 Public Safety Officer; Secretary (PT) Parks and Recreation;

General Fund: Administrative Assistant (Parks and Rec)

General Fund: Recreation Specialist (FT to PT);

Transportation Fund: 1 EZ Rider  Driver  and 1 Secretary:  both PT to FT


General Fund: Engineering Inspector

General Fund: Animal Control Officer (Police)

General Fund: Planning Drafting Technician and Secretary (Library) –  PT to FT; 4 Public Safety Officers  converted to  civilian Communications Specialist 


General Fund:PT  Personnel Analyst (Training Officer); 2 Planners and Planning Assistant;  PT Secretary (Engineering); Equipment Operator II; Streets Supervisor; Buildings Program Supervisor; 1 Public Safety Officer;  Parking Enforcement Specialist;  Evidence and ID Technician

General Fund: Assistant Fire Marshall

General Fund:  1 FT Librarian to PT


General Fund: Risk Manager/Property Acquisition Officer (Manager – later transferred to Finance) ; Executive Secretary (Legal); Planner II;  Secretary (Public Works) part-time;  Communications Specialist (Police); Parking Enforcement Specialist (Police) ;  8 Public Safety Officers; Groundskeeper (Parks and Recreation)

Transportation Fund: Transportation Operations Supervisor; 1 full-time and 1 part-time Bus Driver

Landfill Fund: Solid Waste Administrator, 2 Equipment Operators, and Weighmaster

General Fund: Word Processor

Parking Fund: PT Parking Lot Attendant to FT


General Fund: ½ of Planner position split with Transportation; 1 Planner and 1 Secretary II (Planning); Mason (Public Works); Equipment Operator (Public Works); Urban Forrester (PW); Traffic Signal Technician (PW); Administrative Analyst (Parks and Rec);

Transportation Fund:  ½ of Planner position; Groundskeeper; 4 Bus Drivers (3 FT and 1 PT)




General Fund:  Personnel Analyst (Personnel), Secretary (Engineering) and Secretary (Public Works) from PT to FT

Housing: temporary Planner to FT

Landfill: temporary Recycling Coordinator/ Planner to FT

Fiscal year

Positions added

(FT is full-time; PT is part-time)

Positions Deleted

Changes in position status

(FT is full-time; PT is part-time)


General Fund:  part-time File Clerk and Purchasing Assistant (Finance);  part-time Exercise Physiologist (Police)

Transportation Fund: Operations Supervisor and 5 Bus Driver positions (3 FT and 2 PT)

Landfill Fund: Recycling Program Coordinator

Housing Fund: Housing Assistant

General Fund: Planner II



General Fund:  Traffic Engineer

Parking Fund:   Groundskeeper


General Fund: temporary Legal Assistant  to PT; temporary Secretary (Parks and Rec) to PT; Safety and Wellness Coordinator  PT to FT


General Fund: Cost Accountant;  Traffic Signal Technician II;  Police Legal Advisor (PT); 8 Public Safety Officers; 2 Groundskeepers

Transportation Fund:  1 FT and 2 PT Bus Drivers

Landfill Fund: Commercial Recycling Specialist; Secretary II

Housing Fund:   Maintenance Mechanic

General: Risk Manager; Public Safety Director; Sanitation Collector

Transportation Fund:  Planner

General Fund: PT Purchasing Clerk to FT;  FT Long Range Planner to PT; FT Electrical Inspector to FT;  9 Fire Fighter positions converted from Public Safety Officer mid-year to begin conversion from Public Safety System  Parking Fund:  3 positions transferred from General Fund


Transportation: 2 FT and 3 PT Bus Drivers; 2 FT and 7 PT Shared Ride Drivers

General and Transportation Fund: 1 Planner position

Parking:  Garage Manager; Groundskeeper

Landfill:  Landfill Inspector; Recycling Assistant; Sanitation Equipment Operator II

General: 1 Sanitation Equipment Operator;

2 Sanitation Collectors;



General Fund: PT Recreation Specialist; Traffic Laborer; Maintenance Mechanic;  8 PT Library positions (4.21 FTE):  Librarian III, Library Technical Assistant, Library Assistant III and 5 Library Assistant I’s;  2 Police Officers.  6  Fire Equipment Operators (and 6 former Public Safety Officers converted to Fire Fighters)

Transportation Fund: PT Bus Driver

Landfill Fund: Equipment Operator III, Administrative Analyst, Recycling Technician

Housing Fund: Maintenance Clerk

General: Budget Analyst (had never been never Funded); 1 PT Librarian II

General Fund: FT Mayor’s Assistant to PT;  20 hour PT Legal Assistant to 10 hours temporary;  temporary Graphics and Drafting Specialist to PT (Public Works) ; temporary Maintenance Mechanic to PT; conversion of Asst Rec Center Supervisor and Desk Attendant temporary to PT, and Desk Attendant from temporary to FT


General Fund: Computer Technician (Police and Finance); 3 Groundskeepers; Alternative Sentencing Coordinator; Alternative Sentencing Assistant PT; 7  Police Officers Housing Fund Rehabilitation Technician; Landfill Fund: Environmental Engineer, 2 Landfill Equipment Operator; Secretary (PT); Heavy Equipment Mechanic/ Equipment Operator

Transportation Fund: 2 FT and 3 PT Bus Drivers Parking Fund:  Groundskeeper



General: Animal Control Officer;

Legal Assistant

General Fund: PT Building Inspector to FT; PT Alternative Sentencing Program Assistant to FT; conversion of temporary Mail Clerk (Clerk and Personnel) to FT; Maintenance Mechanic PT to FT

Housing Fund: 2 Maintenance Laborers temporary to FT

Fiscal year

Positions added

(FT is full-time; PT is part-time)

Positions Deleted

Changes in position status

(FT is full-time; PT is part-time)


General Fund: PT Cash Control; 4 Police Officers;

Landfill Fund: Landfill Inspector; Recycling Specialist


General: Sanitation Equipment Operator.

Transportation:  3 Bus Drivers (1 Ft and 2 PT); Transportation Supervisor

General Fund: PT  Computer Specialist (½ Police, ½ Finance) to FT;  Buyer and Purchasing Clerk positions FT to PT


General Fund:   Sanitation Inspector; Police Officer; PT Payroll Technician; 


General Fund: temporary GIS Technician to PT

Parking Fund: temporary  Parking Enforcement Officer to FT

Landfill  Fund:  PT Secretary to FT


General Fund:   Zoning Enforcement Officer; Assistant Fire Marshall; 6 Police Officers; 1 Ft and 1 PT Desk Attendant (Parks and Rec:  Hargraves Center);  Administrative Analyst (Public Works - not Funded)

Housing Fund: Housing Officer

Landfill Fund:  Recycling Materials Handler

General Fund: Planner II;  FT Recreation Specialist II (transferred to Orange County) ; PT Recreation Specialist II

Housing Fund:  Rehabilitation Technician

General Fund:  PT Buyer to FT;  hours of PT Purchasing Clerk reduced from 30 to 20; PT Secretary (HR and Clerk) to FT;  Personnel Analyst from FT to PT; 1 FT and 1 PT 20 hour Payroll Technician each to 30 hours;  PT GIS Technician  to FT


General Fund:  Computer Systems Analyst; Long Range Planner; Engineering Inspector; 3 Police Officers;  6 Firefighters;  2  Groundskeepers; Maintenance Mechanic; Crisis Counselor; 3 Construction Workers

Transportation Fund: 4 FT and 3 PT Bus Drivers;

Landfill Fund: 2 Sanitation Equipment Operator


General Fund:  PT Drafting and Graphics Specialist to FT;  PT Police Attorney to FT;

Transportation Fund: temporary Equipment Mechanic and Service Attendant to FT


General Fund:  Lifeguard; Computer Systems Analyst; Building Inspector; Stormwater Engineer; Maintenance Assistant; Sanitation Equipment Operator and Sanitation Collector

Transportation: 1 FT and 2 PT EZ Rider positions

Transportation: 1 FT and 1 PT Bus Driver

General Fund: PT Desk Attendant to FT;  temporary Events Assistant to PT; 3 Library Assistants temporary to PT


General Fund: 3 Firefighters and 3 Fire Captains

Transportation:  Equipment Mechanic and Equipment Service Assistant







General Fund:  Information Technology Analyst; Traffic Technician; 4 Construction Workers; Groundskeeper;  1 Police Officer (School Resource Officer); 6 Police Officers; 3 Firefighters; 3 Fire Equipment Operators;

Transportation Fund: Transit Supervisor; 4 FT Bus Drivers 7/1/2001; 8 FT Drivers 1/2002;  EZ Rider Driver

General: 1 Sanitation Equipment Operator and 3 Refuse Collectors; Police Officer (funding transferred to Finance for Technology Analyst)

General Fund:  PT Payroll Technician to FT;  PT Library Circulation Supervisor to FT; temporary Athletics Specialist to PT

Transportation Fund: 12 PT to 8 FT