Statistics reflecting changes in Town services and demographics
20 year  Statistics 1981-82 1986-87 1991-92 1996-97 2000-2001
Population 32,596 38,684 43,429 48,715
% growth in 20 year period 49%
Square miles 13.34 14.78 18.32 19 20.16
% growth in 20 year period 51%
Miles of streets 92.3 98 118 129 150.93
% growth in 20 year period 64%
Total number of households 10,190 12,639 13,780 15,332 17,808
% growth in 20 year period 75%
Tonnage solid waste 59,000 82,000 131,067 96,506 93,039
% growth in 20 year period 58%
Square feet building area maintained 175,303          208,439 2,312,539 440,754 452,404
% growth in 20 year period 158%
Library books circulated 353,972 427,609 580,821 888,335 730,647
% growth during 20 year period 106%
Reference requests - Library 31,721 66,339 75,599 98,273 105,238
% growth during 20 year period 232%
Reported Crimes         2,027               2,185               2,918               2,749                        2,770
% growth during 20 year period 37%
Calls for Fire service 838 922               1,350 3,026 3,450
% growth during 20 year period (1996 and 2000 include first responder calls) 312%
Building Permits issued 120 328 259 257 491
% growth during 20 year period 309%
Total positions: General Fund  312 319 348 408 463.5
% growth during 20 year period 49%
Ridership (Transportation system) 2,011,512 1,921,696 2,565,029 2,519,036 3,031,684
(% growth in 20 years) 51%
Number of transit routes 9 9 15 15 16
(% growth in 20 years) 78%
Total positions - Transportation Fund 91.75 89 118 129 140.5
(% growth in 20 years) 53%
Total positions:  All Funds 415 419 503 593 653
% growth during 20 year period 57%
15 year statistics 1986-87 1991-92 1996-97 2000-2001
Value of construction permits $43,760,320 $37,048,027 $70,217,822 $124,150,734
% growth during 15 year period 184%
Number of inspections conducted 13,997 5,773 7,938 16,678
% growth during 15 year period 19%
Passenger miles - Transit System 820,006 1,412,157 1,527,336 1,792,619
(% growth in 15 years) 119%
Gallons diesel used 194,826 309,637 312,615 383,765
(% growth in 15 years) 97%
Number of participants - Recreation programs 65,034 71,889 103,400
% growth during 15 year period 59%
Total positions:  All Funds 419 503 593 653
% growth during 20 year period 56%