TO: Mayor and Town Council
FROM: W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager
SUBJECT: Quarterly Status Report on Council Goals and Objectives
b. Fosters sustainable development
c. Provides greater regulatory flexibility for the Council
d. Focuses more attention on the impacts and effects of development proposals
May 7, 2001 Status: At the January 8 Council meeting, the Council received a proposed Scope of Services and Timeline from Development Ordinance consultant Mark White of Freilich, Leitner, and Carlisle. Fundamental to the revision of the Development Ordinance will be:
· Reference to the policies and strategies articulated in the Town’s new Comprehensive Plan.
· Revision of the development review process so that the Council will review a Concept Plan as the first step in every major development application.
· Upgrading of existing development standards, such that current standards on tree protection, environmental protection, and mitigation of stormwater and traffic impacts will be expanded and made more stringent and specific.
The first step in the consultant’s work was a work session held on January 22. Mark White presented the Council with a description of the steps involved in developing a first draft. On April 18, Mr. White held a work session with the Council to present an ordinance outline and a possible fall 2001 draft ordinance.
January 19, 2001 Status: On January 8, 2001, the Manager provided information and alternatives for revising the guidelines and procedures for preparing traffic impact analyses required for development applications. The Council referred the draft guidelines to the Transportation Board, the Planning Board, the Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Board, and local engineering firms for review and comment.
May 7, 2001 Status: Advisory boards have reviewed the proposal, and a report to the Council is scheduled on May 21.
August 27, 2001 Status: On June 11, the Council adopted a resolution to establish a revised traffic impact analysis guidelines and procedures required for development applications and changing the process for conducting traffic impact analyses. The guidelines are to become effective in October 2001. Engineering staff is currently soliciting proposals from consultants to provide the necessary services for the Town.
As part of the June 11 resolution, the Council directed the Manager to select private engineering consulting firms to perform traffic impact analyses for development applications. At the same meeting, the Council adopted a resolution directing the Manager to enter into a contract with LSA Associates, Inc., to complete a comprehensive Mobility Survey at a cost not to exceed $71,000.
March 27, 2000 Action Plan: The Manager will report to the Council in the second quarter of 2000-2001 on options for improving the process.
September 25, 2000 Status: On schedule.
January 19, 2001 Status: During the consultant’s visits with the Council in September and October 2000, the consultant suggested that the special use permit process is by nature inherently adversarial. The special use permit process, with its requirements for quasi-judicial proceedings, forces adversarial positions and limits the Council’s ability to interact with interested parties.
On December 11, 2000, the Council authorized the Manager to negotiate a scope of services for continuing work on the Development Ordinance. A key idea now being considered by the Council is revision of the development review process, to increase input by the Council during the early stages of project review. We continue to believe that the best way to make the process less adversarial is to incorporate procedural changes into the new Development Ordinance. Explicit attention to this issue would be included in any continuing work.
May 7, 2001 Status: The Town Council has discussed this idea with the consultant who is working on the Development Ordinance. The first draft of the new Development Ordinance will be considered by the Council at a Public Hearing on June 20.
August 27, 2001 Status: At the Council's request, the consultant has included a provision in the draft Development Ordinance that would incorporate Council consideration of and reaction to a Concept Plan for large developments. The Council has indicated its interest in early input on a proposal as a means of minimizing controversy in later stages.
March 27, 2000 Action Plan: The Manager will negotiate a contract with UniDev, the consultant selected by the Council, and will submit the contract for Council consideration at its meeting on April 10, 2000. The Manager also will obtain a letter of commitment that will pledge the financial participation of the University and UNC Hospitals in supporting the study, as previously agreed informally, and present such letter to the Council at the same meeting.
September 25, 2000 Status: On April 10, the Council authorized the Manager to execute an agreement with UniDev to conduct an Employer-Employee Housing Study. Both the University and UNC Hospitals have agreed to contribute $33,000 each to help pay the cost, with the remaining $32,000 paid by the Town.
On July 11, the consultants presented Council Members with a Feasibility Analysis for the Rosemary Street Development Project, including a summary of survey results conducted with Town and University employees.
January 19, 2001 Status: On November 13, 2000, the Council authorized the Manager to execute an agreement with UniDev for the provision of additional consulting services in connection with strategic planning for the development of employer-employee housing and associated retail and parking facilities, the development of office space, and the feasibility of the Town proceeding in a development without participation of the University or UNC Health Care System. The agreement has been executed and the consultant has begun work.
May 7, 2001 Status: At the January 19, 2001 Planning Session, the Council extended UniDev’s contract to include three additional items of work: 1) quantifying the demand for office space downtown, 2) providing in-depth work on whether there was a market for employer/employee housing and, 3) an analysis of how the Town could proceed on its own if the University chooses not to participate. The Council held a work session with UniDev on April 30 to receive a follow-up report that recommends proceeding with housing, office, retail, and parking development, contingent on University participation.
August 27, 2001 Status: On July 2, the Council received key conclusions made by the Manager after a review of the consultant’s proposal. Conclusions included: (1) that the Town does not have enough demand from its own employees to provide employee housing on its own; (2) that the University had not provided final comment on the proposal, (as of that date); and (3) preparation of a Downtown Master Plan may be a suitable next step in order to help the partners reach a decision on the project.
The Mayor’s Committee met four times between July and August. Issues discussed by the committee included: (1) the feasibility of partnering with the University; (2) the housing study’s connection to a Master Development Plan; and (3) characteristics of a Request for Proposals for a project for Town Lot #2 or #5 that would most likely attract serious and appealing proposals. The Council has scheduled a work session on the Employer-Employee Housing issue for August 29, where it will discuss these matters and future options for the project.
March 27, 2000 Action Plan: The Council has appointed a special Committee on the Old Post Office to develop proposals for the preservation, enhancement, and future use of the building. The Committee has begun work and will report to the Council as progress is made.
September 25, 2000 Status: The Committee has reviewed the site and has met with the Chief District Court Judge and postal officials. The Manager is conducting further research as directed by the Committee, and the Committee will report to the Council at a future meeting.
January 19, 2001 Status: The Committee reported its conclusions to the Council on December 11. The Council approved a resolution regarding the preservation and future use of the post office, including stipulations to: maintain a U.S. Postal Service office in the building through the negotiation of a long-term lease; continue use of the building by the District Court of the State of North Carolina; and consult with the Orange County Board of Commissioners and appropriate Court officials to develop a long-term plan for Court facilities. In the resolution, the Council also affirmed its intent to continue providing space to the Franklin Street Teen Center unless the space is needed for a more compelling community need.
The Council also directed the Manager to negotiate necessary arrangements with the Court, the Postal Service, and the Downtown Commission to allow installation of a Welcome Center in an area now used by the Postal Service as an employee break room, with final design details and other terms subject to be approved by the Council. The Council directed the Manager to negotiate lease of such space with the Downtown Commission for consideration by the Council.
May 7, 2001 Status: The Council Committee made a presentation to the County Commissioners on March 20 and requested that the Commission consider continued and expanded use of the Old Post Office property.
The Manager has completed informal discussions with the Courts, the Postal Service, and the Downtown Commission regarding development of the Welcome Center. The next step is negotiation of a new lease with the Postal Service. This work may be delayed by the Town-University discussions project.
August 27, 2001 Status: Work on this item has been delayed by the Town-University discussions.
March 27, 2000 Action Plan: The Manager will provide a report on the City of Monrovia downtown redevelopment program in the first quarter of fiscal 2000-2001.
September 25, 2000 Status: On schedule.
January 19, 2001 Status: The January 8, 2001 agenda includes a report on downtown Monrovia. The Council expressed further interest in how Monrovia financed its plan to bring businesses into town, and how the town had financed the purchase of land without using tax dollars.
May 7, 2001 Status: We plan to provide further information on Monrovia’s financing of its downtown vitalization efforts before the Council’s summer recess.
August 27, 2001 Status: The Manager issued a report to the Council on May 21 describing Monrovia’s financing structure. The report summarized the city’s use of tax increment financing and award of various federal grants, which have enabled Monrovia to reinvest in its downtown. North Carolina governments do not have authority for tax increment financing at this time. Monrovia’s potential downtown Assessment District may also generate new revenue by assessing downtown businesses approximately $80 to $100 a month on the basis of their linear street frontage.
March 27, 2000 Action Plan: The Council has adopted a schedule of general priorities for purchase of open space using bond funds. The Manager will prepare a proposal for the Council’s consideration in the fourth quarter of 1999-2000 that would further clarify the Council’s priorities for open space acquisition and propose engagement of a real estate professional to assist the Town in carrying out an acquisition program.
September 25, 2000 Status: On June 12, the Council authorized the Manager to: (1) prepare a map of undeveloped parcels and of publicly-owned land to help the Council provide its guidance on primary areas of interest for acquisition; (2) request the services of Orange County’s staff land acquisitions specialist; and, (3) if such services are not available, present a proposal to the Council to engage the services of a real estate professional. Staff is working to prepare a map of undeveloped parcels and of publicly-owned land to help the Council provide its guidance on primary areas of interest. The map and an accompanying report with recommendations will be presented to the Council in the first quarter of this year.
January 19, 2001 Status: In recent months, the Council has undertaken various initiatives regarding open space. On December 11, the Council approved the acquisition of 9.2 acres adjacent to Little Creek as a Stormwater Management Conservation Area. The acquisition meets the Council’s goals of promoting non-automobile connectivity and/or preserving entranceway corridors, scenic vistas, environmentally sensitive areas, Resource Conservation District land, community open space, and neighborhood open space. The Town has also actively been acquiring land along Dry Creek, and on December 11, the Council authorized the purchase of 34.572 acres of property west of Erwin Road and South of I-40, also with the goal of open space preservation.
May 7, 2001 Status: Orange County has agreed to assist with the acquisition of land along Morgan Creek, as we continue to seek property owners who are interested in selling. One owner has indicated he may be willing to sell a key tract on Morgan Creek, and if agreement can be reached, we will pursue and apply for a Clean Water Management Trust Fund grant. We have continued negotiations for land north of I-40 using the Clean Water Management Trust Fund grant. Duke Power has indicated willingness to deed the Town a key tract along Morgan Creek just west of the Merritt Pasture in exchange for some fencing and/or landscape buffers. We are also still working to acquire a grant to buy land on Dickerson Court, next to Bolin Creek.
August 27, 2001 Status: The Council has authorized the Manager to apply for a Flood Mitigation Assistance grant to purchase four flood-damaged structures on Dickerson Court, using up to $150,000 in Open Space bond funds for the required 25% local match. We have received approval of funding for three of the four properties. Tonight’s agenda includes a resolution that would authorize the Manager to sign a Flood Mitigation Assistance Grant agreement for the purchase and demolition of the three properties.
The Council authorized the Manager to apply for a Clean Water Management Trust Fund grant – using $2 million in Open Space bond funds as a local match – to purchase open space adjacent to Morgan and Wilson creeks. Negotiations on other parcels are close to resolution.
The Council has purchased a 9.2-acre property located on Little Creek, using Housing and Urban Development Disaster Grant of $112,000 and approximately $8,000 of the 1996 Open Space Bond funds for the total purchase price of $120,000.
March 27, 2000 Action Plan: The Council-appointed Technology Committee has been working for more than a year to conduct a review of Town operations. We expect that the Committee will report its findings and recommendations to the Council in the early fall of 2000. We believe that the Committee’s report will be a good beginning point for further discussion of the Council’s goal and development of a follow-up work plan by the Manager.
September 25, 2000 Status: On schedule.
January 19, 2001 Status: Today’s agenda includes a report on the Manager’s Office structure and how the Manager’s Office is using technology to better implement the Council’s goals. On October 23, 2000, the Technology Committee presented a proposed Technology Plan for the Town of Chapel Hill. The Committee, which met 12 times over the year, worked with the Town staff in determining the current system capabilities and future needs.
The plan included recommendations to:
· upgrade network infrastructure;
· transform the Town web site to a one-stop access point for citizen and inter-governmental transactions;
· expand and restructure the Information Technology Group (ITG), making it a separate department that reports to the Town Manager.
We expect to return to the Council in February with a report on budget implications of the Technology Committee’s recommendations.
May 7, 2001 Status: The March 28 preliminary report on the budget included provisions for implementing the first phase of the Town Technology Plan, with costs of $135,000.
On April 9, the Council received a follow-up report from the Citizens’ Technology Committee. The report recommended additional items for consideration in the 2001-2002 budget, including: (1) creating a separate information services department; (2) further upgrading the Town’s web site; and (3) accelerating expanded use of the Geographic Information System (GIS). The Technology Committee recommendations are presented as an option in the Manager’s Proposed Budget.
August 27, 2001 Status: The budget adopted by the Council follows the Technology Plan in phases. Steps planned for FY 2001-2002 include: 1) planning for establishment in fiscal year 2003 of a department for technology, 2) making improvements to the Town web site and 3) increasing GIS capabilities. We have begun to evaluate possible alternatives for locating the proposed Information Technology Department. The Town web site has moved to a faster, more robust server.
May 7, 2001 Status: On April 23, the Council received a Memorandum of Understanding and ordinance amending Chapel Hill’s Development Ordinance that would, if accompanied by similar actions by the Carrboro Board of Aldermen and the Orange County Board of Commissioners, create an Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance for schools in the Chapel Hill/Carrboro City Schools District. The Council deferred action and directed the staff to propose alternate language for consideration. A follow-up report is presented for the Council’s consideration as a separate item on tonight’s agenda.
August 27, 2001 Status: The Council directed the Manager and Attorney to request that staff members from other local jurisdictions and the two school boards meet to consider further the questions and comments made by citizens and Council Members, and to develop a revised recommended program in response. The Council instructed the Manager to forward information on the status of this project to the Development Ordinance consultant for consideration in the development of a proposed new Development Ordinance. A staff committee of planners and attorneys from the local public agencies is continuing to work on this project.
May 7, 2001 Status: The Town Council has directed the Development Ordinance consultant to work on an Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance for streets and roads. The consultant has indicated that this will be included in the draft Development Ordinance that is to be considered by the Town Council on June 18.
August 27, 2001 Status: The Council, through participation in the joint Schools and Land Use Council, and through the participation of its staff and Attorney in intergovernmental work groups, has been pursuing development of an Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance for Schools. The Town Council also directed the Development Ordinance consultant to work on an Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance for streets and roads. Both topics were included in the first draft of a revised Development Ordinance that was considered by the Town Council at a June Public Hearing.
Completion of the Schools Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance has been delayed by unresolved differing perspectives among the five parties that would need to come to agreement. Work continues, and a status report is to be brought to the Town Council in September. We believe that the work on the Schools component, for which the most work has been done, provides a conceptual framework that could then be expanded to include consideration of other components of infrastructure. Accordingly, we have suggested that the second draft of the revised Development Ordinance, which is to come to the Council for Public Hearing on September 20, delete these two sections for now, with text reserved pending the outcome of discussions on the Schools Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance.
May 7, 2001 Status: A section of the Chapel Hill Data Book, published on January 30, 2001, includes 30 indicators to monitor progress on the Comprehensive Plan. This section will become a standard component of future Data Books, and the indicators will be updated each year. At the Council Planning Session on January 19, Council Members Brown and Ward agreed to work on this issue as well.
August 27, 2001 Status: Chapel Hill Data Book information will become increasingly valuable with each additional year as a tool to track progress on topics related to sustainability. We also note that 2000 Census data are becoming available. We recently prepared a summary booklet reporting on trends that can be gleaned from the Census data.
May 7, 2001 Status: Efforts at improving pedestrian safety will involve all divisions of the Police Department. We will return to the Council prior to the summer recess with a report on enforcement efforts.
August 27, 2001 Status: The work schedules for the traffic enforcement unit have been changed to allow for more effective enforcement coverage. Statistics indicate that the majority of accidents occur prior to 8 p.m. The Police Department has shifted late-night traffic enforcement responsibilities (including DWI enforcement) to the regular patrol platoons. Traffic officers will focus on roadway safety between the hours of 6 a.m. through 8 p.m., Monday through Friday. Community safety outreach projects will be held on Saturdays throughout the fall.
Most citizen requests for traffic enforcement in their neighborhoods are for morning and evening rush hour patrols. The change in schedules allows the police to conduct a greater number of directed patrols in response to these requests.
Beginning in late August, the department will conduct a special 30-day traffic enforcement program that will include a safety demonstration at University Mall, enforcement in school zones and residential streets near schools, and the use of overtime funds to pay additional officers to monitor and enforce traffic violations.
May 7, 2001 Status: We have begun preliminary discussions with a consultant who has experience in this area and will work to develop a proposal for the Council’s consideration prior to the summer recess.
August 27, 2001 Status: On June 11, the Council approved a contract with McKoy and Associates to conduct diversity training with all Town employees and to conduct a study of the Town’s work environment. Training sessions have begun, with survey results expected to be presented in a report in November.
May 7, 2001 Status: Work has begun on two phases of this goal:
(a) A study of the available technology, and;
(b) A study of the potential impact on traffic signals and the feasibility of such a project.
We will return to the Council in September with a follow-up report on these issues.
August 27, 2001 Status: On June 11, the Council received a report on traffic signal timing during peak hours. The report explained that Town and State staff continue to work on getting the best possible performance from our traffic signal system at all times of day and night, including peak periods. We regularly monitor and evaluate all traffic signal locations in Chapel Hill and Carrboro for proper operation.
We have initiated discussions with the N.C. Department of Transportation regarding a comprehensive traffic signal upgrade. This upgrade would include state-of-the-art controllers and fiber optic communication cables, which we would expect to result in a more efficient and reliable system.
We are preparing a report that will be presented to the Council in the fall regarding the utility and feasibility of using bus transponders in Chapel Hill.
May 7, 2001 Status: The Town of Cary has provided us with information on its Fiber Optic Overlay Project. The project involves construction a fiber optic network at the curb along all of Cary’s 450 street miles. The network would contain numerous fibers that could be leased on a long-term basis to companies providing entertainment (cable television), data/internet, and telephony services. The goal is to have multiple service providers to bring competition to these services and trigger lower rates and higher level of services to citizens. On January 11, the Cary Town Council directed staff to proceed with negotiations with Piedmont Communications Service, Inc., for a cable franchise agreement and broadband fiber network. We will continue to monitor developments on Cary’s fiber optic overlay project.
In Chapel Hill, Town staff is participating in discussions with other Orange County agencies to explore the possibility of developing a community-wide network structure. The general objectives of the process are to take advantage of coordinated efforts in deploying networks, gain economies of scale, and improve accessibility and performance of our network infrastructure.
The University has been involved in the community-wide network discussions. The University has tentatively pledged its expertise in high performance networking to enable sharing economies of scale and other mutual benefits in the acquisition and operation of such infrastructure.
August 27, 2001 Status: We understand that Cary has settled administrative issues and that the vendor has finished design of most of the system. The Cary Town Council has not yet held a vote on a franchise agreement with Piedmont Communication Service, but will have a public hearing prior to vote. We will continue to monitor progress of this issue.
May 7, 2001 Status: Work on this issue has been deferred because of the commitment of resources to the Town-University discussions project. We will begin research this summer through an intern and will report progress at the end of the next quarter.
August 27, 2001 Status: Work on this issue has been deferred because of the commitment of resources to the Town-University discussions project.
May 7, 2001 Status: The Town Council has directed the Development Ordinance consultant to work on this issue. The consultant has indicated that this will be included in the draft Development Ordinance that is to be considered by the Town Council on June 18.
August 27, 2001 Status: The Town Council directed the Development Ordinance consultant to work on this issue. The consultant has prepared a draft set of minimum and maximum parking requirements that reflect the Council’s adopted Comprehensive Plan and recent policy statements of the Council. The new draft minimum and maximum requirements will be part of the substantive changes proposed to the Development Ordinance that will be presented to the Council and considered at a September 20 Public Hearing.
May 7, 2001 Status: Staff from Public Works and Parks and Recreation have met with representatives of GGA Architects to discuss the upcoming renovations. The tentative timeline includes:
· April-June 2001: Project Design
· July-August 2001: Advertisement for bids and bid award
· September 2001-April 2002: Construction
· May 2002: Reopen the facility.
August 27, 2001 Status: Due to delays in the architect selection process and initial research of swimming pool and other issues, construction may be delayed until early 2002.
May 7, 2001 Status: We will return to the Council before the summer recess with a report on the use of security monitors and auxiliary personnel.
August 27, 2001 Status: Ten (10) additional security monitors began service on July 20, bringing the total to 20 monitors. These additional monitors have been assigned to the Hargraves Center, the Central Business District (CBD), and the Town's parks and greenways. The first priority for additional patrols is the Hargraves Center and the CBD. The department has implemented a plan to hire at least 10 more monitors during the year to expand the coverage to more of the Town's park facilities.
As of August 1, the department had seven vacant police officer positions. Though we conduct an open recruitment for reserve officers, our priority has been to focus on filling the department's full-time vacancies.
May 7, 2001 Status: We understand that the Council will appoint a committee to address this goal.
August 27, 2001 Status: No change.
May 7, 2001 Status: On March 26, the Council adopted a resolution directing the Southern Community Park Conceptual Plan Committee to include a dog park, one acre or larger in size, in its final recommended concept plan. The Council also directed the Manager to begin work on a dog park of approximately 20,000 square feet at Homestead Park, using $14,000 in existing 1996 Parks bonds allocated for the Homestead Park project. Staking of the park has been accomplished, with completion expected later this spring. In addition, we should soon be able to recommend a more specific location for a dog park at the Meadowmont School-Park site.
August 27, 2001 Status: We have completed work on the Homestead Park dog park, which is now accessible and fenced, and signs, benches, and water access are all in process. On June 11, the Council approved a conceptual site plan for the Meadowmont School-Park site that did not include a dog park.
The Southern Community Park Conceptual Plan Committee has included a dog park area in its plans. The Committee has a public forum scheduled for September 6 to seek community input on all potential amenities and anticipates a second public hearing later in the fall, with a Council presentation anticipated for early in 2002.