TO: Mayor and Town Council
FROM: W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager
SUBJECT: Report on Flooding at the Umstead Park Play Area
DATE: August 27, 2001
This memorandum discusses options and recommends that the Southern Community Park Conceptual Plan Committee investigate the possibility of relocating the Umstead Park play structure to the proposed southern park. Resolution A would refer the issue to the Southern Community Park Committee for their consideration.
Resolution B would authorize the Manager to move the play structure to the location adjacent to the picnic shelter in Umstead Park at such time as funds are available.
Resolution C would authorize the Manager to move the play structure to Cedar Falls Park at such time as funds are available.
On March 5 we presented a report that discussed options for dealing with loss of sand at Umstead Park due to flooding. At that time we recommended that we continue to operate the Umstead Park play structure in its current location and, if necessary, replace the sand after the next flood event(s). We also recommended that the Council consider a site analysis, redesign and reconstruction of the park at such time as funds are available and before the present structure needs to be replaced. At that time we noted that the play structure could be moved to either Cedar Falls Park or the proposed Southern Community Park. The Council took no action pending the receipt of additional information requested by a Council member related to the possibility of moving the Umstead Park play structure between the picnic shelter and volleyball court.
The Umstead Park play structure is the Town’s best wheelchair accessible play structure. It has two access ramps and a series of play stations on the upper deck that are fully accessible. The ground level portions are not accessible due to the sand fall surface. The play structure seems to provide adequate levels of service to wheelchair bound and fully mobile pre-school age children. However, the structure has several drawbacks:
Flooding Issues: We believe that in an ideal situation we would move all of the park’s play structures and picnic facilities out of the floodway. All of the options below would partially accomplish that goal. However, we believe that Option 1, which would result in a move to a site adjacent to the Umstead Park picnic shelter, would leave the structure at least partially at risk for additional flooding. A larger flood than those experienced in the past 20 years could affect the proposed site. If a smaller structure were located in the same area it would be less likely to be flooded because of its smaller footprint.
Fall Surfaces: The Town traditionally uses wood fiber fall surfaces at most of our play areas because it is wheelchair accessible to a limited degree and does not scour paint off of the play structures as does sand. We use sand at the Umstead play area because it withstands flooding better than wood fiber.
If the play structure is moved we believe that we should investigate the possibility of changing the type of fall surface to a mix of wood fiber and poured-in-place resilient surface in order to increase wheelchair access to the lower portion of the structure and reduce maintenance costs. We also recommend that poured-in-place fall surfaces be partially used for the replacement structure if Council selects Options 2 or 3.
A partial poured-in-place resilient fall surface could be substituted for the usual wood fiber fall surface for about $15 per square foot. Total costs for this type of surfacing cannot be determined until we have a final design, but the total cost of any resilient surface would depend on how large an area was covered. For example, the Community Center and Homestead Park play structures have only partial coverage with poured-in-place with the remainder being wood fiber. We estimate the cost of poured-in-place could range from $10,000 –20,000 per unit.
Budget Issues: We believe that all of the options for moving the Umstead Park play structure would cost approximately $30,000 – 35,000. These estimates include allowances for the relatively more expensive site work anticipated at Umstead Park and the higher transportation costs likely for Southern Community Park and Cedar Falls Park. This estimate does not include the anticipated $5,000 – 15,000 cost of adding play features to and near the structure to accommodate fully mobile school age children.
In addition, we believe that the cost of replacing the Umstead Park play structure with a smaller unit (Options 2 and 3 below) would cost about $30,000 – 40,000. (It is important to note that new play structures will likely be needed for both Cedar Falls Park to replace the aging wooden structure, and the proposed Southern Community Park in the near future). Project budgets would have to be increased by about $10,000 – 20,000 per structure if poured-in-place surfaces are used.
Currently, there are no identified funds that can be used for this project. We believe that the Council should consider this project in the FY 2002-03 Capital Improvements Program budget process.
If the Council chooses to move the structure to the Southern Community Park site we believe that with the permission of the Board of Orange County Commissioners it may be possible to use 1997 Orange County Parks bond funds to finance the move of the current structure and its expansion. Approximately $30,000 – 40,000 in Town funds would be needed for a replacement structure at Umstead Park.
Move Umstead Structure |
Replace Umstead Structure |
Expand Current Structure |
Poured-in- Place Surface |
Option 1: Move Structure within Umstead Park |
$30,000-35,000 |
$0 1 |
$0 2 |
$10,000-20,000 3 |
$40,000-55,000 |
Option 2: Move Structure to Southern Community Park |
$30,000-35,000 |
$30,000-40,000 |
$5,000-10,000 |
$20,000-40,000 |
$85,000-125,000 |
Option 3: Move Structure to Cedar Falls Park |
$30,000-35,000 |
$30,000-40,000 |
$5,000-10,000 |
$20,000-40,000 |
$85,000-125,000 |
Below are three options for your consideration:
Option 1: Move the Structure to the Area Between the Volleyball Court and the Picnic Structure: We looked at the area between the picnic shelter and volleyball court as a possible location for the play structure and found that such a move would be technically feasible. A professional installer of playground structures evaluated the site and determined that the structure could be located in an area that has been observed to be just above the highest velocity floodwaters to just below the existing picnic shelter/restroom. In order to accomplish the move the site would have to be graded, a retaining wall built, sidewalks extended, new wood fiber fall surface installed, and the existing structure disassembled and rebuilt. The contractor estimated that the total cost for such a move would be about $31,500.
This option would have the following benefits:
· An obstruction would be removed from the Bolin Creek floodway. The structure would still be within the Resource Conservation District, but outside the floodway and in a location that would not be subject to rapidly moving water in all but the largest floods.
· The need to replenish sand after each flood event would be eliminated (except in the case of a larger flood than experienced in the past 20 years)
· There would be no transportation costs related to moving the structure.
· The move would allow us to renovate the structure and replace any components that no longer meet current safety standards.
· We could reclaim and revegetate the area where the play structure is currently located in order to prevent future erosion.
The option would have the following costs:
· The estimated cost of moving the structure is approximately $31,500, including $12,000 for grading and a retaining wall.
· The cost would increase by $10,000 –20,000 if poured-in-place surfacing were used.
· The site would still be at risk for flooding, although for the area to be affected the flood events would have to be larger than we have experienced in the past 20 years. The move would still leave the swings and spring toys in the high-risk flood prone area.
· A move to this location would not leave enough room to enhance the structure to make it more attractive to non-disabled school age children.
· This project would require funding that could be used for other projects.
Option 2: Move the Structure to the Proposed Southern Community Park and Add a New Smaller Structure at Umstead Park: One possibility would be to move the structure to the site of the proposed Southern Community Park. The play structure could then be upgraded to better serve both wheelchair bound and fully mobile children.
A smaller play structure with elements useable for both wheelchair bound and fully mobile children could be erected at Umstead Park. The new smaller structure could be located either adjacent to the picnic shelter or in another location if the park is redesigned. Costs would depend on which course of action is followed. However, we believe that a smaller, new structure could be erected out of the high-risk flood area for about $30,000 – $40,000.
This option would have the following benefits:
· An obstruction would be removed from the Bolin Creek floodway.
· The structure could be moved to a location that would allow us to expand and upgrade the equipment to better serve both wheelchair bound and fully mobile children.
· The structure could be logically located at the beginning of the design process for the new park with room for expansion programmed into the move.
· We could replace the Umstead Park equipment with a smaller unit more suited to the site.
· The cost of the move and expansion could be incorporated in any future budget for development of the Southern Community Park.
· The move would allow us to renovate the structure and replace any components that no longer meet current safety standards.
· We could reclaim and revegetate the area where the play structure is currently located in order to prevent future erosion.
The option would have the following costs:
· There would be added transportation costs associated with moving the equipment from Umstead Park to the Southern Community Park site, although these costs might be offset by lower site preparation costs.
· An additional $5,000 – $15,000 would be required to add play features for fully mobile school age children.
· The move could not be accomplished until the first phase of construction of the new park.
Option 3: Move the Structure to Cedar Falls Park and Add a New Smaller Structure at Umstead Park: The play structure at Cedar Falls is our oldest play structure and should be replaced as soon as budget allows. The Umstead Park play structure could be moved to this location and then upgraded to better serve both wheelchair bound and fully mobile children. However, the Umstead play structure is larger than the current Cedar Falls structure. The size difference would result in the need to remove a number of trees at Cedar Falls Park, although we believe that no specimen trees would be lost.
As with Option 2 above, a smaller play structure with elements useable for both wheelchair bound and fully mobile children could be erected at Umstead Park for about $30,000 – $40,000.
This option would have the following benefits:
· An obstruction would be removed from the Bolin Creek floodway.
· The structure could be moved to a location that would allow us to expand and upgrade the equipment to better serve both wheelchair bound and fully mobile children.
· This option would allow us to replace the aging equipment at Cedar Falls Park.
· The move would allow us to renovate the structure and replace any components that no longer meet current safety standards.
· We could replace the Umstead Park equipment with a smaller unit more suited to the site.
· We could reclaim and revegetate the area where the play structure is currently located in order to prevent future erosion.
The option would have the following costs:
· There would be added transportation costs associated with moving the equipment from Umstead Park to Cedar Falls Park, although these might be partially offset by lower costs for site preparation.
· An additional $5,000 – $15,000 would be required to add play features for fully mobile school age children.
· The move to Cedar Falls Park would require some tree loss.
We continue to believe that the best long-term solution would be a site analysis, redesign and reconstruction of Umstead Park. This would allow us to move park elements, including the play equipment to more logical locations. However, this would be a major capital expense and would need to be programmed in some future year.
In the nearer term we believe that we should explore the possibility of finding a site for the play structure at the proposed Southern Community Park. It should be possible to find a site that would allow us to expand the structure and associated play equipment. This would allow us to improve both its handicap accessibility and the play experience for fully mobile children of school age. Such a variety of equipment would encourage the integration of disabled and fully mobile children.
We believe that more space could be designated at the proposed Southern Community Park than at either Umstead Park or Cedar Falls Park, thus, allowing us to make better use of this large structure. There would be room to add attractions for fully mobile children in the immediate area, which would encourage integration of handicapped and fully mobile children. In addition, the Southern Community Park budget could include the costs of moving and installing the play structure. No other funds are available now to move the structure to the alternative site, or to provide a smaller structure for Umstead Park.
At the present time, because of our limited capital resources and because of the heavy use the structure experiences in its present location, we recommend that we continue to operate the play structure where it is and replace the sand after each flood event.
Parks and Recreation Commission’s Recommendation: The Commission voted unanimously (9-0) to recommend that the Southern Community Park Conceptual Plan Committee consider the possibility of moving the playground currently at Umstead Park to Southern Community Park and that a smaller playground apparatus be placed out of the floodway in Umstead Park.
Manager’s Recommendation: That the Council adopt Resolution A authorizing the Manager to continue to operate the Umstead Park play structure in its current location. Resolution A also refers the matter to the Southern Community Park Conceptual Plan Committee.
Resolution B would authorize the Manager to move the play structure to the location adjacent to the picnic shelter in Umstead Park at such time as funds are available.
Resolution C would authorize the Manager to move the play structure to Cedar Falls Park at such time as funds are available.
1. Parks & Recreation Commission recommendations (p. 11).
WHEREAS, the play structure at Umstead Park is located in the Bolin Creek floodplain and has been repeatedly damaged by flooding; and
WHEREAS, it would be in the best interest of the Town to relocate the structure out of the floodway; and
WHEREAS, the Town is currently preparing a conceptual plan report for the proposed Southern Community Park.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council that the proposal to relocate the Umstead Park play structure to the Southern Community Park be referred to the Southern Community Park Conceptual Plan Committee for possible inclusion in the Committee’s report.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Council that the Manager is authorized to continue to operate the Umstead Park play structure in its current location until such time as the structure can be relocated.
This the 27th day of August, 2001.
WHEREAS, the play structure at Umstead Park is located in the Bolin Creek floodplain and has been repeatedly damaged by flooding; and
WHEREAS, it would be in the best interest of the Town to relocate the structure out of the floodplain; and
WHEREAS, a site adjacent to the picnic shelter is large enough to contain the structure.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council that the Manager is authorized to relocate the Umstead Park play structure within Umstead Park and adjacent to the picnic shelter at such time as funds become available for such a move.
This the 27th day of August, 2001.
WHEREAS, the play structure at Umstead Park is located in the Bolin Creek floodplain and has been repeatedly damaged by flooding; and
WHEREAS, it would be in the best interest of the Town to relocate the structure out of the floodplain; and
WHEREAS, the play structure at Cedar Falls is nearing the end of its useful life.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council that the Manager is authorized to relocate the Umstead Park play structure to Cedar Falls Park at such time as funds become available for such a move.
This the 27th day of August, 2001.