TO:                  Mayor and TownCouncil


FROM:            W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager


SUBJECT:       Proposed Schedule for 2004-2010 Transportation Improvement Program


DATE              September 10, 2001


This memorandum reviews the anticipated schedule for preparing the 2004-2010 Transportation Improvement Program. The attached resolution would call a Public Forum for Monday, October 22, 2001.




The Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization has proposed a tentative schedule for developing the 2004-2010 Transportation Improvement Program (Attachment 1). This schedule includes the development of local transportation project priority lists, a regional transportation priority list and a final Metropolitan and State Transportation Improvement Program.




Chapel Hill Priority List:


We suggest the following schedule for the Council’s consideration:



Regional Priority List:


We note that the tentative schedule prepared by the Metropolitan Planning Organization proposes that the Transportation Advisory Committee release the draft Regional Transportation Project Priority List in December, 2001 and hold a public hearing on January 9, 2002. This schedule would not allow the Town Council to hold a public hearing on the draft Regional List and prepare comments prior to the January 9, 2002 Transportation Advisory Committee public hearing.


We believe that the Transportation Advisory Committee could delay their public hearing until February, 2002 to allow for Chapel Hill to prepare comments on the draft Regional Priority List. We believe this would still allow adequate time for negotiations with the North Carolina Department of Transportation and would not delay the preparation of the draft State 2004-2010 Transportation Improvement Program. If the Transportation Advisory Committee delayed the public hearing until February we would propose the following schedule for reviewing the draft Regional Priority List:





Manager’s Recommendation: That the Council adopt the attached resolution scheduling a public forum for October 22, 2001, and requesting that the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Transportation Advisory Committee schedule their public hearing on the draft Regional Priority List for February, 2002.




  1. FY 2004-2010 MTIP Development Schedule (p. 4).





WHEREAS, the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization has proposed a schedule for developing the 2004-2010 State and Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Programs; and


WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Planning Organization has requested local governments prepare transportation project priority lists for use in the development of a Regional Transportation Priority List;


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Towon of Chapel Hill that the Council schedules a public forum on the 2004-2010 Chapel Hill Transportation Project Priority List at 7:00 pm on October 22, 2001 in the Council Chambers, 306 N. Columbia Street.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Council requests that the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Transportation Advisory Committee hold its public hearing on the draft Regional Priority List in February, 2002 to allow for adequate local comment.


BE IT FURTR RESOLVED that the Council schedules a public forum on the 2004-2010 Regional Priority List at 7:00 pm on January 14, 2002 in the Council Chamber, 306 N. Columbia Street.



This the 10th day of September, 2001.