TO:                  Mayor and Town Council


FROM:            W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager


SUBJECT:       Greene Tract Process


DATE:             September 10, 2001



On August 27, 2001, the Council began discussions related to the process for disposition of the remaining 109 acres of the Greene tract.  At that time, the Council indicated its intent to develop specific direction regarding the disposition of the property at its September 10, 2001 meeting.  This memorandum offers additional information regarding the current policy of the Town Council regarding the Greene tract, as contained in the Comprehensive Plan.




On August 27, 2001, the Town Council adopted a resolution modeled after a resolution approved by the Orange County Board of Commissioners, affirming a process for deciding how to manage disposition of the remaining 109 acres of the Greene tract (please see Attachment 1, memorandum of August 27, 2001).  The Council appointed Council Members Kevin Foy and Bill Strom to be Chapel Hill’s representatives on an interjurisdictional working group that will develop recommendations for the ultimate uses and disposition of the property.


At that time, the Council also indicated a desire to develop more specific direction for the Council’s representatives to bring to the working group discussions.


A memorandum provided by Council Member Joyce Brown, dated September 10, 2001, is also included as Attachment 2.




The Town’s Comprehensive Plan, adopted May 8, 2000, offers a starting point for discussion of the Greene tract.  The Land Use Plan included in the Comprehensive Plan shows the tract as Housing/Open Space.  The text of the Comprehensive Plan states,


“A mix of uses, including a neighborhood center, park, high-density residential development, and possible non-disposal solid waste management facilities is shown on the Greene tract in the Northwest Area.” (p. 63).


In addition, the Comprehensive Plan notes this site is appropriate for higher density residential development (up to 15 units per acre):


“Residential development on the Greene tract should be combined with provision of open space and recreational facilities using principles of conservation development.”  (p. 66).


In addition, Appendix B to the Comprehensive Plan includes information prepared by a class at the Department of City and Regional Planning that reviewed the Northwest Area Plan not adopted by the Council, and provided options with regard to the future development of the Northwest Area.  The class project provided three options for development:  a conventional suburban development scenario, a village center scenario, and a cluster development scenario.  These options might provide information of use to the new working group.  The Appendix notes that the Comprehensive Plan includes a recommendation to:


“pursue higher density residential development of the Greene tract to expand housing choice, combined with the provision of open space and recreational facilities for the benefit of Northwest Area residents.”  (p. B-16).


Also relevant to the Council’s policy discussion tonight is the pending amendment to the Joint Planning Area Land Use Plan and Map.  On April 11, 2001, Carrboro, Chapel Hill, and Orange County held a joint planning public hearing to consider amending the Joint Planning Area Land Use Plan and Map for Chapel Hill’s northern transition area to conform to the Land Use Plan adopted by the Town Council on May 8, 2000.  On May 7, 2001, the Town Council adopted a resolution approving a Land Use Plan designation for the Greene Tract as Housing/Open Space.   The amendment has not yet been made effective; final approval by the Orange County Board of Commissioners has not yet taken place and is still needed.




The Town’s Comprehensive Plan indicates the intent of the Council to use the remaining portion of the Greene tract for housing and open space purposes.  The Council reaffirmed this intent in its resolution of May 7, 2001 concerning the Joint Planning Amendment to the Joint Planning Land Use Plan and Map.  This brief review of the Council’s prior policy statements as contained in the Comprehensive Plan is offered to assist the Council as it discusses specific direction to the Council’s representatives on the working group.




  1. Memorandum to Council of August 27, 2001, concerning Greene Tract Process (p. 4).
  2. Memorandum to Council from Council Member Joyce Brown, September 10, 2001 (p. 10).




WHEREAS, the Council on August 27, 2001, adopted a resolution affirming a process for resolving the disposition of the remaining 109 acres of the Greene Tract, including the establishment of an interjurisdictional working group; and


WHEREAS, the Council desires to give specific direction for the Council’s representatives to bring to the working group discussions;


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill:


                        (to be inserted)




This the 10th day of September, 2001.