BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill that the Council hereby adopts the following resolutions and ordinances as submitted by the Town Manager in regard to the following:
a. |
Adoption of Closed Session Minutes. |
b. |
Schedule for Considering Petition to Rezone Parcel at South Columbia Street and Old Pittsboro Road (R-3). |
c. |
Recommended Reclassification of Therapeutic Recreation Specialist Position (O-1). |
d. |
Multi-Way Stop Signs at the Intersection of Hamilton Road and Prestwick Road (O-2). |
e. |
Resolution to Increase Cablevision Public Access Fees by the Amount of the Inflation Factor (R-4). |
f. |
Closure of a Segment of Hillcrest Road Right-of-way (R-5). |
g. |
Closure of a Segment of the Ridgewood Lane Right-of-way (R-6). |
h. |
Authorization for Manager to Approve Change Orders on Fire Station #5 Construction Contract (R-7). |
i. |
Resolution Accepting Bid for Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (R-8) (O-2.1). |
j. |
Resolution Authorizing Appointment Process for Two (2) Community Representatives to Assist the University in Planning and Programming the Arts Common (Mayor Waldorf) (R-9). |
k. |
Budget Amendment for Orange County Library Support (O-3). |
l. |
Recommended Amendment to Personnel Ordinance Concerning Time Limits for Employee Grievance Appeals (O-4). |
m. |
Ordinance Amendment to Change Language in Town Code from “Personnel” to “Human Resources” (O-5). |
n. |
Traffic-Calming Measures for Mason Farm Road (R-10); (O-6a); (O-6b). |
o. |
Resolution Authorizing Disposition of Surplus Property (R-11). |
p. |
Resolution Scheduling a Hearing on Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance for Schools (R-12). |
q. |
Deleted. |
r. |
Town Annexation Issues: a. Resolution Identifying Areas as Being Under Consideration for Possible Future Annexation (R-13). b. Overview of Areas Under Consideration for Possible Annexation. |
This the 26th day of November, 2001.