AGENDA #7 (11-19-01,




TO:                  Mayor andTown Council


FROM:           W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager


SUBJECT:       Report of the Stormwater Utility Development and Implementation Study Committee


DATE:             November 26, 2001



The report presented tonight by the Stormwater Utility Development and Implementation Study Committee provides information and recommendations regarding inter-jurisdictional stormwater management opportunities and establishment of a local stormwater utility (Attachment 1).




At its meeting on February 12, 2001, the Council received an interim report from the Stormwater Utility Development and Implementation Study Committee.  This report provided the Council with status information on the Committee’s efforts. The report also requested that the Council expand the Committee’s original charge to include further investigation of inter-jurisdictional stormwater issues on a watershed-wide basis with the goal of achieving regional consensus and cooperation where practicable.


The Council responded by directing the Committee to continue working on inter-jurisdictional issues in addition to developing recommendations regarding a stormwater utility to serve Chapel Hill and possibly adjoining areas.




The Committee concluded that the Town and southern Orange County have significant stormwater and floodplain management concerns, water quality issues and flooding problems that need to be addressed comprehensively.  The Committee suggests that a comprehensive response should include two key elements, as follows:


1.          Formal discussions should be established with neighboring jurisdictions/organizations including the Town of Carrboro, unincorporated Orange County, the University, and the Orange Water and Sewer Authority to establish cooperative efforts regarding identification/elimination of illegal discharges, public education, floodplain mapping, and soil erosion/sedimentation control.


2.   A stormwater utility should be developed and implemented to provide funds for necessary stormwater management program enhancements and continuing services. These funds would replace or supplement expenditures currently made from the General Fund, the Capital Improvements Program and bond funds for stormwater management, drainage maintenance, water quality monitoring and floodplain management programs and services.


The committee determined that it did not have the necessary expertise to develop a detailed proposal for a Chapel Hill Stormwater Utility.  It recommends that the Town use professional consulting services to develop the details of, and an implementation schedule for, a proposed Town stormwater utility.   If the Council decides to hire a consultant for this endeavor, the Committee also suggests that the Council create a citizen’s Stormwater Action Committee (SWAC) to work with the consultant and Town staff in developing the detailed stormwater utility proposal for the Council’s consideration.  




The Committee concluded that the Town and southern Orange County have significant stormwater and floodplain management concerns, water quality issues and flooding problems that need to be addressed comprehensively.  To address these issues, the Committee recommends that the Council take appropriate actions to improve inter-jurisdictional cooperation and to create a Town stormwater utility.




That the Council adopt the attached resolution thanking the Committee for its work, and receiving and referring the Committee report to the Manager and Attorney for recommendations regarding further Council action(s).




1.  Report from the Chapel Hill Stormwater Utility Development and Implementation Study Committee (begin new p. 1).




WHEREAS, the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill established a committee to study development and implementation of a local stormwater utility to serve the Chapel Hill community and possibly adjoining areas; and


WHEREAS, the Council further charged the committee to investigate cooperative opportunities for inter-jurisdictional stormwater management; and


WHEREAS, the committee has completed its work and has prepared a final report and recommendations for the Council’s consideration.


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill that the Council thanks the following members of the Stormwater Utility Development and Implementation Committee for their work and service in preparing the report and recommendations regarding important stormwater management issues facing Chapel Hill and adjoining areas:


Phil Berke

Paula Gee Davis, P.E.

Ren Ivans

Ed Holland

Mike Hammersley, P.E.

Julie McClintock

James T. Mergner, P.E. (Chair)

Sharon Myers

Judith K. Weseman, P.E.

Roy Williford

Robin Vincent

Al Lindsay

Mia Burroughs


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Council hereby receives and refers the Stormwater Utility Development and Implementation study Committee Final Report to the Manager and Attorney for recommendations regarding further Council action(s).


This the 26th day of  November, 2001.